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Iran's military chief says ready for war with US, Israel


I wouldn't mention Serbia as an example of anything if I was you, it certainly was not NATO's or USAF's finest hour.

Are there any independent confirmations that Iran has S-300? Last I heard, the Russians won't sell them

I'm mentioning it when you get bombed for 78 straight days. So yes its a good example of our finest hour.
You've missed at least 1 on the Iranian side, and that's "Syria".

From the beginning of the conflict we asked for political solution ... but those who sent Mujahedeen to Afghanistan and aftermath called it a mistake made it twice in Syria ... as we've seen them in Iraq in Al-anbar province .....

But yes, precisely because the superpowers are so often involved in other countries, is why they are called superpowers. If smaller countries like yours don't recognize that, to the extent the Iranian leaderships are at the moment, then you see another one of those deplorable invasions.

If you mean the so-called "Power" has given them credit and validation to be called and accepted as superpowers then I gotta admit you are right but as I said it's the law of jungle and as far as we human we shan't ever recognize their legitimacy.

Have you heard of "Chicken game"?

"The name "chicken" has its origins in a game in which two drivers drive towards each other on a collision course: one must swerve, or both may die in the crash, but if one driver swerves and the other does not, the one who swerved will be called a "chicken," meaning a coward; this terminology is most prevalent in political science and economics."

The point is neither Iran nor the USA seek a crash or conflict in the region, it's a battle to walk all over each other ... since the game got started we've been successful to talk them into our enrichment right which was basically denied by them at first.

Maybe all governments listed here are state users of terrorism, perhaps in the form of 'asymetrical force' sometimes as well?... :(

Calling everyone who take a gun to defend his country terrorism is another bitter reality of our world.

I'm willing to patiently and politely explain once more on this forum how Iran is heading down the wrong path with their poorly-hidden nuclear weapons program,... You interested to listen to my viewpoints?

Pleas first of all prove Iran is after nuke then Call it a wrong path .... Yes I'm interested to your viewpoints ...
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Please have a read of IAEA diplomats: No confirmation Iran has halted higher-grade enrichment | JPost | Israel News

more links at iaea iran enriched - Google search

And hopefully see the points i'm trying to make here..

Your first link was about enrichment uranium in Iran, it doesn't prove anything, does it? if you read it carefully u'll notice that: "..The IAEA, which regularly inspects Iranian nuclear sites..." therefore as you see our program and facilities are under the control of IAEA inspectors . On the other hand there are several countries with the same story ... Argentina, Brazil, Japan which enrich uranium every day .

I implore you to take a glance at the Non-Proliferation Treaty (i.e. NPT) content:

Article 4
1.Nothing in this Treaty shall be interpreted as affecting the inalienable right of all the Parties to the Treaty to develop research, production and use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes without discrimination and in conformity with Articles I and II of this Treaty.
2. All the Parties to the Treaty undertake to facilitate, and have the right to participate in, the fullest possible exchange of equipment, materials and scientific and technological information for the peaceful uses of nuclear energy. Parties to
the Treaty in a position to do so shall also co-operate in contributing alone or together with other States or international organizations to the further develop ment of the applications of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, especially in the territories of non-nuclear-weapon States Party to the Treaty, with due consideration for the needs of the developing areas of the world.

Hence and as a matter of fact enriching uranium for peaceful purposes is an inalienable right for all parties involved in the treaty like Argentina, Brazil, Japan and of course Iran.
Your first link was about enrichment uranium in Iran, it doesn't prove anything, does it? if you read it carefully u'll notice that: "..The IAEA, which regularly inspects Iranian nuclear sites..." therefore as you see our program and facilities are under the control of IAEA inspectors . On the other hand there are several countries with the same story ... Argentina, Brazil, Japan which enrich uranium every day .

