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Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

Absolutely some level of cover-up was conducted as to not overly embarrass U.S. standing in the world, this was always a reality but we were mocked, made fun of and berated all over PDF last year for espousing such a logical belief. Those flights were indicative of something greater than just minor injuries and petty material damage.......

If Hajizadeh is this confident in what he is/was saying, then who are we to completely deny his claims that Americans did have dead soldiers and the damage was much more extensive than previously admitted by the United States. After-all, it is in America's best interest to downplay Iran's power as much as possible so as to not break the "invincibility" facade America has created for itself. Giving even one ounce of credit to Iran will strengthen Iran's standing in the region.

I'll put it this way and I said this last year as well. If one wants to believe that Americans did die during the Ayn-Al Assad operation, go ahead. There is enough logical reasoning and educated conjecture to support such a position. Conversely if one wanted to stick with the story that only some material damage had happened along with "headaches", then that is also fine since that is the official story (America's official story).

What matters most here more so than anything else is that the Iranians overtly attacked U.S. armed forces in-spite of everything (all the rhetoric, all the jingoistic threats, etc.,) and the Americans are the ones who backed off, not Iran. This is something I'm more than willing to give props to Iran for since it's clear who was the party that back-downed here given just how much of a gamble Iran was willing in the name of its own defense/national image.

I think I'll give Iran a pass on this one bro, it truly does seem like Hajizadeh is way too confident about this claim for it just to be an outright lie. He speaks of it as if it's a known reality, not some conspiracy theory or here-say about what happened.
We overly attacked the Americans... but Israel.. IR's inaction towards them is extremely strange.
We overly attacked the Americans... but Israel.. IR's inaction towards them is extremely strange.

Reality is that we have better deterrence against the US than we do Israel.

I think Iran will release more footage of the Ayn-Al Assad operation as a last farewell to Trump to humiliate him and his cronies just a little bit more.

This exercise was Iran warning America one last time that if it came down to blows, Iran isn't playing any games (I guess). So it serves as a deterrent (of sorts) against any last minute U.S./Israeli aggressive moves.

Hopefully we will see the additional footage, obviously they have it (?).

PAC-3 cannot beat Dezful. Saudi Arabia and UAE in particular, are at the mercy of the IRGC
Many things were covered up. Including equipment loses.

A week after the strike, they allowed US new media to enter the base to see the damage. The footage from CNN looks like an accurate strike but not a single piece of equipment was shown destroyed.

I distinctly remember that about 4 or 5 C-130s from Ramstein Air Base were flown to Ain Al-Assad on flight monitoring websites hours after the strike. I was under the impression that this was due to the massive amounts of casualties that needed emergency transport, but It appears more likely that destroyed equipment was loaded onto these planes and taken away.

A Danish soldier, stationed at the base was interviewed by Danish new site who remarked that he saw a AH-64 split in half.

there where also reports hour after the strike that 18 soldiers brought to ramstein from ain al assad.
for people who don't know ramstein has the best equipt military hospital outside the u.s.
you don't bring soldiers with traumatic injuries to ramstein. i am sure they had realy serious injuries.
if people saw some documentries about the iraq war from 2003 you could see sometimes that they stabalized the serious injuried soldiers in iraq and brought them to ramstein for further treatment.
the soldiers who had light injuries where brought to qatar.

Hajizadeh said in the first interview after the attacks that they u.s. had casualties. and i am 100% that this was the case.
how can it be that such an attack there is no material damage (equipments) or and dead? it was only for trump to save his face infront of there people. there was also one picture in one of his interviews wehre he showed the commando station of ain al assad after the attack (you could see the damaged buildings) and Hajizadeh said that they had heavy casualties in that building. i think many people forgot that interview.

watch min 1:50

From the video :

First decision was to strike Taji military base near baghdad, night before the attack IRGC decided to strike Ain al assad base.

IRGC was expecting American counter attack and got ready to hit back again at other bases American bases in the region.. from Jordan till UAE.

400 missiles were readied for initial shock and awe counter attack

IRGC commander also claims that there were Iraqi and American casualties but they were quickly put in bodybags and taken away.
You don't understand Persian.

He said Iraqis witnessed American corpses being put in the bags, and all Iraqis were kicked of the base before recovering US soldiers beneath the ruins.


