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Is LCA Programme finally dead?

with corona restrictions neither can private contractors deliver nor can HAL integrate. This entire thread is useless. Even ISRO has had to delay launches. This is a pointless thread

Not only HAL. Seems IAF has asked for even better modifications on the next batches of FOC aircrafts. In manufacturing this is not encouraged to change something after it has been approved. So in effect the first 2 FOC is going to be lil bit different than the next 14.
Not only HAL. Seems IAF has asked for even better modifications on the next batches of FOC aircrafts. In manufacturing this is not encouraged to change something after it has been approved. So in effect the first 2 FOC is going to be lil bit different than the next 14.

And why does IAF keep asking for changes?

Because something is wrong with the aircraft!
And why does IAF keep asking for changes?

Because something is wrong with the aircraft!

Not that anyone can make sense into you. IAF wants maintainability factor to be improved. Rerouting wiring to make them very accessible. This was changed somewhere in the middle. HAL shouldn't have accepted it as it is a manufacturing house for Tejas, not designer.
Not that anyone can make sense into you. IAF wants maintainability factor to be improved. Rerouting wiring to make them very accessible. This was changed somewhere in the middle. HAL shouldn't have accepted it as it is a manufacturing house for Tejas, not designer.

And they didn't think of this 40, 30, 20, or hell even 10 or 5 years ago??

No its not that simple 😉
Top officials want videshi mall with better kickbacks in cash n kind. Tejas is best in class and once inducted will rule the skies...

Well currently Tejas is ruling the hangers only

Indian Air Force don't want it
Indian Navy don't want it

Offering to USA. Well they might be laughing at it
don't worry 3 more Rafale, arriving on January 7th

When Indian Pilots are crashing it??
Reality is different from what we have being told by Indians on PDF, oh, how come? :disagree:
don't worry 3 more Rafale, arriving on January 7th
Kid, this forum is tired of this kind of child play, you are the tejas no.1 enthusiast on here and keep telling your fairytale of mk1 mk1a mk2 mk5 delivered, contract signed blah blah.
Anyone with a functioning brain will avoid a thread which certainly is slapping your face from left to right but yet you are still here, seriously, don't you guys have any shame?
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