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ISIS kills 50 Egypt soldiers, seized town in Sinai

Only 17 Egyptian soldiers killed and 13 injured. 100 terrorists killed and they have not seized any towns.

The world will not finish off Daesh plague unless they all start slaughtering all pro-Daesh people, no matter how many they are.

Sadly that isn't case, police/army number of killed was around 60. 22 militants killed according to army sources. It was attack by small number of militants, and they withdrew from town.
we are not facing organized army for it to be over in weeks look at countries with situations like this to know our army is doing good they could not take 1 cm of land

I'm exaggerating it a bit of course. I am very much rooting for you guys, and for you destroying ISIS in the Sinai. I've been in Egypt a few times, and I see how much tourism does for your economy. I'm very sad that this, and the recent events in Tunisia are ruining tourism for you guys. Hope it's over soon. God damn ISIS and their followers. Taking food out of the mouths of every day people in the middle east, country by country.

Sadly that isn't case, police/army number of killed was around 60. 22 militants killed according to army sources. It was attack by small number of militants, and they withdrew from town.

Defending against ISIS tactics is very difficult. It's easy for Westerners to make fun of those 'incompetent Arabs', which is only true in the case of the GCC, but when armored SVBIEDs etc come your way, you're toast. It's very hard to fight those tactics. God bless the brave Egyptian soldiers in their fight against subhumanism.
I'm exaggerating it a bit of course. I am very much rooting for you guys, and for you destroying ISIS in the Sinai. I've been in Egypt a few times, and I see how much tourism does for your economy. I'm very sad that this, and the recent events in Tunisia are ruining tourism for you guys. Hope it's over soon. God damn ISIS and their followers. Taking food out of the mouths of every day people in the middle east, country by country.

Defending against ISIS tactics is very difficult. It's easy for Westerners to make fun of those 'incompetent Arabs', which is only true in the case of the GCC, but when armored SVBIEDs etc come your way, you're toast. It's very hard to fight those tactics. God bless the brave Egyptian soldiers in their fight against subhumanism.
thank you
today was a surprise attack but in the end i think the isil losses today are the biggest in sinai since the start of the crisis no matter what they do the army will defend to the last man and today have proven that we can take hits and still stand and hit back

Sadly that isn't case, police/army number of killed was around 60. 22 militants killed according to army sources. It was attack by small number of militants, and they withdrew from town.
no this time they tried to take a city they even surrounded a police station i think they wanted to hold ground but they failed the operations lasted for about half a day or more
Bordering Israel, Iran, India is not a pleasant life.
Terrorists thrive in such areas, with all their might.
Apparently, either three didn't like rule of General SISI.
However, I would not believe Yahoo news word to word.
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Bordering Israel, Iran, India is not a pleasant life.
Terrorists thrive in such areas, with all their might.
Apparently, either three didn't like rule of General SISI.

Which fuc=king country borders those countries? Do you need a map?
Bordering Israel, Iran, India is not a pleasant life.
Terrorists thrive in such areas, with all their might.
Apparently, either three didn't like rule of General SISI.
However, I would not believe Yahoo news word to word.

If terrorists kill each and every single one of your people, you still have an outsider to whine about, and this is the pathetic aspect of being sectarian up to your neck.
Which fuc=king country borders those countries? Do you need a map?
If terrorists kill each and every single one of your people, you still have an outsider to whine about, and this is the pathetic aspect of being sectarian up to your neck.

stop playing sect. card every time you are exposed.
As I said, previously all terrorists were limited to Iran border, having operational headquarter in Indian embassy Zahedan. After Iranian US occupation of Afghanistan terror activities are extended to Afghan border, it is as simple as that.
stop playing sect. card every time you are exposed.
As I said, previously all terrorists were limited to Iran border, having operational headquarter in Indian embassy Zahedan. After Iranian US occupation of Afghanistan terror activities are extended to Afghan border, it is as simple as that.

So much nonsense in 3 lines. I wanna tell you secret, don't tell it to anyone, there is an Iranian-Indian-American-Israeli secret coalition whose mission is solely destroying Pakistan. TTP is only one of them, same as LeJ, be prepared, there will be an Iranian-Indian evil dual citizen right at your doorstep, soon, very soon.


So much nonsense in 3 lines. I wanna tell you secret, don't tell it to anyone, there is an Iranian-Indian-American-Israeli secret coalition whose mission is solely destroying Pakistan. TTP is only one of them, same as LeJ, be prepared, there will be an Iranian-Indian evil dual citizen right at your doorstep, soon, very soon.



Finally you stopped playing sect. card but you can't brush of ground reality.
P.S.: I can also posting counter cartoons, but I'm not angry enough yet.
Palestinians reporting explosions on Egyptian side of border, Egyptian F16's are bombarding areas in Sinai. Can be heard from southern Gaza.
stop playing sect. card every time you are exposed.
As I said, previously all terrorists were limited to Iran border, having operational headquarter in Indian embassy Zahedan. After Iranian US occupation of Afghanistan terror activities are extended to Afghan border, it is as simple as that.

You are literally the dumbest person on this forum. And learn English.
Only 17 Egyptian soldiers killed and 13 injured. 100 terrorists killed and they have not seized any towns.

The world will not finish off Daesh plague unless they all start slaughtering all pro-Daesh people, no matter how many they are.
Being an Egyptian , what you think , in near future Egypt really need democracy or revolve around authoritarian rule to keep country united. Otherwise Egypt has also develop a no go land like FATA in Pakistan. Where extremist has their own rules of game.
Concentration area of extremist right next to Isreali border. So, obviously , soon or later they will take over Fatah and Hamas both. Where on the other side Isreali papers also admit Isreali heavy interference in Syria.
It is a farce, the Egyptians have already sold the Sinai to be the next country for the Palestinians .

The 3 countries had and some still have a great ties with ISIS. Tunisia paid for the vagaries of the Anahdha party et Merzouki..And the Sauds, Koweit both are deep to their knees with ISIS..they just got what they deserve.

Sinai is a barren desert. who would want to live their??? Palestinians can come to the U.S and live in Idaho.
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