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Is LCA Programme finally dead?

Arjun Tank FAILED.

Arjun Tank FAILED.

You forgot to mention a few from the list:
  • IAF Failed
  • Indian secularism Failed
  • Indian military Failed
  • Indian state - about to Fail
Rafael is the nail on tejas and its supposed variants
don't worry 3 more Rafale, arriving on January 7th
Why not just focus on procuring more Rafale. It's a proven advanced fighter jet. You guys should have gone for the initial number i think it was about 100 and most of those was supposed to be manufactured in India. You guys could have learned from this experience to maybe build a better more advanced fighter in future even with French input, since by ordering such large amount of fighters you guys would have had more leverage in negotiations and thus could have gotten much more from them technologically which would have helped your future fighter jet productions going forward.
are you trying to be stupid???
this dude confuses me more than anybody on this forum(including superboy). Every thread he comments in, nobody understand what he is really saying. Last time i red one of his comments i had to go on a one week retreat to try and think/understand what he meant, but unfortunately i came back as i left clueless. :( Maybe others can help me out by telling me what his comments usually means/stand for. :undecided:
Only 6 jets produced so far, contract for 83 MK1A still not signed (was supposed to be this year, now been waiting 3 years for contract signature). IAF waiting for it to die?

They should rename it to Kamikazi Jet... Useful for suicidal mission, why to buy from Israelis when u have 50 years of experience to make these at home??
Tejas will be inducted at a snails pace ie 120 by 2030
more foreign jets will be ordered from overseas to make up shortfall and earn kick backs

ie 40 more Rafale for air Force
and 40 to 57 hornets for navy

both will happen

sit back enjoy and work on your block 4 and 5 and 6 thunders as your only viable option for next 20 years

No more SU-30? Makes you wonder what happened to them against F-16...maybe the DODGERS didn't dodge so well. :azn:

Shoud I post BS about JF 17 and can a BS would be a source for PDF about jf 17 if I post?
Or you could expose the BS by providing evidence of the contract being signed?
Every Nation is known by their Mothers !!! You are making the Condom Ones as Representatives of their Nations !!! Shame if the Female are having Exorcism Deaths in Your Nations !!!

You want to fight me, when you cant even kill a Demon ???

why would I kill a demon? I don't kill people. I am not getting paid to fight anyone so I am not going to fight. All of you can try to fight the nothing, the darkness. I am not going to help you.
No more SU-30? Makes you wonder what happened to them against F-16...maybe the DODGERS didn't dodge so well. :azn:

Or you could expose the BS by providing evidence of the contract being signed?

Hahhah funny-- should i post somthing BS abot jf 17 on my tweeter and paste in PDF as the source because PDF is excepting anything now these days.

Really, quality is getting down day by day.
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Hahhah funny-- should i post somthing BS abot jf 17 on my tweeter and paste in PDF as source because PDF is excepting anything not these days.

Really, quality is getting down day by day.

Well, quality certainly seems to be lacking in your spelling and grammar.

PDF is so bad you spend hours on here trying to defend Bharat Matha....

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