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Is west instigating terrorism against Muslims?

No! They have nothing to do with any of that!

They want Shariah not only in UK but in India and Canada as well (and all of the world)!

They are Islamofascists and they have no outside reason for what they are.

There are megalomaniacal extremists in all religions. There are Christian missionaries all over the world. There are Jewish extremists who believe in a Greater Israel and beyond. There are Hindu extremists who want to turn America into a Hindu land.

No religion has a monopoly on the crazies.
^See, the thing is the Hindus never really got the opportunity to place their revenge against the Mughals. The Chinese and the Japanese did get their revenge against the Mongols.

I'd say, the riots we know of back in the last days of the British-era were far from petty.

I don't know, some strange inferiority complex going on here.

Mughal butt had been kicked by the Hindus in the early 1700s.

The so called Mughal rule even in the time of Shah Alam (Bahadurshah's grandpa) was reduced to just Delhi and that too at the mercy of Jats and Marathas.

So you are factually wrong here.

Of course, the British tightened the final screws in 1857. Every last Timurid man was hunted like a dog and every one of their "princess" ended up a prostitute (if young enough to command a customer) or a baud.

Poetic justice? ;)
There are megalomaniacal extremists in all religions. There are Christian missionaries all over the world. There are Jewish extremists who believe in a Greater Israel and beyond. There are Hindu extremists who want to turn America into a Hindu land.

No religion has a monopoly on the crazies.

Wow!! Where did you get that from? Just so that you know ultra firm believers in Hinduism strongly believe in India as their homeland and leaving the land of karma is kind of sin to them.
Wow!! Where did you get that from? Just so that you know firm ultra believers in Hinduism strongly believe in India as their homeland and leaving the land of Karma is kind of sin to them.

I don't want to derail the thread. I only mentioned it in passing as part of the religious panorama of extremism.

If you are interested, please google 'Hindutva America'. There are some links; also there was articles in the past about it.
There are megalomaniacal extremists in all religions. There are Christian missionaries all over the world. There are Jewish extremists who believe in a Greater Israel and beyond. There are Hindu extremists who want to turn America into a Hindu land.

No religion has a monopoly on the crazies.

I will be damned if we need to discuss the difference between the missionaries and people wanting to impose the Shariah on societies which host Muslim minorities and give them equal opportunities.

Jews are just too small in number. I have not seen then moving towards greater Israel.

Hindu extremists! That's your favorite. ;)
I don't want to derail the thread. I only mentioned it in passing as part of the religious panorama of extremism.

If you are interested, please google 'Hindutva America'. There are some links; also there was articles in the past about it.

I am sure there will be some but I think they exists in Google only.. After all, it does not cost anyone much to write any gibberish about anyone but wouldn't you agree that actions actually speaks louder??
I will be damned if we need to discuss the difference between the missionaries and people wanting to impose the Shariah on societies which host Muslim minorities and give them equal opportunities.

Most people who advocate shariah in the West do so for Muslim communities, not the rest. As for the extreme minority who want to force it on others, there are comparable Christian extremists who want to spread Christianity to the whole world. It's the same agenda.

Jews are just too small in number. I have not seen then moving towards greater Israel.

Given their extraordinary influence on Western powers, even a small number can (and do) cause a lot of damage.

Hindu extremists! That's your favorite. ;)

There's that denial thing again!

I am sure there will be but I think they exists in Google only.. After all, it does not cost much to anyone to write any gibberish about anyone but wouldn't you agree that actions speaks louder..

The details are in the articles themselves. From rediff (a hardcore Indian source), the Washington Post (giving specific examples), etc, etc.
Islam is no more monolithic than Christianity or Judaism. There are many different strains of Islam, with varying degrees of tolerance for other views.

It is supposed to be. That is why the inter sectarian violence reaches such high proportions.

There can't be multiple versions of what is supposed to be "final and perfect".

The extremists in Islam are no more severe than those in other religions; it's just that the extremists in other religions are more media-savvy, and their agenda is carried out by official armies in the IDF and the USAF.

Apparently 19000+ deadly terrorist attacks by Islamic terrorists since 9/11.

