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Is west instigating terrorism against Muslims?

I agree, however he is not sophisticated and articulate only to a degree which is needed to deflect a topic with intellectual oneliners.
Sadly he counts on poor education of people who stroll onto these forums and cannot discern facts or twisted propaganda to pursue his agenda.

I'm not singling out anyone specifically, but then I dont fault you for your assumption ;)
What you are proposing is unworkable, in my opinion, because the countries involved have divergent interests, sometimes diametrically opposed. Even if, by some miracle, those differences are ironed out, it would be a long term process. Certainly on the order of decades.

What is needed pronto is internal reform, cohesion, and growth. That can't wait until external alliances are ironed out, which are constantly shifting anyway due to the changing geopolitics. Some Pakistanis are falling in love with Russia, even though there is zero evidence that Russia has shifted significantly from its Cold War alliances. There is much more commonality of interests with China (beyond the India angle) but that alliance will not last unless Pakistan becomes a strong partner in the relationship. China will not tolerate a weak, dependent ally when the opposing camp is lining up a who's who of current and upcoming powers.

All countries have divergent interests, but geopolitics like politics is the art of the possible, to make the impossible into a reality. And regional integration is always a long term process, EU came this far after 5-6 decades of work.

Of course more internal reform, cohesion and growth is positive, but even to achieve those, I believe you need external help to reduce harmful influences and increase positive influences.

Russia is a wild card in my opinion, Putin and other CIS leaders are mostly former apparatchiks, so this trend to recreate Soviet Union may not last. Of course it will be great if it happens. But I have a feeling that eventually ethnic Russians may prefer to integrate with EU, because of ethnic/racial solidarity.

Enemy of an enemy is a friend, so China will always find some good feelings with Pakistan and Bangladesh, but I am not sure about long term intention of Chinese about Pakistan or Bangladesh. China has border with Pakistan, so there might be more opportunity to work together. For Bangladesh, China is a balancer against Indian influence. But I would prefer ASEAN+ grouping for the balancing of India, because someday it is possible that we can be a part of ASEAN+ grouping as a bona fide member, but there is very little chance that we can ever be an integral part of the Chinese Union (PRC+Taiwan). And we do not have a common border with China.

We are going off topic, so I will stop here.
The West doesn't want the Muslims to become prosperous again for sure, since they still have the crusade mentality within their mind. :coffee:
All countries have divergent interests, but geopolitics like politics is the art of the possible, to make the impossible into a reality. And regional integration is always a long term process, EU came this far after 5-6 decades of work.

Of course more internal reform, cohesion and growth is positive, but even to achieve those, I believe you need external help to reduce harmful influences and increase positive influences.

Russia is a wild card in my opinion, Putin and other CIS leaders are mostly former apparatchiks, so this trend to recreate Soviet Union may not last. Of course it will be great if it happens. But I have a feeling that eventually ethnic Russians may prefer to integrate with EU, because of ethnic/racial solidarity.

Enemy of an enemy is a friend, so China will always find some good feelings with Pakistan and Bangladesh, but I am not sure about long term intention of Chinese about Pakistan or Bangladesh. China has border with Pakistan, so there might be more opportunity to work together. For Bangladesh, China is a balancer against Indian influence. But I would prefer ASEAN+ grouping for the balancing of India, because someday it is possible that we can be a part of ASEAN+ grouping as a bona fide member, but there is very little chance that we can ever be an integral part of the Chinese Union (PRC+Taiwan). And we do not have a common border with China.

We are going off topic, so I will stop here.

Why would you want to be in a Chinese union? On what basis and what would you hope to achieve from it? And what would be the gains and downsides?

The West doesn't want the Muslims to become prosperous again for sure, since they still have the crusade mentality within their mind. :coffee:

In contrary to peaceful Chinese rise huh? btw you nuked Manila yet? or was that the challenged one saying it all over?
Why would you want to be in a Chinese union? On what basis and what would you hope to achieve from it? And what would be the gains and downsides?

In contrary to peaceful Chinese rise huh?

lol, can you conduct a proper discussion without going off-topic? :argh:
lol, more one liner comments from the "think tank".

More rants, JayAtl?

Anyhow, keep thinking i am some Indian (classic denial-a state many Muslims are in), keep working that menial labour intensive job for your white master(must be a sign of sheer intellect).

See, that's where you give yourself away. This is classic JayAtl style racist attacks when cornered. Normally you do it to Chinese, now you are doing it to us.

And watching your hysterics is always a source of amusement to the rest of us.

He referenced FoxNews and accused me of blindly following the media! :lol:

Where i live it's called FalseNews!

I mentioned FoxNews as an example of Western hate preaching. Glad that, in your own mickey mouse way, you admitted that it is extremist media channel.

I think he is a fundamentalist in principle. Any intellectual would not have such a closed mind to counterarguments.

