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IRGC drones capture strikingly precise footage of US aircraft carrier

@aryobarzan @Arian @Stealth @Dariush the Great and others. The strike group can't even detect that penetrating drone.

i don't know about sinking, but yeah they could've and would've shot the drone down as they've stated they would many times. It's real bad for them that the drone was so easily able to fly above.

Two Sadids or a suicide drone could've disabled the runway for a little bit of time, and a damage/destroy number of expensive jets including providing real time location of the AC, which at that point would be more than enough for AshBMs to target.
i don't know about sinking, but yeah they could've and would've shot the drone down as they've stated they would many times. It's real bad for them that the drone was so easily able to fly above.

Two Sadids or a suicide drone could've disabled the runway for a little bit of time, and a damage/destroy number of expensive jets including providing real time location of the AC, which at that point would be more than enough for AshBMs to target.

Ok.. and then what? an AC is sunk or destroyed thousands of Americans dead or wounded.
What do you think will happen after that?
Ok.. and then what? an AC is sunk or destroyed thousands of Americans dead or wounded.
What do you think will happen after that?

I don't know, obviously retaliation, but you are missing the point.

Increase the cost of attack, so that it never happens in the first place and no one needs to die. Such an attack would probably come AFTER a massive attack from the US.
I don't know, obviously retaliation, but you are missing the point.

Increase the cost of attack, so that it never happens in the first place and no one needs to die. Such an attack would probably come AFTER a massive attack from the US.

Allow me to enumerate :

Possibility 1: POTUS informs a shocked nation that 3000 plus Americans are killed and orders the withdrawal of all American forces from the Gulf.

Possibility 2: The US nukes Iran in retaliation killing millions

Possibility 3: Iran follow up on the AC sinking and deals a debilitating blow to US forces.

Possibility 4: Shock and awe followed by US Marines on the streets of Tehran.

I believe the likely US response to the unprovoked sinking of an AC and 3,000 dead Americans will be number 2. How will Iran impose cost on the US if it ceases to exist?
Ok.. and then what? an AC is sunk or destroyed thousands of Americans dead or wounded.
What do you think will happen after that?

Do you know Iran developing large solid fuel rockets?

And imagine for what reason!?
Allow me to enumerate :

Possibility 1: POTUS informs a shocked nation that 3000 plus Americans are killed and orders the withdrawal of all American forces from the Gulf.

Possibility 2: The US nukes Iran in retaliation killing millions

Possibility 3: Iran follow up on the AC sinking and deals a debilitating blow to US forces.

Possibility 4: Shock and awe followed by US Marines on the streets of Tehran.

I believe the likely US response to the unprovoked sinking of an AC and 3,000 dead Americans will be number 2. How will Iran impose cost on the US if it ceases to exist?

Re-read what I said.

An AC strike may only come AFTER a initial massive US strike. The US by then should be prepared for any eventuality both psychologically and physically. Nuclear weapons would only be resorted to hardened missile bases to destroy the means of production and launching of missiles....

If the US is that butthurt over losing an AC, it wouldn't even start the war in the first place but you seem to completely miss that point.

Secondly, with 500,000 deaths from Corona virus, I hardly doubt anyone will give a shit about a measly 3000.

And thank you for confirming why Iran needs nuclear tipped ICBMs.

Watch the video on PressTV link. The aircraft carrier is fully ready to get sunken.

Its not a dummy AC like Iran makes for Target Practice, its a real Actual AC with onboard Defense system and Ohio Class subs and Frigate+Aegis destroyers accompanying it, Sunk an American AC with around 3000+ Americans on board, lol your country will be nowhere to be found if your forces even attack it. Stop your delusional dreams before innocent Iranians will have to pay the price for your Dumb Mullah Regime and their personal Army.
Re-read what I said.

An AC strike may only come AFTER a initial massive US strike. The US by then should be prepared for any eventuality both psychologically and physically. Nuclear weapons would only be resorted to hardened missile bases to destroy the means of production and launching of missiles....

If the US is that butthurt over losing an AC, it wouldn't even start the war in the first place but you seem to completely miss that point.

Secondly, with 500,000 deaths from Corona virus, I hardly doubt anyone will give a shit about a measly 3000.

And thank you for confirming why Iran needs nuclear tipped ICBMs.

let's see the US strikes Iran and leaves it's AC conveniently in the Persian Gulf for Iran to destroy it? I think you severely underestimate the USN.

As for your 500,000 COVID deaths rationale, Americans can't nuke COVID we can nuke Iran.
let's see the US strikes Iran and leaves it's AC conveniently in the Persian Gulf for Iran to destroy it? I think you severely underestimate the USN.

I agree, it'll likely be withdrawn from the region. This is all hypothetical but you seem to be really keen on flexing your muscles on the backs of other peoples scientific and engineering labor. It's okay, its usually what people with small dicks do.

let's see the US strikes Iran and leaves it's AC conveniently in the Persian Gulf for Iran to destroy it? I think you severely underestimate the USN.

Americans are desensitized to death of their own population, 3000 won't budge. Daily mass shootings in your country and yes, you can hypothetically nuke Iran.

Now, but not forever.

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