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Is west instigating terrorism against Muslims?

Looks like this thread is the ultimate circle jerk for Islamo-supremacists.

Read my signature noob.

No it not by any Hindu fundamentalist, it is by a Muslim poet whining through his arse how the great caravan of Islamic Civilization which sailed sucessfully across seven seas and defeated everyone came and sank in the Ganges. About the defeated glories of Islam in subcontinent.

And no, don't take pride in the massacres of the Ghaznavids, Ghorids, Timurids etc. Coz that glory was achieved by them only by slaughtering and raping your own folk. We still are what we were forever. It is you who is mentally enslaved and forced to clap your hands in glee at the genocide and rapine of your own blood because your religion demands you 'appreciate' it.

Regarding Pakistan - that will forever be the symbol of your lot's fear of being dominated of us and running away to your own country in the same fear. We instilled fear in you dumass, of being dominated, persecuted by us and that's why a country called Pakistan came in the first place. So save us all the horsecrap and don't try to act all macho. Coz you aren't.

Victim mentality and false bravado.

And of course this strange phenomenon of glorifying those who murdered their own ancestors!

Ajab teri maya, ajab tera khel.

Chhachhunder ke sar me, chameli ka tel. ;)
For you they may be terrorists. For me they are not. For the world, they are not.

I would consider the army supporting the likes of LET more in that league. And supporting Taliban and OBL's AQ.

Of course you would. And it's predictably irrelevant.

Apparently, your "maintaining" has not had much effect.

It will come down to either USA or the slaughter continues. None of the Muslim countries have what it takes to put a stop to it.

You people think that just spouting empty words is enough action!

You made an unsubstantiated assumption; I refuted it. Now, if you want to flail around, then that's all good and amusing.

They are ruling even now!

Only the ignorants think they know it all. Because they don't know what they don't know. ;)

Give it up! You made a fool of yourself with ignorant remarks about Iranian culture and are now trying to find some weaseling ground.

Still you resorted to it! Not to the original point, which was:

And it remains one.

Again, your obsession with the past is unnatural. Most normal people live in the present, not centuries past.

Well, the connections in your mind seem to have got misconnected. I don't know nor care what connections you make but I don't care for irrelevant connections.

Everything seems irrelevant to people who lack data points.

Still an obsession. Zionism is not an issue for me. They are not sending terrorists anywhere, they have won 115 Nobel prizes.

Since you don't even know the definition of Zionism, it is no wonder it is not an 'issue' for you. Yet you insist on debating on a topic on which you have no knowledge. Getting monotonous...

A stupid example! What do settlements within Palestine have to do with Greater Israel which means areas between the Nile and the Euphrates?

What have they done towards achieving that?

But then facts don't mean anything to your ilk.

Again, your ignorance of Israeli politics is pathetic as predicted. I have given you a primer on it; the rest education you will have to do yourself. I can't spoonfeed you everything.

You are just obsessed about something that has no relevance outside India and is just a cultural movement in India.

I am not obsessed with it at all. I only mention it when confronted by it by the likes of you.

Yes, I was unlucky not to study in your institute. These nuggets of wisdom, where else one can get them!

Any decent school plus common sense and an open mind, unclouded by bigotry.

That last part may be a tall order for you.

I meant it.

Sadly that's true. That is the extent of your logical abilities.

Well, we look to the future with hope. And look to the past for lessons.

No, you live in the past. You are obsessed by it. All your posts prove it.

Yes, this is the topic best taught at your world famous institute.

Calling others ignorant while dripping with ignorance and lies and delusions may work for you.

Others see through it. ;)

Mate, you couldn't see through a clear glass panel if your life depended on it. Your vision is so clouded by indoctrinated hatred.

You know zip about Iranian culture, global media dynamics or Israeli history, to name but a few topics.

Better stick to Hindutva rants, because that's all you are capable of.

This gentleman loses almost every argument. In his own mind, he probaly thinks he wins some of them. ;)

That's probably why you and your little buddy there run off when you lose the debate.

