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Iron Age (Vedic era) Pakistanis were nothing like modern Indians

What's with the obsession of Indians trying to lump both countries into a single cluster? South Asia is a very diverse region, even India itself is not homogeneous.

Your connection at most is your ethnicity/tribe/whatever if it's shared across the border at most, no one cares apart from that

No obsession beyond trolling. Its not like its going to change things in any way.

But yes, our own Muslims there is a definite movement to get them to accept and respect their roots.
No obsession beyond trolling. Its not like its going to change things in any way.

But yes, our own Muslims there is a definite movement to get them to accept and respect their roots.
Which roots, religious roots of Hinduism?
But yes, our own Muslims there is a definite movement to get them to accept and respect their roots.

Muslims in UP have diverse origins. Some low caste converts, some high caste converts, some mixed with Pashtuns (as recent 23andme dna tests have shown). I doubt they identify as a single ethnicity among themselves, let alone identify with Hindu/Jain castes.
Which roots, religious roots of Hinduism?

Hindutva. Or Hindustani Nationalism.

Muslims in UP have diverse origins. Some low caste converts, some high caste converts, some mixed with Pashtuns (as recent 23andme dna tests have shown).

We don't care. They are ancestrally of this soil and civilization. Few pulses of DNA here and there mean nothing in the bigger picture.
How's that going so far? Is it working?

Definitely. We are in the 4th decade of the process now. Remember we have as my muslims as you. We are creating a template the world has never seen and will probably never see again.
Definitely. We are in the 4th decade of the process now. Remember we have as my muslims as you. We are creating a template the world has never seen and will probably never see again.

You mean mass murder, mass genocide and mass oppression.

It's been done and dusted, Hitler is dead.
You'll have the same fate.
You mean mass murder, mass genocide and mass oppression.

It's been done and dusted, Hitler is dead.
You'll have the same fate.

No I mean re-education Indian style. Ahimsa. Saam Daam Dand Bhed.

'Muslims Were Taught a Lesson in 2002': Union Home Minister Says at Campaign Rally in Gujarat

The world does not look forward to your template repeated all over India. To be born Muslim in India must be frightening..

There is a whole thread on this here where I have been posting. Let us take this discussion there.
No I mean re-education Indian style. Ahimsa. Saam Daam Dand Bhed.

You can mean anything, you can claim to be the next reincarnation of Shiva.

But the fact remains, the realty of the so called new Indian identity is based on mass murder, mass oppression and mass genocide.
Definitely. We are in the 4th decade of the process now. Remember we have as my muslims as you. We are creating a template the world has never seen and will probably never see again.
Post the temple images/renderings
You can mean anything, you can claim to be the next reincarnation of Shiva.

But the fact remains, the realty of the so called new Indian identity is based on mass murder, mass oppression and mass genocide.

None of what you say is based in fact. Just sound bytes on a social platform, meant to inflame a word war. Communal hyperbole. We have enough of these types here in India. You will need to do better to get my attention and keep it.


@Bleek @peagle and anyone else interested. Let us not derail this thread.
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Have you heard bout tribes like Awan, arien, joyo, bhutta, lund, alizai, rind, langrial, Tiwana, Janjua, kakakhel, tanoli, niazi, khakwanis, laghari, mazari etc etc? You think only jatts, rajputs live here?
What the actual.... LMAO :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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