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Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

I don't think they would have set up a target 1800km away from Iran. Probably they set some coordinates and fired at it. Does anyone have current location tracker of USS Nimitz?

What happened is that they set the target close to border area between the Indian ocean and the gulf of Oman, and fired the missiles from deep inside Iran. You can fire near Qom or Semnan desert

I didn't want to be mention it, but I was wondering why the maritime target strike was not shown to us and maybe the missiles didn't reach it or veered off course or maybe the target was an area rather than an actual object, especially if it was planned to be that close to a US navy carrier group. Maybe they were cluster munitions that rained down rather than a single warhead?

I don't think Iran can strike a specific target 1800km away, but what It can do is fire 20 missiles each with space-released submunition's to cover a solid 20km radius of sea with a rain of small bombs.

Imagine if the missile successfully hit its target near the Nimitz AC. If there ever was a way to demonstrate to the US that their naval assets are increasingly vulnerable to Iran's ballistic missiles, even from that distance...

No way a coincidence.
Most probably a lie by Fox News. They don't allow any foreign commercial or naval vessel within hundred miles of where the war game is taking place.
Are there images available from the ground during the launch? That would prove for sure. I think they were still slightly angled during their launch or at least they were when they were shown prior to launch.
look at the dust if the missile had angle the the dust would have looked like the one below not to mention missile nose is up the smoke trail dose not have a angle too, if the missile has an angle the you couldn't see the missile engine too

look at the dust if the missile had angle the the dust would have looked like the one below not to mention missile nose is up the smoke trail dose not have a angle too, if the missile has an angle the you couldn't see the missile engine too

View attachment 707711
At 02:00 it looks like they are being launched at an angle, not to mention the still image.
Here is a rough map I made:

View attachment 707487

If the U.S. Navy was going to carry out a full on attack against a country as strong as Iran, In terms of firing Tomahawk Cruise Missiles this is what they would likely do



Deploy as many as 4 Fleets with up to15 Ticonderoga Missile Cruisers between them in the initial offensive deployment

1.Indian Ocean - As many as 5 Ticonderoga Missile Cruiser among the fleet

2.Red Sea - 2 Ticonderoga Missile Cruiser

3.Meditation - 3-6 Ticonderoga Missile Cruiser

4.Black Sea - 3-6 Ticonderoga Missile Cruiser

Between them and other vessels in their fleet they will likely fire upwards of 2000 cruise missiles in the initial attack after that the U.S. Air Force will likely be flying B-2's back and forth between Poland and Diageo Garcia to deliver heavier ordinances while small teams of US special forces carryout attacks against known/fixed radar, SAM & com's using small drones & UGV and these are just in the initial attack

This is why it's vital for Iran to continue the development and deployment of larger subs (Preferably one with twice the size/mass of the Fateh with double the fire power) produced at much higher rates. And why Iran's navy needs to equip it's self with vessels that are equipped with a good number of LaCM and or capable of deploying swarms of suicide drones.

This is why as soon as the IRGC tested the Simorgh UAV(RQ-170), Iran's Air Force should have gone to the IRGC and begged for a joint project to develop and mass produce a large number of larger bomber version modified to be powered by 2 OwJ engines to start with and plans to build larger version with a higher angled wing and more powerful engines....

The ONLY way to prevent a war is to produce and deploy enough highly capable weapons that no country would ever dare to even think about attacking you.
9.Iran's Air Force - Given all the capabilities they have had at their disposal from facilities to human resources they along Army Aviation are the top 2 worst managed branch of Iran's Military. And it seems since the death of Shahid Sattari they haven't been able to come up with a single good idea.
And today they are hands down the weak link of Iranian military branches

