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Is west instigating terrorism against Muslims?

That's what each side says.

Side A has to recognise its shortcomings, strive to improve and correct itself instead of indulging in extremism/bigotry which results in infighting and weakness. Only then will B have no choice but to submit to A, just like in a historical context, the role used to be in reverse once upon a time.:tup:
Side A has to recognise its shortcomings, strive to improve and correct itself instead of indulging in extremism/bigotry which results in infighting and weakness. Only then will B have no choice but to submit to A, just like in a historical context, the role used to be in reverse once upon a time.:tup:

I agree with you as a prescription for the future, although there is no need for either side to 'submit'. However, that doesn't change the reality of what is happening today, which is what the OP is talking about.
Brainwashed hating ready to burn innocent Muslims white man aparently. Deutschland originally, with a mix of Slavic blood! How will you label me now?

Also regarding the F word. He is thick and cant accept facts. The message sure didn't get across when i was polite wouldn't you say.
This is just banging against the wall since it is clear that you are of the same opinion as he is, but wouldn't you objectively say he is wildly jumping to conclusions based on assumptions and just downright painting everything black and white?

Also i edited my post which you quoted while you were typing yours. I meant to include one of your qoutes as well and now it's up. Post # 114.

No comments, I think others have already "outed" you.
I agree with you as a prescription for the future, although there is no need for either side to 'submit'. However, that doesn't change the reality of what is happening today, which is what the OP is talking about.

What OP is talking about is a problem, but in no way the solution. The solution lies within Side A itself, rather than trying to fight or struggle against B.
I agree with you as a prescription for the future, although there is no need for either side to 'submit'. However, that doesn't change the reality of what is happening today, which is what the OP is talking about.

S-19 is absolutely correct, we are weak and we allowed others to destroy our systems, countries, break them apart and then we have malfunctioning systems, that created this mess called "jihadi terrorism". And this then allows Zionists and Hindu nationalists to paint us with a broad brush. The solution is to gain strength and the way to do that is by making one painful steps after another in the right direction. Internal/domestic management of the country will fall in line when the external factors are corrected.

It is counter-intuitive to think that geopolitics and international relations can be more important than internal domestic politics, but that has been my observation. Goals should be determined looking at the big picture and results achieved in the big picture always reflect positively in the internal matters of a country. If we fail in geopolitics, we usually become victims.
Why do muslims always find others to blame when the problem is within themselves?

Once upon a time the role was reversed.. Europeans/romans/sassanids were in the same positions like Muslims now and they were hunted like rats by the muslims at that time who held on to Quranic values of equal rights, freedom, democracy, women's rights, secularism (freedom of religion), science, arts, aesthetics etc.

Now, the essence of islam has been divided into many sects. Mullahs and extremists have led muslims astray by misinterpreting hadiths to encourage militancy, extremism, terrorism, backwardness, oppression of woman, suppression of freedom, speech, forbidding science, technology arts etc. these have completely destroyed Muslims.

Whereas, in the meanwhile Quranic values like equal rights, freedom, democracy, women's rights, secularism (freedom of religion), science, arts, aesthetics etc. has been adopted by Europe and west. They got ahead of muslims as a result of adopting civilized, Quranic values. Now the role is reversed. Europeans and West are hunting Muslims like rats.But isn't that only logical due to muslims failure to abide by Quranic values?

So, why do muslims always find others to blame when the problem is within themselves?
Why do muslims always find others to blame when the problem is within themselves?

Once upon a time the role was reversed.. Europeans/romans/sassanids were in the same positions like Muslims now and they were hunted like rats by the muslims at that time who held on to Quranic values of equal rights, freedom, democracy, women's rights, secularism (freedom of religion), science, arts, aesthetics etc.

Now, the essence of islam has been divided into many sects. Mullahs and extremists have led muslims astray by misinterpreting hadiths to encourage militancy, extremism, terrorism, backwardness, oppression of woman, suppression of freedom, speech, forbidding science, technology arts etc. these have completely destroyed Muslims.

Whereas, in the meanwhile Quranic values like equal rights, freedom, democracy, women's rights, secularism (freedom of religion), science, arts, aesthetics etc. has been adopted by Europe and west. They got ahead of muslims as a result of adopting civilized, Quranic values. Now the role is reversed. Europeans and West are hunting Muslims like rats.But isn't that only logical due to muslims failure to abide by Quranic values?

So, why do muslims always find others to blame when the problem is within themselves?

Stop living in History my friend...Fast forward to this age and era...

Neither me nor you were there in 12th century so none of our claims are credible...

Right now we are persecuted en mass,and that's the fact....
Why do muslims always find others to blame when the problem is within themselves?

Once upon a time the role was reversed.. Europeans/romans/sassanids were in the same positions like Muslims now and they were hunted like rats by the muslims at that time who held on to Quranic values of equal rights, freedom, democracy, women's rights, secularism (freedom of religion), science, arts, aesthetics etc.

Now, the essence of islam has been divided into many sects. Mullahs and extremists have led muslims astray by misinterpreting hadiths to encourage militancy, extremism, terrorism, backwardness, oppression of woman, suppression of freedom, speech, forbidding science, technology arts etc. these have completely destroyed Muslims.

Whereas, in the meanwhile Quranic values like equal rights, freedom, democracy, women's rights, secularism (freedom of religion), science, arts, aesthetics etc. has been adopted by Europe and west. They got ahead of muslims as a result of adopting civilized, Quranic values. Now the role is reversed. Europeans and West are hunting Muslims like rats.But isn't that only logical due to muslims failure to abide by Quranic values?

So, why do muslims always find others to blame when the problem is within themselves?

Because its easier
S-19 is absolutely correct, we are weak and we allowed others to destroy our systems, countries, break them apart and then we have malfunctioning systems, that created this mess called "jihadi terrorism". And this then allows Zionists and Hindu nationalists to paint us with a broad brush. The solution is to gain strength and the way to do that is by making one painful steps after another in the right direction. Internal/domestic management of the country will fall in line when the external factors are corrected.

It is counter-intuitive to think that geopolitics and international relations can be more important than internal domestic politics, but that has been my observation. Goals should be determined looking at the big picture and results achieved in the big picture always reflect positively in the internal matters of a country. If we fail in geopolitics, we usually become victims.

The problem is that it is much harder to control external factors than it is to control the domestic situation, so any rebirth has to come from internal strength. External agents will always take advantage of, and even seed, internal dissent and extremism but the resistance to such infection has to exist within the society itself. Scientific and economic progress can only be achieved if there is some level of domestic stability.

Given that the Muslim world is utterly divided and often at cross purposes, I don't see how external geopolitical factors can be stopped. There is practicaly zero coordination amongst Muslim countries and, to make matters worse, some of the instigators of extremism are other Muslim countries themselves. What countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh and others can do is to keep their distance from the ongoing feuds in the Middle East and focus on domestic strength. There is no way either country can take on any of the Western powers in any way, military or economic.
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