I implore you to take a glance at the Non-Proliferation Treaty (i.e. NPT) content:

Article 4
1.Nothing in this Treaty shall be interpreted as affecting the inalienable right of all the Parties to the Treaty to develop research, production and use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes without discrimination and in conformity with Articles I and II of this Treaty.
2. All the Parties to the Treaty undertake to facilitate, and have the right to participate in, the fullest possible exchange of equipment, materials and scientific and technological information for the peaceful uses of nuclear energy. Parties to
the Treaty in a position to do so shall also co-operate in contributing alone or together with other States or international organizations to the further develop ment of the applications of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, especially in the territories of non-nuclear-weapon States Party to the Treaty, with due consideration for the needs of the developing areas of the world.

Hence and as a matter of fact enriching uranium for peaceful purposes is an inalienable right for all parties involved in the treaty like Argentina, Brazil, Japan and of course Iran.

well, first of all, i'm not against (Iranian domestic) production of nuclear FUEL for REACTORS if that's all you'd produce :)

and the problem starts with too-little-quoted reports like these:

http://armscontrolnow.org/2013/05/22/cliff-notes-on-the-may-2013-iaea-report-on-iran/ said:
Cliff Notes on the May 2013 IAEA Report on Iran | Arms Control Now: The Blog of the Arms Control Association

The International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA) May 2013 quarterly report on Iran’s nuclear program indicates that Tehran is continuing to move forward on its nuclear program, installing more advanced centrifuges and building-up its stockpiles of uranium enriched to 3.5 percent and 20 percent, and moving forward on construction of its heavy water reactor at Arak.

combined with this:

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_fuel_cycle#Enrichment said:
Nuclear fuel cycle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The different levels of enrichment required for a particular nuclear fuel application are specified by the customer: light-water {peacefan:heavy water reactors are more difficult to run I think} reactor fuel normally is enriched to 3.5% U-235, but uranium enriched to lower concentrations is also required.

and the problem I perceive in the NPT starts here:

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_program_of_Iran said:
Nuclear program of Iran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Congressional Research Service report quotes 24 February 2012 IAEA report saying that Iran has stockpiled 240 pounds of 20-percent-enriched uranium – an enrichment level necessary for medical applications – as an indication of their capacity to enrich to higher levels.[49]

Plus, Iran has a spaceprogram of it's own, which is an indication to me you want to be able to build ICBMs and satelitte-killers. All of which are upsets of the geomilitary statusquo, that I rather do not see.

Plus, Iran does not allow uncondtional inspections, which is also a real problem in my eyes
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Here we go again birthday party parsi style, flying carpets and words. Drop the sanctions immediately and start importing whatever these nutter ayatollahs are smoking, seems like some proper good stuff.

You can do better, Iranian people. Long overdue.
With all due respect, no one is ready for war with US of A...No one can (atm) This is just for public consumption
well, first of all, i'm not against (Iranian domestic) production of nuclear FUEL for REACTORS if that's all you'd produce :)

and the problem starts with too-little-quoted reports like these:

combined with this:

and the problem I perceive in the NPT starts here:

Plus, Iran has a spaceprogram of it's own, which is an indication to me you want to be able to build ICBMs and satelitte-killers. All of which are upsets of the geomilitary statusquo, that I rather do not see.

Plus, Iran does not allow uncondtional inspections, which is also a real problem in my eyes

About unconditional inspectors, first of all who does? the USA? England? France? those who want Iran to permit such inspections firstly ought to disarm themselves and then force Israel to join the NPT., as you know Israel possess hundreds of nukes and has got military nuclear program (without any inspection), space program and has invaded its neighbors in many cases since its creation. Notion of "The Middle East to be a nuclear weapon free zone" has made no progress since Iran proposed the idea almost 40 years ago Israel is the only middle eastern country with a nuclear arsenal, which was developed in the 1960s. Israel has opposed even discussing nuclear demilitarization moreover Iran has called for nuclear weapon armed state to disarm... none of them has achieve their goals ...

On 20 percent, and any possible high level enrichment in Iran ... simply base on NPT it's our right .and we've enriched uranium up to 20% for Tehran research reactor. we asked the IAEA to give it to us and they didn't, consequently we did it by ourselves due to lack of time, as you know around 1 million Iranian patients consume its output (drugs,isotopes).