Who can match them?

This is again false. Iranian Muslims are just fine with their Zoroastrian roots. Egyptian Muslims have deep respect for their ancient heritage.

No. They are not! The Ayatollahs have deep aversion to Zoroastrianism and all of them were persecuted away from that land!

Now many of them are going back to their roots but that also means adapting the new religion. In the West they are open about it, in Iran many are probably keeping it hidden.

Even Egyptians are discovering their ancient heritage very recently. It was all lost for a long time, as jahiliyah.

If you are talking about South Asian Muslims, then there is a different dynamic at play. The reason there is friction between Muslims and Hindus is due to the Hindu resentment of the Mughal rule and the fact that some Hindus are stuck in these past grievances. This creates a backlash from the South Asian Muslim community and the bad blood continues.

A very self serving narrative that doesn't stand the test of facts.

The issue was always about whether blood is thicker than religion. If Bin Qasim and Gazhani are someone's heroes, that tells us all we need to know.
:lol::lol: Hindu Civilization was comprehensively defeated by the vast Islamic civilization of that time. Islam was in the period of rapid expansion---sorry that your Hindu civilization came across....the result was obvious....it HAD to get slaughtered by Islam and it did. Islam expanded and spreaded throughout Indian subcontinent--and throughout the whole (known) world. Stop whining about it now. The was how it was suppose to happen.

This is a great example of how their mind works.

A great rebuttal of "peaceful and tolerant" claims.

Can a normal human being be gleeful about "slaughter of a civilization" and claim to be "peaceful and tolerant" at the same time?

Now what if that civilization was his ancestor's and those slaughtered (and raped and enslaved) were his (and that of fellow Pakistanis') ancestors?

These guys can.

A strange mixture of victim mentality, impotence, foolish and false bravado and piety these people have.

And the world is realizing that! Increasingly!

Now coming to your day dream , Hindu civilization can never 'take revenge' from the Islamic civilization. There are couple of reasons. Islamic civilization is the only global civilization other than the Christian civilization. It is not homogenous mass. It is present all over the globe. From Morroco to Egypt. From Arabia to South Asia. From Iran up to central Asia and down to Turkey. From the Islands of Indonesia to Malaysia in East Asia. From Pakistan to the Western Part of China. Even in India itself , there are ~ 200 million Islamic followers. Compare this mammoth geographic spread of Islam to Hindu civilization .... Also , in order to advance towards mainland Islamic geographic heartland , Hindu civilization will have to cross the very first and relatively minor obstacle and that is .... Islamic republic of Pakistan .... You know and I know , Indian nation can never 'cut-through' Pakistan to enter central Asia or Afghanistan physically. Your hindu immigrants in the Middle-East aren't having any effect on the cultural outlook or demographics of Muslim lands (A thing which Muslim immigrants in christian heartland ARE having ..thanks to more freedom , rights and life-style of post-christian West) ......

There is no "Islamic civilization"! It is a contradiction in terms.

So please forget about any revenge rhetoric. Stay where you are. Stay at peace with your neighbors to the West... THIS is the destiny of hindu civilization.

My intention is peace. I have no intention to see innocent human beings of any religion killed. Any innocent killed anywhere doesn't make me happy.

And that is the difference between us.

You are happy that your ancestors were slaughtered!

I am sad when 1 million Muslims killed each other in the Iran Iraq war. Using poison gas and all...

Or when Kurds were killed using chemicals by other Muslims!

Or when there are daily sectarian killings in Iraq and Pakistan and .......

Regarding your bravado, we have seen more than a billion of you huffing and puffing against a population of 4 million.

Making noises and little else.

Trying to project that small country as a Goliath vs. your David!

The story is the same. Victim mentality, impotence, false bravado....

No Muslim force has won anything of note against any Non Muslims for hundreds of years!

We have sympathy for the Palestinian civilians though not the Hamas terrorists.

That is the difference!

So again, I say we have a superior civilization and a humane civilization.

Unlike yours....

Most people who advocate shariah in the West do so for Muslim communities, not the rest. As for the extreme minority who want to force it on others, there are comparable Christian extremists who want to spread Christianity to the whole world. It's the same agenda.

