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You should make a website and put all your analysis there, like Patamares, and it would be easier for you to add images and videos, categories
Thank you.

I will definitely speak to my IT guy.


What you wrote is very close to what have written on quite extensively.

If not, then pse let me know so that I can send the URL to you.


Please do

Thanks in advance

You should make a website and put all your analysis there, like Patamares, and it would be easier for you to add images and videos, categories

I usually make info-slides on Iranian weapons because Iranian media suck at doing so. I take the most authentic official stats and unbiased sources. So I will continue doing that, I asked others here before to help but no one was interested.

OWJ: Radome, front section
PANHA: Wings, Tail
SAIRAN: Avionics, Nav-Comm, probably Radar
HESA: Cockpit, Seat, Gears
SAHA: Fueselage, Turbojets

Lobbism behind Yasin AT makes total sense now, it's a cash cow for too many ego organizations. ~10 Million USD for an AT/CAS. I will not be surprised if a proper squadron is inducted before we see the next generation of Kowsar which matters more.
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4 x mini displays added compared to prototype which had only 2.

that makes 7 x MFDs + 2 x HUDs for production version. They may add HMD as well. They are doing what they can to make this thing modern but it will always remain underpowered unless a turbofan is given to it.

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Please do

Thanks in advance

I usually make info-slides on Iranian weapons because Iranian media suck at doing so. I take the most authentic official stats and unbiased sources. So I will continue doing that, I asked others here before to help but no one was interested.
Done. Just uploaded the latest iteration to : - https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ybbl0irlk93h327/AAC5NRPgagJvWAFXge9hCZa5a?dl=0

Image heavy though, best viewed in Word.



You should make a website and put all your analysis there, like Patamares, and it would be easier for you to add images and videos, categories
Spoke to my IT guy.

He'll create a site for me.


Great work, we have very similar views, reading it sometimes I felt I was repeating what I have posted here and on IMF for years. Very nice work.

If we realize Iran is absolutely on the verge of coming with an indigenous 4+ generation fighter + loyal wingmen. It's like how the missile program used to be during Shahab-3C era some 12-13 years ago, the ingredients were there, and someone just put them in their place. IRIAF's required ingredients are also there, the avionics, the engines, the design, the armaments are being made inside Iran. Some visionary leadership can put everything at its place.

AN/APX-95 ECM pod is being tested on F-5F testbed probably for use on Kowsar-I. It is a very efficient system






Someone is trying to paddle the idea of Mirage-F1 as a carrier of AShCM and Fakour-90 LR-BVR.

To launch a 150 KM ranging LR-BVR, the target needs to be tracked first and for that you need a radar which this MF'er does not have. It is hilarious.

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Great work, we have very similar views, reading it sometimes I felt I was repeating what I have posted here and on IMF for years. Very nice work.

If we realize Iran is absolutely on the verge of coming with an indigenous 4+ generation fighter + loyal wingmen. It's like how the missile program used to be during Shahab-3C era some 12-13 years ago, the ingredients were there, and someone just put them in their place. IRIAF's required ingredients are also there, the avionics, the engines, the design, the armaments are being made inside Iran. Some visionary leadership can put everything at its place.
Thank you for your kind words.

Just wondering, the IRGC appears able to get things done. Would it not be just an application of all resources, focused on a single aim, namely to rejuvenate the IRIAF, that would necessitate these two branches to work together? Because of sanctions imposed against the IRGC, perhaps better to retain the IRIAF 'officially' as the 'senior' service, while it receives 'unofficial' political, financial and technical succor from the IRGC, to do what it has to.

However, I think that a stumbling block to such co-operation would be found, unfortunately, in human nature, leaders lacking vision.

The analogy of missile developments as pertaining to the IRIAF's current needs are apt.


AN/APX-95 ECM pod is being tested on F-5F testbed probably for use on Kowsar-I. It is a very efficient system






Someone is trying to paddle the idea of Mirage-F1 as a carrier of AShCM and Fakour-90 LR-BVR.

To launch a 150 KM ranging LR-BVR, the target needs to be tracked first and for that you need a radar which this MF'er does not have. It is hilarious.

Great pics thanks.

Very excited when I saw the wingtip hardpoints carrying what could only be related to AN/APX-95. Of course also the active countermeasures at the rear, beneath the engines.

However, thinking of HESA's towed decoy system, I did a double take when I looked again at the close-up of the AN/APX-95 pod. In this pic F-R-T-L there are two posters with Iranian flags, then a blue book, the pod, a red book, and then on a lower stand on the left two fittings which caused me to also think in terms of towed decoys.


AN/APX-95 ECM pod is being tested on F-5F testbed probably for use on Kowsar-I. It is a very efficient system






Someone is trying to paddle the idea of Mirage-F1 as a carrier of AShCM and Fakour-90 LR-BVR.

To launch a 150 KM ranging LR-BVR, the target needs to be tracked first and for that you need a radar which this MF'er does not have. It is hilarious.

sam-2 sam-2m and sam-3, i wonder if they could not at least made it compatible with something relevant ?
wonder if kowsar radar is not already better than those

and that mirage-f1 is hilarious specially the long list of the weapon they put on it .
the only use i knew for it is dropping iron bomb on the head of Taliban . it literally is useless for anything else
sam-2 sam-2m and sam-3, i wonder if they could not at least made it compatible with something relevant ?

Probably because it cannot jam more modern systems. I doubt this jammer could jam Arrow-3, Patriot (latest version), or THAAD. Maybe smaller older systems like TOR, Pantsir, etc.

They should test it against Iranian S-300 and Bavar. If it fails, chances are it will fail against foreign system.
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