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Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

I didn't want to be mention it, but I was wondering why the maritime target strike was not shown to us and maybe the missiles didn't reach it or veered off course or maybe the target was an area rather than an actual object, especially if it was planned to be that close to a US navy carrier group. Maybe they were cluster munitions that rained down rather than a single warhead?

I don't think they would have set up a target 1800km away from Iran. Probably they set some coordinates and fired at it. Does anyone have current location tracker of USS Nimitz?
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I don't they would have set up a target 1800km away from Iran. Probably they set some coordinates and fired at it.
That's what I strongly suspect too. I imagine if they would moved an object 100 miles away from the carrier group, the carrier would have just moved farther away from it. Instead they hit some spot in the water near the carrier group more as a demonstration as an area denial capability.
Here is a rough map I made:

persian gulf.jpg
The Americans claimed their satellites detected the launch of these missiles. Therefore it is clear that another arm of Iranian offensive capability that we should expect to see much more in the future is anti-satellite weapons. Iran's enemies rely on their satellite systems to an extreme extent. In case of war, dismantling their satellite capability should occur simultaneously as the targeting of their earth based assets.
From the video :

First decision was to strike Taji military base near baghdad, night before the attack IRGC decided to strike Ain al assad base.

IRGC was expecting American counter attack and got ready to hit back again at other bases American bases in the region.. from Jordan till UAE.

400 missiles were readied for initial shock and awe counter attack

IRGC commander also claims that there were Iraqi and American casualties but they were quickly put in bodybags and taken away.
Most important note that i forgot to add :

Hajizadeh claims IRGC did not give the Iraqis any warning at all.. he claims this was done by the people in the government (Foreign ministry).

What can you expect from Rohani and the other traitors ?
Most important note that i forgot to add :

Hajizadeh claims IRGC did not give the Iraqis any warning at all.. he claims this was done by the people in the government (Foreign ministry).

What can you expect from Rohani and the other traitors ?

i would like to add that it was 30min before the attack and that the goverment didn't say which base they want to attack (possible that they didn't even knew it themself in the foreign ministry)
Most important note that i forgot to add :

Hajizadeh claims IRGC did not give the Iraqis any warning at all.. he claims this was done by the people in the government (Foreign ministry).

What can you expect from Rohani and the other traitors ?
I don't like the Rouhani administration, but I don't blame them for this one. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs probably had been told to inform the Iraqis and they were just doing their job. They didn't do that on their own.
I don't like the Rouhani administration, but I don't blame them for this one. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs probably had been told to inform the Iraqis and they were just doing their job. They didn't do that on their own.
Are you saying the IRGC instructed the FM to warn the Iraqis.. and now they are denying it/ covering up?
did you know that Fateh missile family now can be launched in full ballistic mode ? they are going up straight up, now we can say for a fact that Fateh missiles can be launched from submarines , enjoy


Are you saying the IRGC instructed the FM to warn the Iraqis.. and now they are denying it/ covering up?
I am saying that the whole system, consisting of the IRGC, the leadership, the Council of National Security and others decided to inform the Iraqis of their intention to attack US military bases. So, yes. The IRGC as well knew that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs would contact the Iraqis before the attack and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs only executed it. They didn't make the decision on their own.
did you know that Fateh missile family now can be launched in full ballistic mode ? they are going up straight up, now we can say for a fact that Fateh missiles can be launched from submarines , enjoy


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Are there images available from the ground during the launch? That would prove for sure. I think they were still slightly angled during their launch or at least they were when they were shown prior to launch.
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