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Iran will destroy Israel cities of Tel Aviv and Haifa if attacked: Khamenei

Iran's Ayatollahs are a threat to not only Israel, but Iranians and Arabs as well. They want to push Iran to a devastating war to bring their 12th imam.

The fact is, contrary to the Ayatollah, it is Israel who can destroy Tehran, Masshad, Tabriz etc, within a couple of hours of full-scale war breaking out. But Israel sees no reason to boast this ability because Israel values human lives. In contrast, Iran does not have fighter planes which may be capable of breaking through Israel's strong air defense system and yet has the audacity to brag like this, which shows they don't value human life, including the millions of Israeli arabs who would die in such an event.
Iran's Ayatollahs are a threat to not only Israel, but Iranians and Arabs as well. They want to push Iran to a devastating war to bring their 12th imam.

The fact is, contrary to the Ayatollah, it is Israel who can destroy Tehran, Masshad, Tabriz etc, within a couple of hours of full-scale war breaking out. But Israel sees no reason to boast this ability because Israel values human lives. In contrast, Iran does not have fighter planes which may be capable of breaking through Israel's strong air defense system and yet has the audacity to brag like this, which shows they don't value human life, including the millions of Israeli arabs who would die in such an event.

well well , @King Solomon !!!

hey guys !!! can you remember his first posts ???

what happened !?

Brain already washed ??? :what:
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k they put... but the guys who put sat on orbit have to photo shop their missiles and planes....
Man oh Man Who introduce their planes on a hanger with pilot fully equipped and was sitting on the plane instead in the plane and a crappy project.... and the entire Iranian and Muslim fan boys writes on PDF that Iran owner of Stealth capabilities.... I mean what's up with you guys?

I don't know what is up to 'us guys' - but the thing I know is that you need to work on your English skills before you come to an international forum.
Iranians got balls, if they need to they will go over in the fighter jets. Dont think the over hyped US anti aircraft missiles will be that effective. Couple of those rockets at the US carriers in the sea, will see those red necks sink.

You all must have heard of the saying "you might be big in your town, but out of town your a small cat" - that is what the US in the waters. It might have a few carriers, but if they sunk they got nothing, they will be swimming or shall I say drowning in oceans...

End of topic.

PS if you wish to debate with me use some common sense.

Iranians have got balls to pass on silly threats and crude humor. Kidos talk like sinking an aircraft carrier would spell death for US war machine when that wouldn't even make a minor dent.
To be Frank , Honest about my thought and Blunt, I want to say Iranian leaders should not speak like that. If you have any capability you do not have to expose it, it helps more when it is not known to the enemy. Iran talks about stealth planes, nuclear bomb , ICBMs etc etc.. but this is a very poor way of showing capability. It takes decades to prove an already proven technology when built indigenous. Iran has still a very long way to go, specially in electronic and air warfare. But I am not underestimating Iran's capability.
To be Frank , Honest about my thought and Blunt, I want to say Iranian leaders should not speak like that. If you have any capability you do not have to expose it, it helps more when it is not known to the enemy. Iran talks about stealth planes, nuclear bomb , ICBMs etc etc.. but this is a very poor way of showing capability. It takes decades to prove an already proven technology when built indigenous. Iran has still a very long way to go, specially in electronic and air warfare. But I am not underestimating Iran's capability.

Iraqis showed cowardice by destroying their weapons and thats why US and its ally invade their.
So Iranis should not follow the same.
To balance the power in ME, its necessary for Iran to acquire nuclear power. And it should gather
more power in defense.
Iraqis showed cowardice by destroying their weapons and thats why US and its ally invade their.
So Iranis should not follow the same.
To balance the power in ME, its necessary for Iran to acquire nuclear power. And it should gather
more power in defense.

Where in the post did I say to destroy the weapons? I said not to expose the weapons and and talk much about capabilities.
Deliberate attack on civilians is a war crime, regardless of anything. When u are making such threats you only prove once against that your regime is criminal and terrorist.

Do not you think this is a little bit hypocritical while Israel killed thousand of innocent people including children and women in Palestine?
So if Israel attacks uranium enrichment factory in Natanz Iran will destroy entire Israel cities with hundreds of thousands civilians, including tens of thousands Arabs who live there? :rolleyes:

You and your zionist buddies will be the first one to protest if Iran destroys illegal israeli WMD in dimona fascility.
Deliberate attack on civilians is a war crime, regardless of anything. When u are making such threats you only prove once against that your regime is criminal and terrorist.

Tell this to the dead people of Hirosima&Nagasaki. They died to make path for worldwide US hegemony.
Wether they are taken seriously or not is unimportant. What these statements do is show that Iran is not a country to be messed with, and not a country who will sit idly by as others do what they like to us.
Ah, now I begin to get a glimmering. Since the mullahs could issue such threats any time over the past two decades why talk now? Maybe it has to do with the spy ring the Saudis just captured? link

Doubtless the mullahs want them treated gently. Direct threats to the Saudis would be counterproductive, stirring up even a military response from the U.S.; indirect threats to employ nukes against one of Saudi Arabia's neighbors would, the mullahs might think, create the scare desired with little risk of a military response. But whether the Saudis are impressed or not the mullahs are reassuring themselves that "Iran is not a country to be messed with" - even though their precious spy ring has been captured.
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