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Is west instigating terrorism against Muslims?

Never said all Muslims are evil , with persons like Dr.Abdul Kalam or Abdul Sattar Edhi known to me....but just am I just skeptic about the claim West is instigating terrorism against Muslims. So I'm asking for definite proof, any terrorist incident etc.

After all isn't the burden of proof on the claimant ? ;)

Still it is war...between two sovereign nations. Not action of non-state actors with religious indoctrination.

Natzis wore uniforms and were organized army.....

did that legitimize their actions?

But the question is.... How justified is this barrage of abuse against muslims is?
I will repeat my question..have you heard any positive thing about Muslims/Islam/Muslim countries/Muslim culture in any news..specially western news?

isn't it organized brainwash?
Thank you. Great insight into the matter.:tup:

I agree, but I would say still the Ottomans were a feared power in Europe. But yet, they lacked the scientific zeal of the Abbasids and the empire before.

Exactly, Ottomans never adapted to scientific curiosity and industrialization, rather depended on agriculture as the main economic activity, because of their lack of Historical Continuity, while Abbasids before the mongol invasion had a knowledge based society that was pinnacle for Islamic societies and is aptly called the golden age of Islam.

Power comes from the creative genius of the human brain, when we forget to cultivate that in a social system, we neglect the most powerful organ of the human body, the human brain and the result is catastrophe as we see today.

So prove the claim the West is instigating terrorism against the Muslims to us skpetics.

That comment was in reference to another discussion but, in this context, any number of people have listed the names of influential opinion makers in the West who promote hatred and outright war on Muslims. That's part 1. The second part, as we have pointed out, is the Western armies provide an outlet for these terrorists to wage their campaign under uniform. Various examples in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere are always written off as 'rogue elements', but their ideology didn't sprout in a vacuum. There is a steady stream of hate speech in Western media against Muslims. Again, whether it is allegedly justified or not is secondary -- the point is that it is there.

I don't want to promote Western hate literature here, but I encourage you to google 'Brevik influences', Baruch Goldstein, Meir Kahane among others. Or you can take the shortcut and just watch Fox News.

I have friends and Family who studied at Madrissah...and are full time mullah...and believe me they aren't Mutants or Bozos..
They are normal people with families and Sources of income like you and me.
Theyhave been painted as evil to a level that any muslim man with beard and a cap is now deemed eveil and suspicious straight away....
Such propaganda and brainwashing cant bring peace.

The problem is that the discussion has become so toxic that the word mullah is used as a generic term for extremists. I have done so myself, and it is unfortunate, but the lazy usage has become commonplace.

Still it is war...between two sovereign nations. Not action of non-state actors with religious indoctrination.

On the contrary, many soldiers in the IDF and NATO openly claim their religious motivation for entering the war. The video I posted earlier documents that, even to the point where the chief chaplain of US forces in Afghanistan openly told his flock that they were representing Jesus. These American soldiers drove around town in a military vehicle with the banner 'Jesus killed Muhammad' and shot at anyone who reacted. As noted earlier, the hate inculcated in these soldiers is a direct result of the constant Islamophobia in the Western media.
You have seen what I promoted in "the world order" thread. Most countries in the world today are like freely dating bachelors. Eventually they will have to make up their mind, decide and settle down and have a family, like EU countries have done. You cannot have your cake and eat it too.

What you are proposing is unworkable, in my opinion, because the countries involved have divergent interests, sometimes diametrically opposed. Even if, by some miracle, those differences are ironed out, it would be a long term process. Certainly on the order of decades.

What is needed pronto is internal reform, cohesion, and growth. That can't wait until external alliances are ironed out, which are constantly shifting anyway due to the changing geopolitics. Some Pakistanis are falling in love with Russia, even though there is zero evidence that Russia has shifted significantly from its Cold War alliances. There is much more commonality of interests with China (beyond the India angle) but that alliance will not last unless Pakistan becomes a strong partner in the relationship. China will not tolerate a weak, dependent ally when the opposing camp is lining up a who's who of current and upcoming powers.
Once upon a time the role was reversed.. Europeans/romans/sassanids were in the same positions like Muslims now and they were hunted like rats by the muslims at that time who held on to Quranic values of equal rights, freedom, democracy, women\'s rights, secularism (freedom of religion), science, arts, aesthetics etc.

Its amazing.

Hunting like rats (you mean the slave raids and massacres and freebooting and piracy perhaps) and "Quranic values of equal rights, freedom, democracy, women's rights, secularism (freedom of religion), science, arts, aesthetics etc." in the same breath!

