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IRGC drones capture strikingly precise footage of US aircraft carrier

Footage clearly shows Prowlers on flight deck. So it's a decade old at least. I can literally search on YouTube and watch US Navy AC flight operations and deck life.

Chill out Iran.
Calm Down. This was a one off incident. Americans were smart enough not to escalate it but there was nothing stopping them from sending a strike force and retrieving these soldiers with Force. A single USN Carrier Group has more firepower then the entire Iranian Navy and Air Force combined.

You seriously will claim that the Iranians have a military powerful enough to challenge the might of the US. The US just took out their most beloved General, constantly carry out Air Strikes against Iranian Militas in Syria.
A one-time incident? A similar situation had happened to the British navy too. Although, I agree that the Americans acted smartly and didn't escalate it into something more, but that's only because they knew that they wouldn't like the consequences of further escalation.
The Americans have a history of embarrassing themselves in situations like this. Global Hawk, RQ-170, Operation Eagle Claw and this one. Not to mention that they have lost many drones to Iranians in Yemen, Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan as well.

You have a very twisted sense of reality if you think it's the US that is constantly carrying out strikes against Iranian militias. Almost every week the Iranian proxies are firing rockets and missiles at Americans in Iraq. The threads are there on PDF, you can find them. And what did the US stupidity of assassinating Soleimani achieve for them? Did it change the IRGC aggressiveness even a tiny bit? Iraq has become much worse and much less safer for them since then. And the IRGC remains as powerful as ever, even more than before Soleimani's death.

A single USN Carrier Group must first remain above the water to use their firepower. They won't be able to use their firepower at the bottom of the sea unfortunately.
saw some analyst on twitter say this footage is from 2016..
It is from 2016. It was publicized recently. The IRGC has a tradition of publicizing their old videos and communications with the Americans after a while.
this version is confirmed? lots of speculations up until now...
IRGC commander general Naghdi referred to recent explosions in Israel and indirectly accepted the responsibility.

He said Israelis have tried hard to cover up the incidents, yet these were too much big to be hided. it's natural that their villainy return back to themselves and they shouldn't expect to have interior safety.

فیلم/ واکنش سردار نقدی به انفجار در نزدیکی دیمونا - مشرق نیوز
I believe Iran is weaker today than pre-gulf war Iraq.

I'd have to strongly disagree with this. Iran has developed alot in the field of missile technology.

You can read the IISS reports for yourself, the proliferation of precision guided missile is something Iran only acquire 10 years ago. Iranian missiles were too inaccurate to be of significant military use and that is all Iran had as deterrence. If the US were to attack, they could've done it years ago when it was easier with little death. Not to mention, Iran only had HAWK SAMs 10 years ago as well.

And Pre-gulf war Iraq had just finished 8 years of combat against Iran. It was Iraq at it's lowest, but experienced form

I'm still wondering, if the US possibility of using nukes is so high in your calculus. Why didn't they use them in Korea or in Vietnam. Surely those wars intensive and costly. They could've used nukes to win those war in totality.
I like how you are signaling the moderator, when you are here fantasizing about the killing of millions.

Again, you are so thick headed that you don't realize, this precise talk is why Iran needs nuclear ICBMs.

I have a better chance of winning the lottery than your nuke dream from coming true.
You have mentioned Iran needing a ICBM many times on this thread. What I dont get is what is the point of Iran having ICBMs when it does not posses nuclear weapons? We cant know for sure, but Iran has denied having nukes many times. An ICBM without a nuclear warhead? Makes no sense.
I'd have to strongly disagree with this. Iran has developed alot in the field of missile technology.

You can read the IISS reports for yourself, the proliferation of precision guided missile is something Iran only acquire 10 years ago. Iranian missiles were too inaccurate to be of significant military use and that is all Iran had as deterrence. If the US were to attack, they could've done it years ago when it was easier with little death. Not to mention, Iran only had HAWK SAMs 10 years ago as well.

And Pre-gulf war Iraq had just finished 8 years of combat against Iran. It was Iraq at it's lowest, but experienced form

I'm still wondering, if the US possibility of using nukes is so high in your calculus. Why didn't they use them in Korea or in Vietnam. Surely those wars intensive and costly. They could've used nukes to win those war in totality.
The guy is a troll. It's a surprise that his title is Analyst on this forum.
You have mentioned Iran needing a ICBM many times on this thread. What I dont get is what is the point of Iran having ICBMs when it does not posses nuclear weapons? We cant know for sure, but Iran has denied having nukes many times. An ICBM without a nuclear warhead? Makes no sense.
I mentioned ICBMs assuming a nuclear warhead would be available to specifically deter the USA because in the worst case scenario , Iran can become a victim of a nuclear attack like Japan

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