FYI there is an additional protocol to the NPT which gives the IAEA even more authority to inspect sites, from 2003 to 2005 Iran voluntary agreed to this higher standard (the additional protocol) but when we didn't get anything in return from the USA, Iran stop hearing at that protocol so what Iran does today is it hears to letter of the law of the NPT treaty and does not any thing extra.

Iran has repeatedly issued that it has not any plan to acquire a nuclear weapon furthermore Iran supreme leader has issued his own fatwa (religious edict or decree) against having nuclear weapons that "Any effort to the production, stockpiling, and use of any type of WMD such as nuclear, chemical and biological weapons are forbidden under Islam and that the Islamic Republic of Iran shall never acquire these weapons."

In sum, nuclear program for peaceful purposes (enriching uranium in any level, research and so on) is our right as the USA, France, England, Japan, South Korea, Brazil, Argentina, Russia and China do.
And international community have this right to observe and inspect our program.
I think that's a fair deal.
Iran isn't attacking anybody, what choice do they have besides defending theirselves?
choice of propaganda anti US since they just are following the words of the sick leader
the reality: nobody will attack each other indeed , as you may guess hazzy
just words , words and again words

the only ability of some of these guys: participate to avoid any democracy in Iran and kill protesters or opposition
About unconditional inspectors, first of all who does? the USA? England? France? those who want Iran to permit such inspections firstly ought to disarm themselves and then force Israel to join the NPT., as you know Israel possess hundreds of nukes and has got military nuclear program (without any inspection), space program and has invaded its neighbors in many cases since its creation. Notion of "The Middle East to be a nuclear weapon free zone" has made no progress since Iran proposed the idea almost 40 years ago Israel is the only middle eastern country with a nuclear arsenal, which was developed in the 1960s. Israel has opposed even discussing nuclear demilitarization moreover Iran has called for nuclear weapon armed state to disarm... none of them has achieve their goals ...

On 20 percent, and any possible high level enrichment in Iran ... simply base on NPT it's our right .and we've enriched uranium up to 20% for Tehran research reactor. we asked the IAEA to give it to us and they didn't, consequently we did it by ourselves due to lack of time, as you know around 1 million Iranian patients consume its output (drugs,isotopes).

FYI there is an additional protocol to the NPT which gives the IAEA even more authority to inspect sites, from 2003 to 2005 Iran voluntary agreed to this higher standard (the additional protocol) but when we didn't get anything in return from the USA, Iran stop hearing at that protocol so what Iran does today is it hears to letter of the law of the NPT treaty and does not any thing extra.

Iran has repeatedly issued that it has not any plan to acquire a nuclear weapon furthermore Iran supreme leader has issued his own fatwa (religious edict or decree) against having nuclear weapons that "Any effort to the production, stockpiling, and use of any type of WMD such as nuclear, chemical and biological weapons are forbidden under Islam and that the Islamic Republic of Iran shall never acquire these weapons."

In sum, nuclear program for peaceful purposes (enriching uranium in any level, research and so on) is our right as the USA, France, England, Japan, South Korea, Brazil, Argentina, Russia and China do.
And international community have this right to observe and inspect our program.
I think that's a fair deal.

The current geo-military status quo as it relates to nuclear weapons is this : all the states that hold nuclear weapons are trusted with these weapons, because they will not use them in a first strike, nor in an under-the-table strike, and have a trackrecord for holding themselves to these standards.

Iran is NOT trusted with nuclear weapons, and because you insist on developing all of these programs (space, nuclear) as your right, we can not trust your word blindly. Unconditional inspections would help alleviate this tension, but you insist that because the current nuclear weapons countries do not allow unconditional inspections (i see little reason for that at all), you should be held to the same standard.

If Iran were to actually build a nuclear weapon, there will be other countries in your region (KSA, Egypt) that will develop nuclear weapons, leading to nuclear weapons stored all over the middle east, where they can easily be stolen / secretly handed over to islamic extremists, who then use it against western / israeli targets. This is what we are trying to prevent.

Answer me this : why can't Iran restrict itself to nuclear fuel production only, and get their medical isotopes from other countries?

And also answer this: why won't Iran invest their scientific and monetary capital in developing green energy instead of nuclear energy? Surely you have enough space and sunlight for solar farms...?

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