P.S. I am done toying with you. You have outlived your amusement value. As CardSharp said to you so many moons ago, "go ahead and have the last word, you petty little man".
Developereo, you think you can change their mind? As I said, the only option Pakistan and other Muslim populations in the world have, is to get their geopolitics right. You can counter power with power and aggression with counter-aggression, but not with idiotic OBL's pin pricks in the world. But the way to power is to rebuild our societies, and they will do everything in their power to scuttle our efforts. And you cannot change these people's mind by "reasoning" or "debating" with them. We are at war, they are out to drown you and your point of view.

The fact that this website entertains this kind of people and waste times on them, makes me suspicious about the real agenda of this website.
Developereo, you think you can change their mind?

I am just toying with them.

Don't you see how shallow their claims and knowledge are? Confront them on any topic outside their Hindutva indoctrination and your get empty stares and vague babbling.

And the other clown (a known Indian troll from Atlanta) doesn't understand the simple fact that the burden of proof lies with the claimant, not the skeptic. He routinely gets soundly thrashed by the Chinese posters (and I have done the honors a few times) at which point he sulks off and trolls using alternaive ids.

This is the level of intellectual firepower aimed at us.

As I said, the only option Pakistan and other Muslim populations in the world have, is to get their geopolitics right. You can counter power with power and aggression with counter-aggression, but not with idiotic OBL's pin pricks in the world. But the way to power is to rebuild our societies

Absolutely. Strong Muslim nations are the only way forward. I don't believe in the feasibility of an ummah, but individually the nations must focus on economic, scientific and democratic progress.
Of course you would. And it's predictably irrelevant.

So, again there are no terrorists in the world like Islamic terrorists.

They are in a league of their own and the world is increasingly understanding their sick ideology and motivation.

And there are no parallels, no equivalents in other religions/societies/ideologies.

You made an unsubstantiated assumption; I refuted it. Now, if you want to flail around, then that's all good and amusing.

You didn't mean you as a person. It means Muslims in general.

And they are demanding the USA to stop the slaughter even now!

CAIRO – Outraged by the ongoing bloodshed in Syria, thousands of American Muslims protested outside the White House Saturday, March 17, to demand an international action to stop the killing of civilians in the pivotal Arab country, The Washington Post reported.

“People are dying, and nobody in America seems to know about it,” said Raya Nashef, 13, who drove from Detroit with her parents for the protest.

“I want my relatives to be safe. We want to ask the White House and the world, please get President Assad to step down.”

US Muslims Rally for Syria Freedom - Middle East - News - OnIslam.net

Saving Muslims From Themselves | a12iggymom's Blog


Save Syria Now!

Just to name a few.

Just because you are deluded doesn't change facts.

That talk shop called Arab league can't move a finger!

Give it up! You made a fool of yourself with ignorant remarks about Iranian culture and are now trying to find some weaseling ground.

You are a funny person. We were never discussing Iranian culture! But delusions and hallucinations know no bounds.

The Parsis were persecuted by Islamists and were sheltered by India. That remains a fact.

Again, your obsession with the past is unnatural. Most normal people live in the present, not centuries past.

Seems it doesn't include most of you who want to go back to the 7th century desert.

And the past drives all your actions now.

We are looking to the future, only future. Because we have one in the first place. ;)

Everything seems irrelevant to people who lack data points.


Since you don't even know the definition of Zionism, it is no wonder it is not an 'issue' for you. Yet you insist on debating on a topic on which you have no knowledge. Getting monotonous...

Again a claim based on ignorance. I may have read more than you and I may know more than you but that doesn't matter.

I am not obsessed about them. Nobody but you Muslims are.

Again, your ignorance of Israeli politics is pathetic as predicted. I have given you a primer on it; the rest education you will have to do yourself. I can't spoonfeed you everything.

You may think you have the capacity to do that and you may think you can hide your ignorance with these things.

Only you think so.

There is no move on Israel's part to establish greater Israel as far as any rational independent observer can see.

I am not obsessed with it at all. I only mention it when confronted by it by the likes of you.

You are telling me or yourself.