Well, the world can see the obvious difference. If you can't that's fine. We can move on.

Given their extraordinary influence on Western powers, even a small number can (and do) cause a lot of damage.

You were talking of "Greater Israel". What have they done about it so far?

On the ground?

There's that denial thing again!

It is just your need to find an equivalent that is just not there.

The details are in the articles themselves. From rediff (a hardcore Indian source), the Washington Post (giving specific examples), etc, etc.

The fact that the vast majority has not heard of it should tell us something.
The mere fact that you can't make your points without shouting in bold shows your desperation. But of course, we never expected civilized behavior from the likes of you.

It is supposed to be. That is why the inter sectarian violence reaches such high proportions.

There can't be multiple versions of what is supposed to be "final and perfect".

There is violence between and by various ideologies, c.f. Northern Ireland, RSS, Kony, etc.

Apparently 19000+ deadly terrorist attacks by Islamic terrorists since 9/11.

Who can match them?

The IDF and NATO, for starters.

No. They are not! The Ayatollahs have deep aversion to Zoroastrianism and all of them were persecuted away from that land!

Now many of them are going back to their roots but that also means adapting the new religion. In the West they are open about it, in Iran many are probably keeping it hidden.

You really know nothing about Iranian culture, do you? We are talking about the broad Iranian society, not the religious authorities. Iranians have always celebrated Nauroz and other Zoroastrian festivals since time immemorial.

A very self serving narrative that doesn't stand the test of facts.

The issue was always about whether blood is thicker than religion. If Bin Qasim and Gazhani are someone's heroes, that tells us all we need to know.

How deliciously ironic that you and your ilk are the best proof of that hateful obsession!

Well, the world can see the obvious difference. If you can't that's fine. We can move on.

You seem to have trouble holding more than one thought in your mind at one time. We have been through this already about the Zionist media's agenda.

You were talking of "Greater Israel". What have they done about it so far?

On the ground?

Don't tell me you haven't heard of settlements either!

It is just your need to find an equivalent that is just not there.

No, it's your general ignorance of anything outside the Hindutva agenda.

You have demonstrated ignorance of Iranian culture, Israeli history, Western media, to name just a few.

This is what happens when one is consumed by centuries old hatreds and lives in a delusional bubble detached from reality..

The fact that the vast majority has not heard of it should tell us something.

The West also turns a blind eye to Indian missile tests, child marriages in India and communal violence in India. Just because the Western media gives a pass doesn't mean no one else knows about it.
The mere fact that you can't make your points without shouting in bold shows your desperation. But of course, we never expected civilized behavior from the likes of you.

The bold was in reply to another person. I think it was merited.

There is violence between and by various ideologies, c.f. Northern Ireland, RSS, Kony, etc.

Yes, but this is different. And much larger!

The IDF and NATO, for starters.

Well, in a few days I can bet you will be among those who will call on them to stop the slaughter in Syria.

Like they had to stop it in Bosnia.

Only you guys can compare them. By the same token, is PA also a terrorist organization?

They are also fighting the TTP terrorists? And thereby creating more terrorists?

You really know nothing about Iranian culture, do you? We are talking about the broad Iranian society, not the religious authorities. Iranians have always celebrated Nauroz and other Zoroastrian festivals since time immemorial.

I know it. The fact that they were persecuted by the Islamists there is also true.

But I am glad they are coming back to their roots. The first to fall, the first to reject the imposition?

We have to wait and see.

How deliciously ironic that you and your ilk are the best proof of that hateful obsession!

I know. You couldn't have answered that except by being rhetorical.

That is the last defense.

You seem to have trouble holding more than one thought in your mind at one time. We have been through this already about the Zionist media's agenda.

Well, one thought in the conscious mind, 10-20 in the pre-conscious mind and an infinite number in the subconscious mind.

That is how it works for me. Any different for you?

You have an obsession with Zionism, not me.

Don't tell me you haven't heard of settlements either!

Settlements in West Bank = Greater Israel!

Wow, what a great example of ......... thinking!

No, it's your general ignorance of anything outside the Hindutva agenda.

