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Is 9/11 a proove for absolute incompetency of US inteligence?

Bcoz your kind silences the ones who tries to,anyway the kind of bull**** you're fed by your govt I don't think you want to see the truth anymore,I won't even bother to try waking you up.

Oh comon use your brain there is hell of a difference in these 2 incidents.

How so?? It is just an assumption that they used box cutters but how does anyone know for sure if they had other weapons.
Bcoz your kind silences the ones who tries to,anyway the kind of bull**** you're fed by your govt I don't think you want to see the truth anymore,I won't even bother to try waking you up.
Right...Thousands of workers, from Robertson all the way down to the foremen. The US government 'silences' them all, including overseas experts who have the same experience and expertise as Robertson and built the tall buildings, like the Petronas Towers in Malaysia, a Muslim country.

Keep on sleeping, kid. You need the dream.
Right...Thousands of workers, from Robertson all the way down to the foremen. The US government 'silences' them all, including overseas experts who have the same experience and expertise as Robertson and built the tall buildings, like the Petronas Towers in Malaysia, a Muslim country.

Keep on sleeping, kid. You need the dream.
To be honest with you I don't blame you people it's not just 9/11 that you were fooled by your govt,here's another epic joke your govt pulled off,killing the worlds most wanted man(not) and then throwing him into the sea :omghaha: and you guys even bought that :omghaha:
I doubt US did all the planning and killing. But @gambit why is the pentagon attack so so ambiguous. I mean no engine panels, no tail panels were found. Could you shed some light on it.
To be honest with you I don't blame you people it's not just 9/11 that you were fooled by your govt,here's another epic joke your govt pulled off,killing the worlds most wanted man(not) and then throwing him into the sea :omghaha: and you guys even bought that :omghaha:
US, Al-Qaeda, Osama's family, and Al-Qaeda's affiliates. :lol:
US, Al-Qaeda, Osama's family, and Al-Qaeda's affiliates. :lol:
Oh and not to forget the WMD you found in Iraq :omghaha: seriously what are you guys fed:sarcastic:

I doubt US did all the planning and killing. But @gambit why is the pentagon attack so so ambiguous. I mean no engine panels, no tail panels were found. Could you shed some light on it.
Oh comon man :hitwall: you're asking him:hitwall:
I doubt US did all the planning and killing. But @gambit why is the pentagon attack so so ambiguous. I mean no engine panels, no tail panels were found. Could you shed some light on it.
There is nothing ambiguous about it.

People who have no experience in aviation thinks an aircraft is a solid object. It is not. In aviation, weight is a penalty, so an aircraft is designed to have just enough structural mass to support itself and cargo. An airliner is essentially a hollow tube. There are plenty of aircraft crashes that produced debris no larger than a meter square across. For AA 77, there were plenty of physical evidences of the aircraft. Why do you believe there were none ?

Oh and not to forget the WMD you found in Iraq :omghaha: seriously what are you guys fed:sarcastic:
We are fed the same info as the UN was.

Oh comon man :hitwall: you're asking him:hitwall:
Better than asking you.
We are fed the same info as the UN was.
US and israel's puppet :partay:

There is nothing ambiguous about it.

People who have no experience in aviation thinks an aircraft is a solid object. It is not. In aviation, weight is a penalty, so an aircraft is designed to have just enough structural mass to support itself and cargo. An airliner is essentially a hollow tube. There are plenty of aircraft crashes that produced debris no larger than a meter square across. For AA 77, there were plenty of physical evidences of the aircraft. Why do you believe there were none ?

We are fed the same info as the UN was.

Better than asking you.
Fine,feed him the lies your govt fed you with:coffee:
US and israel's puppet :partay:
I have explained on this forum many times on how the Iraq WMD inspection regime worked. No one have disputed it. For starter, am willing to bet you did not know that by UN demand, the inspection teams CANNOT be led by an American. There were one Australian and two Swedes, and their reports go straight to the UN SecGen's office, not to US.

You are obviously an ignorant person about Iraq.

Fine,feed him the lies your govt fed you with:coffee:
Am feeding you as well, whether you like it or not.
But the thing is I don't eat crap:D
But you have eaten crap. You took in your mouth, chewed it, savored its flavor, and swallowed it without critical thinking.

Regarding Iraq's WMD programs...

UNMOVIC - [ College of Commissioners ]

UNMOVIC is one inspection team. UNSCOM is the other. UNMOVIC was advised by an international team of experts and the list is above. Note that there is only one American. So if you accuse US of 'lying' about WMD in Iraq, then by structure of how the regime worked, you accused the entire UN, all the way up to the SecGen office itself.

You have been eating crap all your life. Now here is your chance to eat some intellectually nutritious food -- thanks to me. :enjoy:
But you have eaten crap. You took in your mouth, chewed it, savored its flavor, and swallowed it without critical thinking.

Regarding Iraq's WMD programs...

UNMOVIC - [ College of Commissioners ]

UNMOVIC is one inspection team. UNSCOM is the other. UNMOVIC was advised by an international team of experts and the list is above. Note that there is only one American. So if you accuse US of 'lying' about WMD in Iraq, then by structure of how the regime worked, you accused the entire UN, all the way up to the SecGen office itself.

You have been eating crap all your life. Now here is your chance to eat some intellectually nutritious food -- thanks to me. :enjoy:
I said I'm not interested in this crap :pissed:
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