You don't convince any of us. ;)

Any decent school plus common sense and an open mind, unclouded by bigotry.

That last part may be a tall order for you.

May be when the pheromones have mercy on you, you may actually practice that.

Sadly that's true. That is the extent of your logical abilities.

Personal attacks. Predictably. When the Islamists lose, this is what they come down to.

No, you live in the past. You are obsessed by it. All your posts prove it.

I can't be responsible for your filter. When people here celebrate the genocide of their own ancestors, I have only contempt for them and their ilk.

Mate, you couldn't see through a clear glass panel if your life depended on it. Your vision is so clouded by indoctrinated hatred.

You know zip about Iranian culture, global media dynamics or Israeli history, to name but a few topics.

Better stick to Hindutva rants, because that's all you are capable of.

For some reason you think you are in the best position to judge that?

But then you are a typical Islamist who tries to pose as a sophisticate.

But the conspiracy theories (9/11 an insider job), defense of Islamic terror and terrorists, trying to find vague equivalence among others, obsessing with Hindutva even when it is not the topic etc. give you away.

All I can say is, your labels don't matter to me. You are the last one I am looking to get certificates from.

That's probably why you and your little buddy there run off when you lose the debate.

Hallucinations are your typical state of mind. There is not a single debate I have left.

And not a single one I have lost to you.

Score: Vinod 100 dev 0.

Perfect score. ;)
@Vinod: Obsession is not a healthy thing :no:

Agree. I am a believer in live and let live.

But the obsessed trolls who can't write a post without "Indian Hindus" need to be given back.

Of course, they can't handle the debates and run away.

P.S. I am done toying with you. You have outlived your amusement value. As CardSharp said to you so many moons ago, "go ahead and have the last word, you petty little man".

I know a Chinese supposedly said something and that became a divine word for you.

Expected, you are a wannabe Chinese stooge.

Let the people decide who was providing the amusement value.

It was fun while you lasted. And lost as always. ;)
Victim mentality and false bravado.

And of course this strange phenomenon of glorifying those who murdered their own ancestors!

Ajab teri maya, ajab tera khel.

Chhachhunder ke sar me, chameli ka tel. ;)

Sabse Gandi baat yeh hain ke,

Rajput aur Jatt log khud ko Muslim bulaathe,unke matlab ni samahte yeh log.

no,the west cant instigate violence against muslims as the muslims dwell better than anyone else at it regardless of anyone else's influence.
And the other clown (a known Indian troll from Atlanta) doesn't understand the simple fact that the burden of proof lies with the claimant, not the skeptic. He routinely gets soundly thrashed by the Chinese posters (and I have done the honors a few times) at which point he sulks off and trolls using alternaive ids.

You don't have a fucking clue. The mods can confirm i have no alter ego's (this was brought up before by another delusional imbecile), but by all means never let facts get in the way.
I post from 4 IP's but not a single one is from India or Atlanta.
More jumping to conclusions without any proof.

Rock on dude....you still failed to present me with Catholic schools brainwashing the poor, uneducated populace to go commit atrocities over Muslims, like the madrassas in your world.

This is the level of intellectual firepower aimed at us.

You and intellectual have no common denominations.
Saving face with empty words and refusal to accept the facts on the ground is your game.

You have been presented with a verified (numerous sorces) version of events, you have had your faulty logic refuted by a lovely example to which you still have not answered....and that's all in the talib commander thread.
Over here you were challenged to provide examples of West terrorising, so far you presented a video about a giant mistake (handing out Bibles) and a reference to some idiot.

I asked you how this compares to the deliberate brainwashing and distortion of facts in some Islamic institutions. im still waiting for a response.

The fact that this website entertains this kind of people and waste times on them, makes me suspicious about the real agenda of this website.

Uh, that would be the agenda of free speach genius.
Also, keep your wet dreams and rants of Pan-Islamic something alive!
It is quite entertaing seeing you dribble about unity and then going to another thread where death calls are being handed out.
You don't have a fucking clue. The mods can confirm i have no alter ego's (this was brought up before by another delusional imbecile), but by all means never let facts get in the way.
I post from 4 IP's but not a single one is from India or Atlanta.
More jumping to conclusions without any proof.