You guys are amazing.

And a dead giveaway! ;)
Its amazing.

Hunting like rats (you mean the slave raids and massacres and freebooting and piracy perhaps) and "Quranic values of equal rights, freedom, democracy, women's rights, secularism (freedom of religion), science, arts, aesthetics etc." in the same breath!

You guys are amazing.

And a dead giveaway! ;)

Yes, we were indeed hunting those who dared to be aggressors in our territory (the Hindus/Idolators of Arabian peninsula, the superpowers of Sassanids, Romans) like rats. In one battle alone, 60000 strong heavily armed Roman Army were slaughtered like rats and completely wiped out by 3000 muslims when we conquered Syria... Go figure. :azn:

Otherwise, every non Muslims in our territory were given full protection and equal rights. Go read how the Roman Empire (Byzantine) treated the Jews, like sub-Humans. Then read about the freedom and security jews enjoyed in Islamic empires.
CBC.ca Player Today/ID=2224625977

In Toronto, people are complaining about Bible verses and quotations about Allah on subways ads.
While in Grey and Bruce Counties, school trustees bring in security to vote on stopping the free giveaways of Gideon Bibles.
Is there space for any religion in a public place?

A very interesting radio show
Agreed. What I would suggest is: Holding on to Quranic values and banning all forms of Mullahism. It is the western world which adopted Quranic values around the 16th century and look where they are now. We abandoned, and look at the state of Muslims, they are hunted like rats around the world right now. We will also have to do the same thing which was done prior to the start of Islamic golden age, that is, adopt only the Quranic values in our lifestyle, governance, finance, business and everything if we are to prosper and restore our former glory and dominance over the world again.

should I tell you to go hide in you Taliban hideout!
No, you are saying the truth now, although still wrong about Mullahs who are scholars, I do not know what kind of Mullahs you are talking about though. Since, if a mullah knows only religion without science, he does not even qualify for any religious title according to Islam, but we still need him and praise him for committing the Koran and hadith to memory.

Original Post By Developereo
You have seen what I promoted in "the world order" thread. Most countries in the world today are like freely dating bachelors. Eventually they will have to make up their mind, decide and settle down and have a family, like EU countries have done. You cannot have your cake and eat it too.

There is a terrible divorce rate you forgot to mention about those "freely dating bachelors".
Whatever you say, JayAtl. Spoofing IP addresses is a walk in the park.

Shifting goalposts. Normal for your ilk when you lose a point.

As for brainwashing to commit murders, any number of posters have identified Western 'experts' who advocate precisely these things, but that would require reading skills. And we all know your abilities in that department.

Dictionary in hand and using big words. You are progressing!

Now if you can only open an intro book on logic, we would be sailing.

Already handled above and in previous posts. Bye bye, JayAtl.

He is a well known Indian troll whose normal ID is JayAtl. The Chinese regularly thrash his butt but he's a glutton for punshment.

He regularly hides behind the might American flag when he knows he can't confront the Chinese as an Indian.

He started attacking me with personal insults from the get go in another thread because he is nursing a wound from a previous thrashing I gave him under his main ID.

lol, more one liner comments from the "think tank".

Anyhow, keep thinking i am some Indian (classic denial-a state many Muslims are in), keep working that menial labour intensive job for your white master(must be a sign of sheer intellect).

Ill be winning over here where there is peace and quiet and no suicide bombers in sight or mind and no heavy debates and fantasies about the Islamic caliphate lol.

No comments, I think others have already "outed" you.

lol? outed me how? You think it is not possible that Muslims due to the extremists in their ranks made 2 people think alike? Or 30% of the Western hemisphere?

btw, keep dreaming and working with your own 2 hands..that's all you got, knowledge aparently is elusive for you and the tank thing.
Is there space for any religion in a public place?

There shouldn't be any! Schools are a place for learning facts not beliefs! Religious books caused enough hurt already. No need to spoon-feed easily impressed children with them.

In one battle alone, 60000 strong heavily armed Roman Army were slaughtered like rats and completely wiped out by 3000 muslims when we conquered Syria... Go figure. :azn:

Any details, sources for this? Im quite interested from a historical point of view. I was under the impression that the Roman army was top of the tops in those days.
Natzis wore uniforms and were organized army.....

did that legitimize their actions?

Bad example.

Nazi action on Poland, Russia were all wars as they were fought between two sovereign nations.