Iran's missile and UAV offensive arm are incredible and by themselves can dismantle any nation/adversary within Iran's stated 2000km range. Now one can Imagine if Iran develops an airforce worthy of being seen in the same way (or even similar) as its missile and UAV forces. That would be greatly synergistic and Iran's adversaries would reach a new level of nightmare. It is inevitable that Iran's airforce will develop but it seems to me the airforce needs people to have the passion and mindset to do something great with it. Now this may be just a misperception on my part because I cannot see exactly what is happening in the airforce behind the scenes, but certainly from the surface it would appear the airforce needs a need breed of managers.
Iran's missile and UAV offensive arm are incredible and by themselves can dismantle any nation/adversary within Iran's stated 2000km range. Now one can Imagine if Iran develops an airforce worthy of being seen in the same way (or even similar) as its missile and UAV forces. That would be greatly synergistic and Iran's adversaries would reach a new level of nightmare. It is inevitable that Iran's airforce will develop but it seems to me the airforce needs people to have the passion and mindset to do something great with it. Now this may be just a misperception on my part because I cannot see exactly what is happening in the airforce behind the scenes, but certainly from the surface it would appear the airforce needs a need breed of managers.
I tend to agree ..air force needs new breed ..it is not the technology it is people and to some extent the available funds..lets face it Airforce was never considered a priority as the arm that can defend Iran adequately...But that time has past..Basic deterrence is now in place..so lets hope next decade will be the "AIRFORCE DECADE".:taz:
I tend to agree ..air force needs new breed ..it is not the technology it is people and to some extent the available funds..lets face it Airforce was never considered a priority as the arm that can defend Iran adequately...But that time has past..Basic deterrence is now in place..so lets hope next decade will be the "AIRFORCE DECADE".:taz:

There is no technology the great Iranian nation cannot achieve by itself. We have been and are pioneers in science and technology. Just look at Tehrani Moghadam, from where he started and where we are now. Anyone that thinks that there is something special about fighters jets that Iran cannot get overcome is delusional. What you need is the sort of endless passion and relentless pursuits like Dear Moghadam and others like him have shown. Do that then airforce will become another sector like our missiles, UAV, air defence etc. We can discuss over the important role of manned fighter vs UAVs jet in the distant future, however there is no question that airforce does play an important role today and it will do in the foreseeable future. We cannot keep falling behind here. Now the good news is, from what we are seeing things are being done for the airforce, so lets see what happens in the coming years.


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There is no technology the great Iranian nation cannot achieve by itself. We have been and are pioneers in science and technology. Just look at Tehrani Moghadam, from where he started and where we are now. Anyone that thinks that there is something special about fighters jets that Iran cannot get overcome is delusional. What you need is the sort of endless passion and relentless pursuits like Dear Moghadam and others like him have shown. Do that then airforce will become another sector like our missiles, UAV, air defence etc. We can discuss over the important role of manned fighter vs UAVs jet in the distant future, however there is no question that airforce does play an important role today and it will do in the foreseeable future. We cannot keep falling behind here. Now the good news is, from what we are seeing things are being done for the airforce, so lets see what happens in the coming years.


Is he suggesting that UAVs would need to assist in guiding the missile to the target. I understand OTH radars can get a general location but for terminal guidance, what can be done about that?
Is he suggesting that UAVs would need to assist in guiding the missile to the target. I understand OTH radars can get a general location but for terminal guidance, what can be done about that?

UAVs are one potential assets that can be used in the detection and tracking of enemy's targets at sea. Over the horizon radars, satellites etc would be another way. As long as you can detect the target and give updated coordinate to the missile then it should be able to use its own guidance in the terminal stage. Moreover, keep in mind that a missile warhead does not necessarily need to hit the target head on, you can use cluster warheads.
UAVs are one potential assets that can be used in the detection and tracking of enemy's targets at sea. Over the horizon radars, satellites etc would be another way. As long as you can detect the target and give updated coordinate to the missile then it should be able to use its own guidance in the terminal stage. Moreover, keep in mind that a missile warhead does not necessarily need to hit the target head on, you can use cluster warheads.

Using UAVs to update the warhead on guidance seems like it may be vulnerable to jamming?
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