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Is India one people?

It is not one...

It's like Europe. Always quarreled through out its history. Tiny kingdoms. Many languages.

The only time it has been united is under Ashoka (Buddhist), various Muslims rulers over a period of 1,000 or so years, the British and now under post-colonial India.

For majority of its existence, it has been a landmass full of tiny kingdoms. And that is its future, as predicted. :)
Dholavira, Rakhagarhi, Lothal also if you want to take it further back, then our cave paintings in Central India..we have been in tune with Nature and have respected the Divine aspect of Nature since long....(I personally am a non-theist though)
So are you suggesting that hinduism originated from main india and then it was moved to Indus?
Look like many people are comfortable living without God. For Muslim the source of our happiness is to live with God. We are some how felling lazy to pray but always felt satisfied if we have already done it.

Actually the verse we are reading during praying are all intended to our selves, believers, and prophet Ibrahim families, including prophet Muhammad. It is more about asking God to give more to us.

The concept of Unity with God that is found in Hinduism is also exist in Islam, particularly in Sufism. But not every body can reach it. What we can be happily achieved when we can be closer to God.

Your concept is also not far from Islam concept that is believed by Sufi as God is every where, while Wahhabism has concept to believe God is in higher place.

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In Islam, human soul is made from God spirit and this is why Angels is ordered by God to bow to Adam, the first human. So getting united with God is possible in spirit world (metaphysical world). But getting united doesnt mean we dont worship God no more as all prophets as the best human still worship God

Quran, Sad, verse 61-62

After I have created him and breathed into him of My spirit,61 fall you down, prostrating yourselves to him.”62

religious discussions are not allowed in this forum other than in the context of historical discussi
So are you suggesting that hinduism originated from main india and then it was moved to Indus?

I have never suggested anything of that sort
religious discussions are not allowed in this forum other than in the context of historical discussi

I have never suggested anything of that sort

Its just hard for you to admit that hinduism originated from Indus which is now Pakistan so you are just going around in circles like a headless chicken.
Its just hard for you to admit that hinduism originated from Indus which is now Pakistan so you are just going around in circles like a headless chicken.

LOL you are talking out of your ***....I already provided anough evidence how the earliest texts of Hinduism were composed within the borders of modern day India...seriously stop embarassing yourself, if you have not ever gone through the Rig Veda or donot know how to read Sanskrit
1. New development formalised by foreigners, ay man it was a land of rivers and lakes, beautiful, they thought they need to worship those rivers and lakes and they found some unique ways, thus it is said that Hinduism originated in India.

2. The scriptures themselves ask it's followers to seek more knowledge rather than blindly believing something. So, you can find questions and answers or conversations between two people as part of the same text, or different texts. Which you call defiance.

3. The native ancestry of the land that you currently live in is somewhat described Mlecchas or barbarians, those are people who refused to move into fertile lands and who knows why exactly they were called barbarians.

4. Good, we were never taught to be passivist like Buddha did.

If you say Islam is Karma you're actually insulting your own faith by saying Islam is the result of bad deeds done by your ancestors. Please don't use Sanskrit words without understanding the context. lol!

Waste of time, these folks will repeat the same thing over and over, that whatever logic you bring is eventually a waste. The best way is to explain away their own stupidity and finding holes in their argument which is quite easy. Enjoy, don't quote texts.
Islam was karma for you lot. For us, it was and is manifest destiny.

Sir, I truly have a life outside of pdf, hence bedtime got in the way of yesterday's pawrry jho hori thee.

Ultimately, you and your friends on this thread will claim that Vedic Hinduism is an indigenous "Indian" faith. I regard that claim as an opinion, tenuously linked to - as you have already pointed out - the site of oration of the Rig Veda. Assuming your information about this location is correct (and I'm not saying it definitely is), that still leaves several problems.

Let's use Christianity's example. Christianity originated in the middle east. Naturally its various denominations can be argued to have been formulated in Rome, Constantinople, Britain and elsewhere, but these are denominations of the precursor and root faith.

There is ample evidence that Vedic Hinduism's origins were either the IVC or the pontic steppe or most probably a syncretism of both with some infusion of local elements.

I don't often quote Wikipedia because of its constant pervasion by gangetic tecchies however, parts of it remain either unnoticed by your IT cells, or perhaps even unalterable because the facts simply cannot be obfuscated or manipulated to better reflect the sanghee narrative.

"The Vedic religion developed during the early Vedic period (1500–1100 BCE), but has roots in the Eurasian steppeSintashta culture (2200–1800 BCE) and the subsequent Central AsianAndronovo culture (2000–900 BCE), and possibly also the Indus Valley Civilisation (2600–1900 BCE).[7] It was a composite of the religion of the Central Asian Indo-Aryans, itself "a syncretic mixture of old Central Asian and new Indo-European elements",[8] which borrowed "distinctive religious beliefs and practices"[9] from the Bactria–Margiana culture;[9] and the remnants of the Harappan culture of the Indus Valley.[10]

During the late Vedic period (1100–500 BCE) Brahmanism developed out of the Vedic religion, as an ideology of the Kuru-Pancala realm which expanded into a wider area after the demise of the Kuru-Pancala realm. Brahmanism was one of the major influences that shaped contemporary Hinduism...[11][2][1][12][a]"
Put simply, Vedic Hinduism is a local version of the philosophy of foreigners.