Please don't try to sound intelligent. It comes across worse than you think.

Seriously, JayAtl, when will you recover from your beatings to dare come back as your normal ID? Myself and the Chinese are looking forward to dispatching you again!

You don't have the open mind for a reasonable debate

Uh huh. Classic Hintuva retreat symptoms. When faced with facts, retreat into denial and run away.

Your ilk demonstrate it time and again. But then, we don't expect much from Hindutva fanatics indoctrinated from bith in the ideology of hate.

Actually if a white Australian sees your writings he is probably going to become more Islamophobe than he was prior to reading your post. So do yourself a service and stop spouting these stuff

Most 'white Australians' I meet are open minded folks who don't run away from facts and evidence when it is presented to them.

Hindutva goons like you, however, were never up for an honest discussion.

There are the fundamentalists who strap on the suicide vest and go pumpkin. They are the foot soldiers, the expendable lot which you can easily identify and weed away. The second category is the outwardly sophisticated, articulate, yet fundamentalist at heart who are the more difficult to spot and who are the more dangerous coz they are the ones who brainwash the yound minds with the poison that they are somehow being victimized by the West,Hindus and Jews, that their religion is in a grave danger and that they must step forward in the service of Islam.

Yup. Just like there are Hindutva fanatics who are utterly unable to step outside their cocoon of hateful indoctrination.

I'm not singling out anyone specifically, but then I dont fault you for your assumption ;)

But I AM singling you out specifically as a dyed-in-the-wool Hindutva fanatic.

lol, can you conduct a proper discussion without going off-topic? :argh:

He's the old Sinophobic Indian troll, JayAtl. He can't help it.
There are the fundamentalists who strap on the suicide vest and go pumpkin. They are the foot soldiers, the expendable lot which you can easily identify and weed away. The second category is the outwardly sophisticated, articulate, yet fundamentalist at heart who are the more difficult to spot and who are the more dangerous coz they are the ones who brainwash the yound minds with the poison that they are somehow being victimized by the West,Hindus and Jews, that their religion is in a grave danger and that they must step forward in the service of Islam.

This is common technique of Hindu Nationalist Islamophobes to paint all Muslims with a broad brush and calling all Muslims terrorists, some out in the open and others secret closet terrorists, instigating the Muslim masses. Muslim countries that want to make friends with India should take note. This is what many Indians think about Muslims.

Once they can establish that all Muslims are terrorists, using their incessant Big Lie propaganda, a la Goebbels, and the dehumanization campaign is complete, then it will be a small step to start exterminating them, when an opportune time presents itself.
lol Developeon

You have a mental disability that is forcing you to have the last "say" in any debate with which you justify your blindness.

You haven't addressed any points presented apart from dribble, dumb one liners, quoting tabloids, Falsenews and more jumping to conclusions.

Im glad im a Westerner! We have dumb fucks but not on the magnitude of you.

Also, does it sting knowing the West owns you? It does doesn't it? That's were all the rage is coming from no? Seek help.
Im glad im a Westerner! We have dumb fucks but not on the magnitude of you.

Also, does it sting knowing the West owns you? It does doesn't it? That's were all the rage is coming from no? Seek help.

What does the West owning anything have to do with you, Sanjay?

Now that this id is exposed, Sanjay, what's your next fake id going to be? CaptainAmerica? USARulez? IAmAnAmericanTrustMe?

Anyway, we all look forward to the next episode in the adventures of Sanjay the "red blooded" American!

Just for kicks, I will let you have the last word since, true to form, I know you are itching to lob some more profanities. In your delusional world, I will even let you think you "won".
Bad example.

Nazi action on Poland, Russia were all wars as they were fought between two sovereign nations.

What they did to Jews was genocide because the Jews were not a sovereign nation and neither did they indulge in any attacks on the Nazis for them to retaliate.

Or even better who in the West has killed 6 million Muslims, in about 2 or 3 years in an organized gas chambers ?

Muslims are as responsible for that as much, if not more than the West.

Simply stop your co-religionists from flying planes into high rises, or exploding themselves in nightclubs or in subways or shooting dead unarmed civilians in a city in an organized orgy of death and destruction, or stop creating secessionist movements all over the world based in religion, or stop indoctrinating young minds with the cancerous thoughts of jihad and how it is the ultimate sacrifice for allah, stop indoctrinating them with their 72 virgins in after life after blowing themselves in some market or bazaar, stop shouting "we want shariah" in every country you inhabit - whether as a minority or majority or as illegal immigrant, stop holding placards "death to the soldiers" in their own country while enjoying their social benefits, stop throwing a hissy fit when somebody draws your relgious figure (protest peacefully, not by sending postal bombs to the newspaper) etc etc etc.

