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ISIS kills 50 Egypt soldiers, seized town in Sinai

wow! an enemy state gives permission to its enemy state to deploy its troops in its territory..:undecided::undecided:

It's part of Camp David agreement back in the 70's. They are only allowed to deploy limited amount of divisions/brigades and if want to deploy more they have to consult US and Israel.
No more Sharm el Sheikh for me. PS: that paper tiger of an Egyptian army better break ISIS' back fast. If even they can't do it, what will the weaklings of the GCC do? Haha Iran will be sent into Saudi Arabia to help the Al Sauds against Daash.
we are not facing organized army for it to be over in weeks look at countries with situations like this to know our army is doing good they could not take 1 cm of land
No peace in Syria ,no peace in middle . And now from nowhere ISIS is appeared in Afghanistan. Who is transporting them ?.
Wonder why Egypt refused to provide forces to Suadi Arab. Its time for Suadi govt to use energy to confront ISIS at home and forget Yemen Houthi. Otherwise Suadis are badly hurting themselves. or if govt has underground policy to support ISIS..
In Afghanistan, they are busy fighting Taliban for now, to become dominant terrorists. But it is highly unlikely for now that they become that strong in Afghanistan , like they are in Iraq and Syria.

Sorry to say but you are completely wrong here. ISIS can anytime beat Taliban in their turf and media reports are also saying this. NO one thought they are going to be that strong in Syria or Iraq but they did it. They are in Afghanistan and Taliban is completely out of equation now. It will be ISIS and only ISIS in Afghanistan now. It is just a matter of few months.
need to go on the offensive. hit'em hard and keep hitting them.

need to have a drone up ASAP to follow these rats back to their lair.
It is a farce, the Egyptians have already sold the Sinai to be the next country for the Palestinians .

Blast in KSA,Kuwait and attack in Tunisia 're a heads up for everyone living in GCC.
The 3 countries had and some still have a great ties with ISIS. Tunisia paid for the vagaries of the Anahdha party et Merzouki..And the Sauds, Koweit both are deep to their knees with ISIS..they just got what they deserve.
The 3 countries had and some still have a great ties with ISIS. Tunisia paid for the vagaries of the Anahdha party et Merzouki..And the Sauds, Koweit both are deep to their knees with ISIS..they just got what they deserve.
Shias and tourists were attacked, so am not sure if it really would make any big difference other than reducing the tourists to the region this Ramadan.
It is a farce, the Egyptians have already sold the Sinai to be the next country for the Palestinians .

The 3 countries had and some still have a great ties with ISIS. Tunisia paid for the vagaries of the Anahdha party et Merzouki..And the Sauds, Koweit both are deep to their knees with ISIS..they just got what they deserve.

Welcome back Ceylal, the above is false pro-Sisi propaganda spread against Egyptian MB claiming Egypt/Israel arranged making Sinai part of Gaza. Propaganda from another universe, you know better than that.

Blast in KSA,Kuwait and attack in Tunisia 're a heads up for everyone living in GCC.

Did you really leave out of fear from security situation? I didn't think it was that bad, UAE is generally very safe place. I am worried at pace of spreading ISIS is doing in ME and Afghanistan. I have been predicting militant takeover of ME since 3 years ago, because the Arab governments made big mistakes in regards to political opposition/I/P conflict. They did nothing to act to help people in Syria, Palestine, and instead invested lots of money into toppling the MB in Egypt. And they have media outlets which keep publishing propaganda and focus on things like MB instead of Israel, Iran or ISIS. As scary as it may sound, every government will fall in the ME it's only matter of time. I am guranteeing to you the fall of every government possibly as early as late 2015. Because nobody in the ME or international community are listening to the people or their concerns. And ISIS is filling that vacuam.

What worries me worst is what will it mean for Muslims in West especially if ISIS tries dragging Christians/Muslims into religious war?
I don't think your departure will upset they financial balance.

As far as I know my countrymen and other south Asians like Pakistanis form the backbone of GCC's economy.

I have been predicting militant takeover of ME since 3 years ago, because the Arab governments made big mistakes in regards to political opposition/I/P conflict. They did nothing to act to help people in Syria, Palestine, and instead invested lots of money into toppling the MB in Egypt. And they have media outlets which keep publishing propaganda and focus on things like MB instead of Israel, Iran or ISIS. As scary as it may sound, every government will fall in the ME it's only matter of time. I am guranteeing to you the fall of every government possibly as early as late 2015. Because nobody in the ME or international community are listening to the people or their concerns. And ISIS is filling that vacuam.
Yemen attack was the last straw...I lost all hopes after that.

I'm still in UAE.
gulf won't see isis so soon but expats in the gulf should leave immediately if turley/gcc/nato begin attacking syria... syria will retaliate.
You are wrong friend..ISIS is heavily present in the GCC, and it just waiting for an order from a better paying customer and it is not KSA or Qatar..
Only 17 Egyptian soldiers killed and 13 injured. 100 terrorists killed and they have not seized any towns.

The world will not finish off Daesh plague unless they all start slaughtering all pro-Daesh people, no matter how many they are.
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