Rock on dude....you still failed to present me with Catholic schools brainwashing the poor, uneducated populace to go commit atrocities over Muslims, like the madrassas in your world.

You and intellectual have no common denominations.
Saving face with empty words and refusal to accept the facts on the ground is your game.

Using f word and calling people names is surely a mark of superior intelligence. I think I asked you elsewhere, what exactly is your ethnic origin and country of origin?
Using f word and calling people names is surely a mark of superior intelligence. I think I asked you elsewhere, what exactly is your ethnic origin and country of origin?

Brainwashed hating ready to burn innocent Muslims white man aparently. Deutschland originally, with a mix of Slavic blood! How will you label me now?

Also regarding the F word. He is thick and cant accept facts. The message sure didn't get across when i was polite wouldn't you say.
This is just banging against the wall since it is clear that you are of the same opinion as he is, but wouldn't you objectively say he is wildly jumping to conclusions based on assumptions and just downright painting everything black and white?

Also i edited my post which you quoted while you were typing yours. I meant to include one of your qoutes as well and now it's up. Post # 114.
You don't have a fucking clue. The mods can confirm i have no alter ego's (this was brought up before by another delusional imbecile), but by all means never let facts get in the way.
I post from 4 IP's but not a single one is from India or Atlanta.
More jumping to conclusions without any proof.

Whatever you say, JayAtl. Spoofing IP addresses is a walk in the park.

Rock on dude....you still failed to present me with Catholic schools brainwashing the poor, uneducated populace to go commit atrocities over Muslims, like the madrassas in your world.

Shifting goalposts. Normal for your ilk when you lose a point.

As for brainwashing to commit murders, any number of posters have identified Western 'experts' who advocate precisely these things, but that would require reading skills. And we all know your abilities in that department.

You and intellectual have no common denominations.
Saving face with empty words and refusal to accept the facts on the ground is your game.

Dictionary in hand and using big words. You are progressing!

Now if you can only open an intro book on logic, we would be sailing.

You have been presented with a verified (numerous sorces) version of events, you have had your faulty logic refuted by a lovely example to which you still have not answered....and that's all in the talib commander thread.
Over here you were challenged to provide examples of West terrorising, so far you presented a video about a giant mistake (handing out Bibles) and a reference to some idiot.

I asked you how this compares to the deliberate brainwashing and distortion of facts in some Islamic institutions. im still waiting for a response.

Already handled above and in previous posts. Bye bye, JayAtl.

Using f word and calling people names is surely a mark of superior intelligence. I think I asked you elsewhere, what exactly is your ethnic origin and country of origin?

He is a well known Indian troll whose normal ID is JayAtl. The Chinese regularly thrash his butt but he's a glutton for punshment.

He regularly hides behind the might American flag when he knows he can't confront the Chinese as an Indian.

He started attacking me with personal insults from the get go in another thread because he is nursing a wound from a previous thrashing I gave him under his main ID.
I don't see any western nutcases screaming "In the name of Christ" and commiting murder as is in the case of Muslim extremists. Also i don't see any western types blowing up skyscrapers, metros and similar.

True there are hardliners everywhere, specifically the US extreme right is just to be laughed at, but the actions speak louder than words and when it comes to propagating one's agenda under the guise of religion, you Muslims have come a long, long way.
Easiest is to point fingers at ze evil West.

Also it sems the Muslim world is utterly unable to stop it's own extremists, which tarnish it's image worldwide.

Would you re-read post 49 please!
So, again there are no terrorists in the world like Islamic terrorists.

They are in a league of their own and the world is increasingly understanding their sick ideology and motivation.

And there are no parallels, no equivalents in other religions/societies/ideologies.

So, the least you can say is that they are ORIGINAL.

You are too much on the defensive, and insulting Muslims, Chinese or any one with facts that contradicts or nullify yours, shows a lack of good sense on you part.
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