What they did to Jews was genocide because the Jews were not a sovereign nation and neither did they indulge in any attacks on the Nazis for them to retaliate.

Or even better who in the West has killed 6 million Muslims, in about 2 or 3 years in an organized gas chambers ?

But the question is.... How justified is this barrage of abuse against muslims is?
I will repeat my question..have you heard any positive thing about Muslims/Islam/Muslim countries/Muslim culture in any news..specially western news?

isn't it organized brainwash?

Muslims are as responsible for that as much, if not more than the West.

Simply stop your co-religionists from flying planes into high rises, or exploding themselves in nightclubs or in subways or shooting dead unarmed civilians in a city in an organized orgy of death and destruction, or stop creating secessionist movements all over the world based in religion, or stop indoctrinating young minds with the cancerous thoughts of jihad and how it is the ultimate sacrifice for allah, stop indoctrinating them with their 72 virgins in after life after blowing themselves in some market or bazaar, stop shouting "we want shariah" in every country you inhabit - whether as a minority or majority or as illegal immigrant, stop holding placards "death to the soldiers" in their own country while enjoying their social benefits, stop throwing a hissy fit when somebody draws your relgious figure (protest peacefully, not by sending postal bombs to the newspaper) etc etc etc.

When all this is done, everyone can live in peace with each other without Islamophobia. When you guys do all these stuff, expecting the non-Muslims not to be wary of you is laughable.

Stop making sense!

We all know it's a conspiracy to get Muslims! Duh....:smokin:

Its all so funny, we patient, trying multiculti aproach and all but when it's gonna go overboard there will be no good future for the Islamic world unless they themselves put a stop to it beforehand.
That comment was in reference to another discussion but, in this context, any number of people have listed the names of influential opinion makers in the West who promote hatred and outright war on Muslims. That's part 1. The second part, as we have pointed out, is the Western armies provide an outlet for these terrorists to wage their campaign under uniform. Various examples in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere are always written off as 'rogue elements', but their ideology didn't sprout in a vacuum. There is a steady stream of hate speech in Western media against Muslims. Again, whether it is allegedly justified or not is secondary -- the point is that it is there.

I don't want to promote Western hate literature here, but I encourage you to google 'Brevik influences', Baruch Goldstein, Meir Kahane among others. Or you can take the shortcut and just watch Fox News.

On the contrary, many soldiers in the IDF and NATO openly claim their religious motivation for entering the war. The video I posted earlier documents that, even to the point where the chief chaplain of US forces in Afghanistan openly told his flock that they were representing Jesus. These American soldiers drove around town in a military vehicle with the banner 'Jesus killed Muhammad' and shot at anyone who reacted. As noted earlier, the hate inculcated in these soldiers is a direct result of the constant Islamophobia in the Western media.

You don't have the open mind for a reasonable debate and I have seen it in may instances. Hence I am not going to indulge you.Keep living in your own world where everyone lets go off their daily work and conspires 24*7 against the innocent Muslims. I dont give a rats posterior after all I am not suffering from any -phobia anywhere.

You want Islamophobia to decrease ? Think inward rather than blaming all and sundry for your own faults. Blaming others wont make the problem go away.

Actually if a white Australian sees your writings he is probably going to become more Islamophobe than he was prior to reading your post. So do yourself a service and stop spouting these stuff
....You don't have the open mind for a reasonable debate and I have seen it in may instances. Hence I am not going to indulge you.Keep living in your own world where everyone lets go off their daily work and conspires 24*7 against the innocent Muslims. I dont give a rats posterior after all I am not suffering from any -phobia anywhere.....

He referenced FoxNews and accused me of blindly following the media! :lol:

Where i live it's called FalseNews!

Actually if a white Australian sees your writings he is more probably going to become more Islamophobe than he was prior to reading your post.

I think he is a fundamentalist in principle. Any intellectual would not have such a closed mind to counterarguments.
All he lacks are some balls so he can actually go and kill some evil crusaders and Jews. Like that's gonna happen.....
He is just a hater.
Muslims are Humiliated in most of the parts of the world and the western countries are mainly responsible for this because they trained some muslim terrorist groups decades ago for their benefits bfore and after cold war era and now they are hunting the terrorist groups and many poor muslim ppl are regarded as terrorists if they go for higher studies. But the main fact is these Muslims 90 % are poor and they are not properly educated so they are easily vulnerable and they join in terrorist groups . If they are educated they will realize what is good and what is bad for them.
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