Of course, you know it better than all.

You have demonstrated ignorance of Iranian culture, Israeli history, Western media, to name just a few.

You forgot maths, history, civics, geography, elctro-magnetism, nuclear physics, quantum theories, the latest in black holes......

I do have some reading to catch up....

This is what happens when one is consumed by centuries old hatreds and lives in a delusional bubble detached from reality..

Similar thoughts, different target.....

Tell me, between Dahir and Bin Qasim, who is your hero?

Is Gazhni your hero? Why?

The West also turns a blind eye to Indian missile tests, child marriages in India and communal violence in India. Just because the Western media gives a pass doesn't mean no one else knows about it.

Known state 2.
This is what happens when one is consumed by centuries old hatreds and lives in a delusional bubble detached from reality..

lol, so ironic that you should be talking about hatred, delusions and detached reality....

Settlements in West Bank = Greater Israel!

Wow, what a great example of ......... thinking!

He tanks more then he thinks. :lol:

They want Shariah not only in UK but in India and Canada as well (and all of the world)!
They are Islamofascists and they have no outside reason for what they are.

They are peaceful! You are trolling! :smokin:
Yes, but this is different. And much larger!

Not if you count the official armies of IDF, etc.

Well, in a few days I can bet you will be among those who will call on them to stop the slaughter in Syria.

This is what happens when you blow smoke without knowing anything. I have always maintained that Muslim/regional countries should settle the matter so outsiders don't get involved.

I know it. The fact that they were persecuted by the Islamists there is also true.

Again, your utter ignorance of Iranian culture is amusing to witness. The brief rule of the Ayatollahs is miniscule in Iranian history.

I know. You couldn't have answered that except by being rhetorical.

No rhetoric needed when facts are present right here.

Well, one thought in the conscious mind, 10-20 in the pre-conscious mind and an infinite number in the subconscious mind.

That is how it works for me. Any different for you?

And yet you cannot put more than one though together to make a connection.

You have an obsession with Zionism, not me.

No obsession; just fact. Corroborated by numerous Western sources.

One link has been provided in this thread. Others have been shown in earlier threads which, I know, you read.

Settlements in West Bank = Greater Israel!

Wow, what a great example of ......... thinking!

You asked for an example. I gave you one. Of course, true to form, you will run away when losing a point.

Of course, you know it better than all.

I don't care to get into the details, nor do I care, about Hindutva. I just know enough to see the dangers posed by it to civilized people, including secular Indians.

You forgot maths, history, civics, geography, elctro-magnetism, nuclear physics, quantum theories, the latest in black holes......

If they become relevant, I will point them out. So far you have demonstrated gross ignorance in the areas listed.

Similar thoughts, different target.....

Try forming a cogent thought next time instead of hiding in stock phrases when you have no retort.

Tell me, between Dahir and Bin Qasim, who is your hero?

Is Gazhni your hero? Why?

None. I don't live in the past. Unlike you.

Known state 2.

Let's add geopolitics to your list of ignorance.
Dude, develope..you are great.

I mean seriously, your constantly condescending attitude coupled with a superiority complex (i dont know how it is justified),constantly accusing people of being ignorant when you cannot refute a single claim, use of "educated" wording, badly disguised jealousy and consequentially hatred..it's legendary!

You are the whole package!

just answer me this:

how come you dont see Christian religious officials calling out for the destruction of other religions, followers, establishment of Christian laws, culture all over the world etc?

Only Muslim crazy imam's? How does that connect to "West instigating terrorism"?

I know you will skip this because you cant say anything in response...i just wanted to put it out there for other readers.
Dude, develope..you are great.

I mean seriously, your constantly condescending attitude coupled with a superiority complex (i dont know how it is justified) and constantly accusing people of being ignorant when you cannot refute a single claim, use of "educated" wording..it's legendary!

You are the whole package!

What do you want me to do with someone who claims that Iranians have neglected their pre-Islamic culture when the fact is that Iranians openly celebrate Nauroz every year since time immemorial? And the other lapses of knowledge are just as acute.

Anyway, do you have the proof I asked for?


Ok, then, see ya!
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