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Israel Deploys Nuclear Weapons on German-Built Submarines

You left out Turks. Or are we supposed to think Turks are included in your list?

This is good joke material but perhaps it should be in the "Members' Club" forum, not here...

He was making fun of the guy who said Nato is full of ''gays'' :) I think you misunderstood him ;)
Persian God King, don't get yourself banned for another week again. PDF is not fun without reading your automatic aggressive posts everyday. Keeps me entertained.

On topic; I am unable to find any other source for this, so I will not pose an opinion.
It was not an Israeli that killed them but MEK, we could not retaliate because in the end it was not a Israeli who did it.

war are not just about the hardware but software too, software is faith and great will power.
not you would understand.
Hezbollah did not need f-35 to kick your *** did they?
"Victorious" Nasralla hides like rat under the ground since 2006 and Hezbollah does not fire a bullet towards Israel. Seems Iranian leaders dont want to repeat Nasrallas fate.
"Victorious" Nasralla hides like rat under the ground since 2006 and Hezbollah does not fire a bullet towards Israel. Seems Iranian leaders dont want to repeat Nasrallas fate.

so becase they are not attacking and kicking your *** again means you have won??
hahahaha Israeli logic=
so becase they are not attacking and kicking your *** again means you have won??
hahahaha Israeli logic=
Yes sweety, contrary to popular belief we dont want to enslave Arabs or drink their blood, all we want is that they leave us alone.
As I said if you want this then you choose the wrong land to buy :P you can't isolate yourself, you're surroundered by gazillions of Arabs :)
Yes sweety, contrary to popular belief we dont want to enslave Arabs or drink their blood, all we want is that they leave us alone.

They will not leave you alone because they think you are stealing their land.
I agree. Join Iran and you will get mega Saageh fighters instead of junk F-35 and super stealth mini submarines instead of inferior 214 :lol:

Turks had nothing during end of world war I while the high tech west attacked with everything but still could not defeat us.. Just a little example that your high tech weapons is not everything.
As I said if you want this then you choose the wrong land to buy :P you can't isolate yourself, you're surroundered by gazillions of Arabs :)
Its our motherland, Jews here 3 bonus points of health, 8 points of morale and 6 points of strength.

They will not leave you alone because they think you are stealing their land.
Yeah, but after good spanking they leave us alone as u can see.
Turks had nothing during end of world war I while the high tech west attacked with everything but still could not defeat us.. Just a little example that your high tech weapons is not everything.

High tech weapons might not be everything true but they are force multiplier and we need them..I couldnt understand what you are suggesting here..We should quit Nato according to you?
No power lasts forever but your neighbours are not going to anywhere, as long as you have hostile neighbours with numerical advantage you will always be in threat.
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