Another pic of the new trailer type TEL,another difference from the unitary TEL is the single hydraulic piston used to elevate the launch rail.
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IRGC announces birth of new AI-driven power

TEHRAN, Jan. 15 (MNA) – A high-ranking IRGC commander says the combination of different capabilities with artificial intelligence has led to the creation of new military power for Iran.
Speaking on the sideline of Payambar-e Azam 15 (The Great Prophet 15) military drill, that kicked off Friday in central Iranian deserts, IRGC Aerospace Force Commander Brigadier General Amirali Hajizadeh pointed to the achievements of the force in the drill.

The first stage of the drill was a simulator for attacking the enemy’s strengths and defensive lines, he said, adding that this stage was carried out using a combination of drones and missiles.
First, drone units attacked the defensive systems of the hypothetical enemy, and then, ballistic missiles destroyed the main assets and sections of the enemy’s base, the Brigadier General said.
The tactic used in this war game is the result of experiences earned from operations and drills carried out in previous years, he said.

Missiles used in this stage of the drill are a new generation of ballistic missiles equipped with detachable warheads and low RCS, he noted, adding that the time span for preparing these missiles has been decreased by 90%. “These missiles are operational and can be launched in less than five minutes after being established.”

Attacking the enemy from all directions and altitudes, hampering defense of the enemy, infiltrating into the air defense of the enemy using detachable warheads, and using equipment designed and produced by domestic experts are among features of this drill, he said, adding, “By a combination of these new capabilities with drone operation and using the artificial intelligence, a new power was born in IRGC.”

Understanding Iran’s Missile Threat to Israel

As the incoming Biden administration plans to re-engage diplomatically with Iran, it is important for the United States to take into account the concerns of Israel about its security. It is not only Iran’s nuclear ambitions that worry Israeli leaders. It is the combination of Iran’s nuclear program with its precision guided missile project that keeps Israeli military leaders awake at night.

In a chilling speech given just over a year ago, IDF Chief of Staff Lt. General Aviv Kochavi warned Israeli civilians, “It must be known and recognized that in the next war — whether in the north or against Hamas — heavy fire will be directed against our home front. I’m looking people in the eye, and saying, there will be heavy fire. We have to recognize this and we have to prepare for this… We have to prepare for this militarily; the civil hierarchies have to prepare for this; and we have to prepare for this mentally.”

The “heavy fire” that Kochavi referred to is the combined threat of rockets and precision guided missiles from Iran and its terror proxies across the region. Since 2013, while the international community has been focusing on Iran’s nuclear program, Iran has been quietly but relentlessly working to build a parallel threat to the existence of Israel in the form of precision guided missiles in the hands of its terror proxies.

Hezbollah is a prime example of this threat. Given the fact that Iran has already supplied 130,000 rockets to its loyal proxy Hezbollah in Lebanon, Iran’s efforts to upgrade this massive arsenal with precision guided missiles would pose an existential threat to the Jewish state.

Precision guided missiles could threaten both Israel’s civilian and military infrastructure. They not only have longer ranges that could hit any target in Israel, they are also deadly accurate.

In an op-ed by Tom Friedman in the New York Times about Iran’s missile threat he wrote, “We’re talking about Israel’s nuclear plant, airport, ports, power plants, high-tech factories and military base.”

Yet, the threat does not only come from Hezbollah in Lebanon. Iran has been working to surround Israel with a “Ring of Fire” of precision guided missiles across the wider Middle East, especially in Syria and Iraq.

As Friedman wrote in the op-ed, “That is why Israel has been fighting a shadow war with Iran for the past five years to prevent Tehran from reaching its goal of virtually encircling Israel with proxies in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Gaza, all armed with precision guided missiles.”

Dr. Uzi Rubin, one of Israel’s leading experts on the missiles, outlined the extent of the threat in a presentation in April, 2020.

Rubin said that in addition to Hezbollah’s 130,000 rockets, Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Gaza have 20,000-30,000 rockets. As for precision guided missiles, Rubin said that Iran has about 1,000 missiles that can reach Israel, and Iran’s terror proxies in Iraq have 200-300 missiles capable of reaching Israel.

Add to that the unknown factor: the number of precision guided missiles already in the hands of Hezbollah and Iran’s proxies in Syria.

It does not take a leap of the imagination to envision a nightmare scenario where Iran and its proxy forces could try to overwhelm Israel’s vaunted missile defense system with massive salvos of thousands of rockets, precision guided missiles and cruise missiles which are hard to detect.

What would this future war look like?

In an article in The Atlantic titled “The Coming Middle East Conflagration”, Michael Oren, Israel’s former ambassador to Washington, described the scenario.