How is it any different to local Sufi or hanafi variants of Islamic traditions?

Hinduism is as local to India as Islam is.
Islam was karma for you lot. For us, it was and is manifest destiny.


During the late Vedic period (1100–500 BCE) Brahmanism developed out of the Vedic religion, as an ideology of the Kuru-Pancala realm which expanded into a wider area after the demise of the Kuru-Pancala realm. Brahmanism was one of the major influences that shaped contemporary Hinduism...[11][2][1][12][a]"

Nothing about it says that Rig Veda was composed in Europe...and the last part proves my point
Nothing about it says that Rig Veda was composed in Europe...and the last part proves my point
We never disputed that brahmanism was sanctified within the gangetic lands, however, it is a stolen and corrupted religion. It is a cheap rip off of the precursor IVC faith, modified by steppe landers to enslave your kin.

I'm not sure how (or why) you cannot see what is clearly right in front of your eyes. You don't follow the native faith of Hindustan. You follow a corruption of the IVC faith. Even if you could claim the IVC as loosely "gangetic", you're still not following the faith that arose there.
We never disputed that brahmanism was sanctified within the gangetic lands, however, it is a stolen and corrupted religion. It is a cheap rip off of the precursor IVC faith, modified by steppe landers to enslave your kin.

I'm not sure how (or why) you cannot see what is clearly right in front of your eyes. You don't follow the native faith of Hindustan. You follow a corruption of the IVC faith. Even if you could claim the IVC as loosely "gangetic", you're still not following the faith that arose there.

I follow no faith...I am a non-theist..and India also gave birth to Buddhism and Jainism ...and Hinduism is NOT JUST Brahmanism......Brahmanism is fire worship and rituals..Temple worship, statues, and many others are not part of original Brahmanism but part of other Indian streams

and I donot get it why you are so concerned about the spiritual life of Indians?
I follow no faith...I am a non-theist..and India also gave birth to Buddhism and Jainism ...and Hinduism is NOT JUST Brahmanism......Brahmanism is fire worship and rituals..Temple worship, statues, and many others are not part of original Brahmanism but part of other Indian streams

and I donot get it why you are so concerned about the spiritual life of Indians?
I don't give a monkey's about what you people do. When you discard Mughal/Islamic legacy as foreign or some dark age but claim Hinduism as native and golden, I am obliged to point out the fallacious nature of such statements. I know Hinduism is not brahmanism alone. Likewise, hinduism is not merely the oratory of the Rig Veda. Hinduism in totality is non-native to coterminous India, nor was it codified by native Indians. It is evidently a combination of indo-European (Aryan) and precursor IVC philosophy.

You need to start asking a different question. Why does it bother you that Hinduism is not native to the Secular Republic of India? Why does it matter in a secular democracy? Is it because as soon as you accept its non-native origins, then Muslims in India can finally give you a big middle finger?
I don't give a monkey's about what you people do. When you discard Mughal/Islamic legacy as foreign or some dark age but claim Hinduism as native and golden, I am obliged to point out the fallacious nature of such statements. I know Hinduism is not brahmanism alone. Likewise, hinduism is not merely the oratory of the Rig Veda. Hinduism in totality is non-native to coterminous India, nor was it codified by native Indians. It is evidently a combination of indo-European (Aryan) and precursor IVC philosophy.

You need to start asking a different question. Why does it bother you that Hinduism is not native to the Secular Republic of India? Why does it matter in a secular democracy? Is it because as soon as you accept its non-native origins, then Muslims in India can finally give you a big middle finger?

We just celebrate the fact that Rig Veda was composed in our land..We celebrate the fact that our culture carries the legacy of Dholavira,Rakhagarhi...We celebrate are ancient cave paintings...we have the right to see our history anyway we want
We just celebrate the fact that Rig Veda was composed in our land..We celebrate the fact that our culture carries the legacy of Dholavira,Rakhagarhi...We celebrate are ancient cave paintings...we have the right to see our history anyway we want
Do India's Muslims also have this right? Or does their history remain a "dark era"?
Do India's Muslims also have this right? Or does their history remain a "dark era"?

How predictable...Why does everything has to come down to personal faith? Why does everything has to come down to Islam? Those who have an Islamic operating system in their mind are also biologically sons of the same soil..90%+ of Muslims in India have the same ancestry as their non-Muslim counterparts of the same ethnicity...He is a Tamilian, Bengali, Assamese,Marathi first before some faith
How predictable...Why does everything has to come down to personal faith? Why does everything has to come down to Islam? Those who have an Islamic operating system in their mind are also biologically sons of the same soil..90%+ of Muslims in India have the same ancestry as their non-Muslim counterparts of the same ethnicity...He is a Tamilian, Bengali, Assamese,Marathi first before some faith
What are you talking about? I never framed India's legacy through a religious lens. But I know a guy who did.. Moji or Moody....something like that. The name escapes me.

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