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Is west instigating terrorism against Muslims?

:lol::lol: Hindu Civilization was comprehensively defeated by the vast Islamic civilization of that time. Islam was in the period of rapid expansion---sorry that your Hindu civilization came across....the result was obvious....it HAD to get slaughtered by Islam and it did. Islam expanded and spreaded throughout Indian subcontinent--and throughout the whole (known) world. Stop whining about it now. The was how it was suppose to happen.

Now coming to your day dream , Hindu civilization can never 'take revenge' from the Islamic civilization. There are couple of reasons. Islamic civilization is the only global civilization other than the Christian civilization. It is not homogenous mass. It is present all over the globe. From Morroco to Egypt. From Arabia to South Asia. From Iran up to central Asia and down to Turkey. From the Islands of Indonesia to Malaysia in East Asia. From Pakistan to the Western Part of China. Even in India itself , there are ~ 200 million Islamic followers. Compare this mammoth geographic spread of Islam to Hindu civilization .... Also , in order to advance towards mainland Islamic geographic heartland , Hindu civilization will have to cross the very first and relatively minor obstacle and that is .... Islamic republic of Pakistan .... You know and I know , Indian nation can never 'cut-through' Pakistan to enter central Asia or Afghanistan physically. Your hindu immigrants in the Middle-East aren't having any effect on the cultural outlook or demographics of Muslim lands (A thing which Muslim immigrants in christian heartland ARE having ..thanks to more freedom , rights and life-style of post-christian West) ......

So please forget about any revenge rhetoric. Stay where you are. Stay at peace with your neighbors to the West... THIS is the destiny of hindu civilization.


what an ideology of peace and tolerance. And then they whine about others having not quite bright opinion of themselves.
Sir Im a science student and Im neither from any of these two religious backgrounds. but I have a different worries from inviting Christianity in any country. its about growing numbers of generation of 'casual sex' of Single Mothers, and we all knows that Mr Jesus Christ was also not sure about his known father. in fact he was right to claim that he was 'Son of God' as even in India, there was a wrong tradition in past, when mistress of rich people used to get pregnant, people used to say those kids sons or daughters of God as only God knows who who were fathers of those kids. And those members of PDF who have had good time in a Western country know that whenever you ask a Western girl in private, “what if you get pregnant?” then she first name Mr Jesus Christ and say, “he/ she will be one like Jesus.”

Then here we find, In fact inviting Western culture in India is nothing but about inviting ‘Single Mother’ culture in India from West. Western Champions of Christian religious background themselves shy to accept that Mr Jesus Christ was also son of a Single Mother, similar to common Western nationals who aren’t sure about their father, but these Christian background Western people try to prove that Mr Jesus Christ directly came from sky in place to saying that he was also one of the common Western people. They themselves don’t want to accept that Mr Jesus Christ was also from a Single Mother, while being shameful, but these Western Christian religious background people want the whole world to adopt this Western culture. And I can’t understand, if they themselves are shameful enough to say that their lord, Mr Jesus Christ, was one of the generation of Single Mother then why they want the whole world to become like this. In place of fixing their disease, why they want to spread it in whole world?

Im scared of that day when Indian kids will have to give name of their mother in schools like Australia type Western country, not name of father like in India, because right now a Western kid just can’t guarantee who exactly was his/ her father. And in place of fixing their disease, these Western democratic champions want to spread it in whole world, why, its beyond my limits to think……………….

In fact, the main liar about the truth about birth of Mr Jesus Christ is Pope Benedict XVI :hitwall:. Does the Christian religious background Western countries have even one science student who may dare to say to this liar that Mr Jesus Christ might not have taken birth without physical intercourse? why this liar lie to world about the concept behind birth of any human or animal on earth?

But from my side, I may say that, "when poor educational background fall to a certain level, the only thing remains is, what we 'believe' in regardless how things really work." And belief in Christianity is nothing but a sign of falling educational background of Western people, like how we now find only under high school pass people in the countries like US, UK, Australia, Canada..............

Pope Benedict XVI must get to know that Jesus has become a license for all the western girls to become a Single Mother with saying, "their kids are also like Jesus." Even former PM of Australia, Mr Howard’s daughter was also a single mother and to get a high qualified good character man, he first committed every crime to make him date his daughters, and after being failure to make that man date his single mother daughter, he misused all the government’s resources of Australia, funded by tax payers of Australia, to make that high qualified man realize that he did a mistake to refuse that single mother daughter of Mr Howard.

Pope Benedict XVI is the biggest liar who want to hide the truth behind the birth concept of Jesus Christ and this way he wants to make his Christian society based on Single Mother women and on the top of that, his followers like Mr John Howard wants to keep targeting all those who refuse to date his Single Mother daughter. Why these Christian religious background people want to spread their disease in whole world and if people refuse their daughters, why tax payers of western countries let their tax money misused to feed mentality of the people like John Howard by letting him run after all those who don’t want to date his daughter. Why don’t Christian religious Pope take proper action against his followers like John Howard in place of letting these people spread this disease in whole world?????????? :sniper:
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