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Iran Building a fake Mock up of U.S. Aircraft Carrier

Is safavid supposed to be an insult ?
Lol , I don't find it more insulting than a-rab .
It was fun talking to you :lol:

No mate , we're proud !
Arabs have a hard time to absorb info . That's why they think we are offended

The suffering and the misery the Iranians had gone through at the hands of the Safavids are far greater than anything the Persians had gone through - barring to Al-Qadsiyah of course -

Crimes of Safavids in Azerbaijan, Iran and Khorasan | EXPOSING & ANSWERING SHIITES
The suffering and the misery the Iranians had gone through at the hands of the Safavids are far greater than anything the Persians had gone through - barring to Al-Qadsiyah of course -

Crimes of Safavids in Azerbaijan, Iran and Khorasan | EXPOSING & ANSWERING SHIITES
That is bunch of typical BS lies. Safavids made Iran as a united country which was one of the most important countries of the world, and one of the few countries in the world who could go to war with Ottomans at their apex, indians, uzbeks, Russians, and Portuguese at the same. Safavid empire as long as Afsharid Empire, have been the apex of Iran after muslim invasion or even in the entire history of Iran, and their remained monuments in Iran are more than any other dynasty in the country. BTW, the article that you have posted has tons of historical problems. Anyway, what Safavids did about the religion, was not anything different from what Arabs, or Qaznavids, or anyone elses did. So stop crying and be realistic.
That's good and all but I was referring to the picture where they made a mock mecca. Isn't that a huge haraam?

a lot of Muslim countries do this. It's rehearsal, its to make sure they perform the rituals correctly when they go to mecca, I think it's popular among the elderly cause they get los and confused on what to do when they reach mecca.

Iran's get offended by this word,Whats its meaning by the way??

No Iranian gets offended by it. Iranians are very proud of Safavid dynasty. I think it's a derogatory term in Saudi Arabia but definitely not in Iran.
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Iranian mock aircraft carrier for production of movie

Iranian mock-up of a US aircraft carrier is for the production of a movie about the 1988 downing of an Iranian airliner by the US Navy, according to Iranian media.

Iranian-owned Al-Alam News Network reported that the mock-up is being built for a film titled “Airbus,” about the July 3, 1988, downing of civilian passenger plane Iran Air Flight 655 by the USS Vincennes. The plane, which according to the American crew was mistaken for a F-14 Tomcat fighter, was shot down in Iranian airspace over the Persian Gulf and killed all 290 people on board.

News of the joint Iranian-Canadian production was first announced in April 2013. According to Iranian website Cinemanegar, it is being co-directed by Nader Talebzadeh and Paxton Winters and will star both Iranian and American actors, most prominently Sean Ali Stone, the son of American filmmaker Oliver Stone.

According The New York Times, the mock-up, which satellite photos revealed also has mock aircraft on deck, is about two-thirds the size of the Navy’s Nimitz-class carrier and according to experts is “not a functioning aircraft carrier.”

The Al-Alam article did not specify if in the movie the Nimitz aircraft carrier was meant to take the place of the USS Vincennes, which is a guided missile class cruiser not an aircraft carrier.

The mock-up, which was being built in plain view with no efforts to conceal its production, has baffled experts, lawmakers and journalists.

Among the theories posited by experts and US officials is that the Iranians had wanted to build the aircraft carrier and blow it up to “make a propaganda point, if … the talks with the Western powers over Iran’s nuclear program go south.” The New York Times article suggested that the Iranians are building the mock aircraft carrier “presumably for some mysteriously bellicose purposes.”

“We don’t really know what it means, but I for sure don’t trust the Iranians,” said Senior Democrat of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Rep. Eliot Engel, D-N.Y., of the mock aircraft carrier. He added, “It’s some kind of ruse and whatever they are up to, it’s no good.”

A defense official who spoke to AFP on condition of anonymity said, “They got this barge and threw some wood on top of it to make it look like the USS Nimitz. That’s all we know for sure.”

The downing of the civilian airliner was viewed by some Iranians as an intentional decision by the United States to enter the Iran-Iraq war militarily on behalf of Iraq and is still today one of the many grievances Iranians and Iranian officials have against the United States.

Talebzadeh is an Iranian filmmaker who attended Columbia University film school in New York. He is less known for his films than his vocal criticism of American movies. He hosted the conference “Hollywoodism and Cinema,” which held discussions of American entertainment agendas of tarnishing Islam and Iran. Yet, he does advocate engagement more so than other conservative filmmakers.

Read more: http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2014/03/iran-movie-aircraft-crash-filming.html#ixzz2wvCJPvjI
Iranians are so adorable :lol: They never ceased to amaze us.

I wonder what the next mock-up be ...
Maybe they are waiting for their mahdi to make the ship a reality.lol
Nothing to see here it is for domestic purpose wait for an iranian headline claiming that the ship was a gift from god and it operates by angels.
Iran moves mock aircraft carrier to sea amid US tensions

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — Iran has moved a mock aircraft carrier to the strategic Strait of Hormuz amid heightened tensions with the United States, satellite photographs released on Monday show, likely signalling the Islamic Republic soon plans to use it for live-fire drills.

An image from Maxar Technologies taken Sunday shows an Iranian fast boat speed toward the carrier, sending waves up in its wake, after a tugboat pulled her out into the strait from the Iranian port city of Bandar Abbas.

Iranian state media and officials have yet to acknowledge bringing the replica out to the Strait of Hormuz, through which 20% of the world’s oil passes. However, its appearance there suggests Iran’s paramilitary Revolutionary Guard is preparing an encore of a similar mock-sinking it conducted in 2015.

The U.S. Navy’s Bahrain-based 5th Fleet, which patrols Mideast waterways, remains “confident in our naval forces’ ability to defend themselves against any maritime threat,” said spokeswoman Cmdr. Rebecca Rebarich when asked about the faux carrier’s movements.

“We cannot speak to what Iran hopes to gain by building this mockup, or what tactical value they would hope to gain by using such a mock-up in a training or exercise scenario,” Rebarich told The Associated Press. “We do not seek conflict, but remain ready to defend U.S. forces and interests from maritime threats in the region.”

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