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Iranian actress to be lashed 90 times

so u support this heinous act?


How does the fact that I ignore a persistent trolling pest on this forum translate into me supporting this decision?

Please try using logic instead of emotion next time.

On topic, I really don't know why the Iranians are so upset. They need to lighten up.

But, just as a general rule, if they want to punish somebody, they should follow the West's example and cook up some random 'threat to national security'. Then they can torture her, use secret evidence she is not allowed to cross-examine, and lock her away for good.

'National security' -- magic words!
Nope, we Indians didn't decide any such thing. It was decided by the British for us in the face of stiff opposition from those who argued that it was an interference in the religious & cultural practices of Hindus. Thankfully, no one gave a damn about the objection.

Honestly I don't know much about Sati, as it was never practiced in my part of India. When i learnt about Sati and Raja Ram Mohan Roy, i was asking myself what the f*** is this.

On the otherhand several evils practiced in my place was removed by Indians themselves.
hey stupid
i just explained that someone a few days ago had blood and it is illegal. learn to read.
blood is indeed forbidden for the kind of crime that it is said in the article. there can be blood for another crimes by the way. but never because of critics towards the power insults or something like this.

but nobody is dead : this was your claim. i just remind your stupid statement

Why you guys are sooooooo paranoid and insensitive. Who has given you rights to beat or harm someone who has not done any thing wrong to you or any one. As long as the people remain ignorant and insensitive the country is on the path to its own destruction. This is totally insane act committed to a poor women. And how can you justify by saying the " Blood has not come" or "it will be soft lashing". :hitwall: Please don't be ignorant and use ones wisdom.
Just ignore him.

Most people do.

" Ignore Him":woot: Such a heinous crime is done in front of your eyes and you say Ignore. Havent you seen the back of that poor lady. How brutally those evil doers have beaten her. What crime she has committed. How could be someone so insensitive. Instead of condemning, how can you support such people. People wake up from being still in olden ages.
" Ignore Him":woot: Such a heinous crime is done in front of your eyes and you say Ignore. Havent you seen the back of that poor lady. How brutally those evil doers have beaten her. What crime she has committed. How could be someone so insensitive. Instead of condemning, how can you support such people. People wake up from being still in olden ages.

Another genius with a reading impairment!
i was just explaining above:
1/ nobody is dead with lashes. if they want to kill people they send to jail they rape her and she .. die by a sort of sickness officially.
2/ they lash for insults , for exemple if insult towards Ahmadinejad or the government or critics:
in this case the law is clear: there should be NO BLOOD
but as i explained an advocate who criticized Ahmadinejad got lashed terribly and got blood
3/ they lash for other reasons that blood can appear. i can say you what are the reasons if you want.

For God and Humanity sake stop justifying in the name of religion. If there is some problem with doctrine or teachings with your holy text then question it and change it. But please don't commit cruelty blindly in the name of religion. How could you feel if you were in the place of that lady. How could you feel if you get beatings on your back or your loved ones. Can you still justify and give the same explanation. Shame on such people for committing such grave crime.
For God and Humanity sake stop justifying in the name of religion. If there is some problem with doctrine or teachings with your holy text then question it and change it. But please don't commit cruelty blindly in the name of religion. How could you feel if you were in the place of that lady. How could you feel if you get beatings on your back or your loved ones. Can you still justify and give the same explanation. Shame on such people for committing such grave crime.
If the commit a crime they should Islam tells us that if your relatives commit a crime and break law of ALLAH don't protect them
For God and Humanity sake stop justifying in the name of religion. If there is some problem with doctrine or teachings with your holy text then question it and change it. But please don't commit cruelty blindly in the name of religion. How could you feel if you were in the place of that lady. How could you feel if you get beatings on your back or your loved ones. Can you still justify and give the same explanation. Shame on such people for committing such grave crime.
learn to read what i said before such comment
you are so full of hatred towards our religion that you are not ashamed to take only a part of what i said and make your own conclusions. did they teach you honesty in your family?
Why you guys are sooooooo paranoid and insensitive. Who has given you rights to beat or harm someone who has not done any thing wrong to you or any one. As long as the people remain ignorant and insensitive the country is on the path to its own destruction. This is totally insane act committed to a poor women. And how can you justify by saying the " Blood has not come" or "it will be soft lashing". :hitwall: Please don't be ignorant and use ones wisdom.
it is convenient for you to take only the religious explanation that i do because there is some religious explanation
and not take the other words from me

i already said i am against it

and yes the lashing should be soft the way that there is no blood and no health consequence
that is how is understood in Iran
anyway as i said you can see that the Iranian justice didn't apply it because as you can see for an "insult" to Ahmadinejad someone was severly lashed , got blood and problem of health

if you are not smart enough to understand that there is a difference between an explanation of a rule in a country
and what i personnaly think... that's not my problem... but at least refrain from insulting
especially when you ignore my personal opinion i said many times
Lol, don't be surprised, indians have a natural tendency to stick their noses in others business when their own house is not in order, even if they don't have any knowledge regarding the subject.

That is why I said to ignore these posters.

There are many Indians who engage in meaningful dialog, but there are posters from various countries who just troll around with predictable, self-righteous chest thumping.
learn to read what i said before such comment
you are so full of hatred towards our religion that you are not ashamed to take only a part of what i said and make your own conclusions. did they teach you honesty in your family?

plz tell me from which verse or sunnat did the judge come to this verdict? they are just giving islam a bad name just like the taliban thus making lives of average muslims in the west even more difficult then already are
A violence is a violence in what ever way you commit to others. Its utter stupidity to stand aside and watch and give various kind of justifications. Violence of any kind need to be condemned if its is committed to poor and weak. However punishment should also be given to people who commit grave crimes like murder, rape etc. But also one should remember and keep up the value of Human Right.
Its not about Chest thumping or showing self righteous. Its about standing for the Right and for the Just. If someone someday somewhere would have not stood for the right then this world would have not been a safe place for much of the people. However still many people, country don't realize or want to remain ignorant.
plz tell me from which verse or sunnat did the judge come to this verdict? they are just giving islam a bad name just like the taliban thus making lives of average muslims in the west even more difficult then already are
Surat An-Nur [24:2] - The Holy Qur'an - ?????? ??????
Surat An-Nur [24:6] - The Holy Qur'an - ?????? ??????
and so

that's why i put an explanation of why it is applied for justice in Iran
but as said for exemple Shariati we adapt
this practice was for a time ago now we should stop it

again there is a big difference between justice of Iran and the belief of Iranian people
and again explaining why and how it is applied in Iran DOESN'T mean i agree with it !!!
That ain't good. Hope the Iranians can be free one day from such unjust and outdated practices. But, it is ultimately their country and their issue.

I don't know why some Indians here are getting so worked up on this issue. How does whatever is going on in Iran going to affect India? Funny that extra-judicial killings are not uncommon in their country. Every country has human rights issues, and India or any third world country (my country included) is certainly not free from it.

So give it a rest guys.
Surat An-Nur [24:2] - The Holy Qur'an - ?????? ??????
Surat An-Nur [24:6] - The Holy Qur'an - ?????? ??????
and so

that's why i put an explanation of why it is applied for justice in Iran
but as said for exemple Shariati we adapt
this practice was for a time ago now we should stop it

again there is a big difference between justice of Iran and the belief of Iranian people
and again explaining why and how it is applied in Iran DOESN'T mean i agree with it !!!

those are for adultery -- this women is not an adulterous, then how can this be applicable to her?
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