When all this is done, everyone can live in peace with each other without Islamophobia. When you guys do all these stuff, expecting the non-Muslims not to be wary of you is laughable.

Oh ok...

so by your definition...as funny as it is.....
2 billion Muslims deserve decades of abuse and counting...because USA couldn't safeguard their borders against a bunch of angry youths? No wrong doing on their behalf?

On the other hand,if a muslim country starts the same....starts broadcasting the shortcomings of the west...starts showing their people eon their news channels how western society is failing...shows other bad things about west..
That country gets branded as hate monger...terrorism supporter...and so many other fancy names.

Even this thread may well be monitored and all of us who dare speaking against the west may well be crucified.
All Dear Western Countries ! We are entering into a new era of BRICKS and the developing Countries. Lets' c WHo wins in the end. And for both the Developed and developing countries one thing for sure a big threat "Natural Disasters"... man has to repay for what he has done to mother nature. And the western countries giving pressure on India and china on cutting carbon emission should stop saying. THis is as a result of western countries. Western Countries influenced Industrial revolution,terrorism,arms race, .etc.. many bad's only few good's from western countries
lol Developeon

You have a mental disability that is forcing you to have the last "say" in any debate with which you justify your blindness.

You haven't addressed any points presented apart from dribble, dumb one liners, quoting tabloids, Falsenews and more jumping to conclusions.

Im glad im a Westerner! We have dumb fucks but not on the magnitude of you.

Also, does it sting knowing the West owns you? It does doesn't it? That's were all the rage is coming from no? Seek help.

a much larger magnitude than ours...
I dont know which country you are from..
But you are showing USA flag...
Go to Oregon and see how Black people live lives of fear in Oregon...How i know it? From personal experience and from talking to Blacks of Oregon.
But none of Muslim country's News channels had taken it upon themselves to use it as propaganda...If similar thing happens in an isolated corner of Muslims country...CNN,FOX ...and most westren channels will make it their duty to magnify it 100 folds and make sure the whole world knows about it.
a much larger magnitude than ours...
I dont know which country you are from..
But you are showing USA flag...
Go to Oregon and see how Black people live lives of fear in Oregon...How i know it? From personal experience and from talking to Blacks of Oregon.
But none of Muslim country's News channels had taken it upon themselves to use it as propaganda...If similar thing happens in an isolated corner of Muslims country...CNN,FOX ...and most westren channels will make it their duty to magnify it 100 folds and make sure the whole world knows about it.

I never said bigots and dumbasses are exclusive to Muslims.
Did you ask these blacks if they would move to the Islamic world for more chance of prosperity?
Let me give you a hint, the answer would be no, because there is no food stamps, healthcare, freedoms there.

There is a middle path to follow which i have been doing for the past 2 days regarding Developeon, however if he is so thick and biased i cannot help to mock. Sorry, he understands only the language of force.

Also now that i read his response....lol he still thinks im some indian masquerading and he is basing all his defence on some debates he supposedly won with him.
How do you reason with a person that presents his own false assumptions as facts?
Is the tractate below really worthy of someone who you want to represent Islam?

What does the West owning anything have to do with you, Sanjay?

Now that this id is exposed, Sanjay, what's your next fake id going to be? CaptainAmerica? USARulez? IAmAnAmericanTrustMe?

Anyway, we all look forward to the next episode in the adventures of Sanjay the "red blooded" American!

Just for kicks, I will let you have the last word since, true to form, I know you are itching to lob some more profanities. In your delusional world, I will even let you think you "won".

just lol....
Yes, we were indeed hunting those who dared to be aggressors in our territory (the Hindus/Idolators of Arabian peninsula, the superpowers of Sassanids, Romans) like rats. In one battle alone, 60000 strong heavily armed Roman Army were slaughtered like rats and completely wiped out by 3000 muslims when we conquered Syria... Go figure. :azn:

What was that "your territory"? How was it defined?

Not read of the battles you mention but Mongols (and others) achieved similar feats against vastly superior numbers.

Including Muslims!

I hate to use the word that they slaughtered Muslims like rats (in millions). That demonstrates a sick ideology that doesn't treat human beings like what they are.

This is not morality. This is the concept of haram and halal.

I will not repeat what I (and others) have said about this psychology. Just that it is sick and the world is sick and tired of it.

Otherwise, every non Muslims in our territory were given full protection and equal rights. Go read how the Roman Empire (Byzantine) treated the Jews, like sub-Humans. Then read about the freedom and security jews enjoyed in Islamic empires.

I have read a lot about this and the reality is not what you think it is.

I am not going to repeat the extent of Islamic (actually Arabs and Turk, other Muslims should not be blamed for it) depredations. Suffice to say that it was a dark period of institutionalized slavery (slaves being castrated in millions), rapine, genocide and unmitigated bigotry.

And most Muslims of today were victims of it.
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