He wrote, “If rockets fall near Ben-Gurion Airport, as during Israel’s 2014 war with Hamas in Gaza, it will close to international traffic. Israel’s ports, through which a major portion of its food and essential supplies are imported, may also shut down, and its electrical grids could be severed… Millions of Israelis would huddle in bomb shelters. Hundreds of thousands would be evacuated from border areas that terrorists are trying to infiltrate… The hospitals, many of them resorting to underground facilities, would quickly be overwhelmed, even before the skies darken with the toxic fumes of blazing chemical factories and oil refineries.”

This potential disaster explains why Israel is extremely concerned about a return to the terms of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal which did not address Iran’s precision guided missile threat.

Understanding Iran’s Missile Threat to Israel

As the incoming Biden administration plans to re-engage diplomatically with Iran, it is important for the United States to take into account the concerns of Israel about its security. It is not only Iran’s nuclear ambitions that worry Israeli leaders. It is the combination of Iran’s nuclear program with its precision guided missile project that keeps Israeli military leaders awake at night.

In a chilling speech given just over a year ago, IDF Chief of Staff Lt. General Aviv Kochavi warned Israeli civilians, “It must be known and recognized that in the next war — whether in the north or against Hamas — heavy fire will be directed against our home front. I’m looking people in the eye, and saying, there will be heavy fire. We have to recognize this and we have to prepare for this… We have to prepare for this militarily; the civil hierarchies have to prepare for this; and we have to prepare for this mentally.”

The “heavy fire” that Kochavi referred to is the combined threat of rockets and precision guided missiles from Iran and its terror proxies across the region. Since 2013, while the international community has been focusing on Iran’s nuclear program, Iran has been quietly but relentlessly working to build a parallel threat to the existence of Israel in the form of precision guided missiles in the hands of its terror proxies.

Hezbollah is a prime example of this threat. Given the fact that Iran has already supplied 130,000 rockets to its loyal proxy Hezbollah in Lebanon, Iran’s efforts to upgrade this massive arsenal with precision guided missiles would pose an existential threat to the Jewish state.

Precision guided missiles could threaten both Israel’s civilian and military infrastructure. They not only have longer ranges that could hit any target in Israel, they are also deadly accurate.

In an op-ed by Tom Friedman in the New York Times about Iran’s missile threat he wrote, “We’re talking about Israel’s nuclear plant, airport, ports, power plants, high-tech factories and military base.”

Yet, the threat does not only come from Hezbollah in Lebanon. Iran has been working to surround Israel with a “Ring of Fire” of precision guided missiles across the wider Middle East, especially in Syria and Iraq.

As Friedman wrote in the op-ed, “That is why Israel has been fighting a shadow war with Iran for the past five years to prevent Tehran from reaching its goal of virtually encircling Israel with proxies in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Gaza, all armed with precision guided missiles.”

Dr. Uzi Rubin, one of Israel’s leading experts on the missiles, outlined the extent of the threat in a presentation in April, 2020.

Rubin said that in addition to Hezbollah’s 130,000 rockets, Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Gaza have 20,000-30,000 rockets. As for precision guided missiles, Rubin said that Iran has about 1,000 missiles that can reach Israel, and Iran’s terror proxies in Iraq have 200-300 missiles capable of reaching Israel.

Add to that the unknown factor: the number of precision guided missiles already in the hands of Hezbollah and Iran’s proxies in Syria.

It does not take a leap of the imagination to envision a nightmare scenario where Iran and its proxy forces could try to overwhelm Israel’s vaunted missile defense system with massive salvos of thousands of rockets, precision guided missiles and cruise missiles which are hard to detect.

What would this future war look like?

In an article in The Atlantic titled “The Coming Middle East Conflagration”, Michael Oren, Israel’s former ambassador to Washington, described the scenario.

He wrote, “If rockets fall near Ben-Gurion Airport, as during Israel’s 2014 war with Hamas in Gaza, it will close to international traffic. Israel’s ports, through which a major portion of its food and essential supplies are imported, may also shut down, and its electrical grids could be severed… Millions of Israelis would huddle in bomb shelters. Hundreds of thousands would be evacuated from border areas that terrorists are trying to infiltrate… The hospitals, many of them resorting to underground facilities, would quickly be overwhelmed, even before the skies darken with the toxic fumes of blazing chemical factories and oil refineries.”

This potential disaster explains why Israel is extremely concerned about a return to the terms of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal which did not address Iran’s precision guided missile threat.

Anyone thinking of negotiating or limiting Iran's missiles in any way should be burned alive and the ashes flushed down the toilet where they belong.

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