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Iran will destroy Israel cities of Tel Aviv and Haifa if attacked: Khamenei

Considering the population of Haifa perhaps some one should point out to Putin that his good friend has plans to murder 75000 russians.

If they are russians as you say what are they doing in Palestanian land?

How many Palestenians are displaced to give place for immigrant Russian, Eastern European and other Jews coming from every corner of the earth?

Don't you see a problem here indigenous peoples were forcefully removed from their ancestral land to create the state of israel. An international organization(UN) was used to legalize this process.
What kind of barbarism is this?

The fact that these unfortunate peoples are muslim may please many anti-muslims like you but this makes muslims frustrated of current world order.
Are both Solomon's the same guy with two different accounts??

This just proves that U.S. has the intention of harming ordinary Iranians.
As I said in other topics, these nuclear negotiations are waste of time. West expects too much, and don't want to give anything in return!

Actually Iran's economy is adopting to sanctions quite well, we may even have to thank the West, because Iran was and still is too dependent on oil revenues, this must change!

We actually live more comfortably than majority of people in Western countries, because price of basic products and services are almost 10 times cheaper compared to high-income countries and we don't have to pay for books, software, etc... because we could download the pirated versions without having to face penalty. It is actually encouraged.

Many Iranian software companies and publishers are making tons of money because there is no copyright law for foreign products in our country, all this could be a very good response to sanctions, considering Iran's market and population. :lol:
This just proves that U.S. has the intention of harming ordinary Iranians.
As I said in other topics, these nuclear negotiations are waste of time. West expects too much, and don't want to give anything in return!

Actually Iran's economy is adopting to sanctions quite well, we may even have to thank the West, because Iran was and still is too dependent on oil revenues, this must change!

We actually live more comfortably than majority of people in Western countries, because price of basic products and services are almost 10 times cheaper compared to high-income countries and we don't have to pay for books, software, etc... because we could download the pirated versions without having to face penalty. It is actually encouraged.

Many Iranian software companies and publishers are making tons of money because there is no copyright law for foreign products in our country, all this could be a very good response to sanctions, considering Iran's market and population. :lol:

Iran’s currency lost 50 percent of its value. Protests have erupted in Tehran over the skyrocketing price of food.People manipulating the rial. Your dollar reserve in overseas accounts are frozen. As for the piracy, a tiny winy Hong kong does more piracy in USD terms/volume than Iran - what about it!
Iran should really stop bothering about Israeli issues and also rein in its allies in Lebanon.

Palestinian extremist organizations like Hamas are supporters of Jihadists in Syria and are therefore not worth supporting in any case.
Iran’s currency lost 50 percent of its value. Protests have erupted in Tehran over the skyrocketing price of food.People manipulating the rial. Your dollar reserve in overseas accounts are frozen. As for the piracy, a tiny winy Hong kong does more piracy in USD terms/volume than Iran - what about it!

Firstly, Iranian Rial lost more than 75% of its value not 50%

Secondly, Western propaganda agencies always try to make a big deal out of everything that comes out of Iran. I can assure you that protests weren't nearly as bad as London riots or Occupy Wall Street protests!!! Actually I don't even know what protests are you referring to? Gimme links!

Thirdly, This is a psychological issue, people only try to save their investments, if hordes of people would go at once and converted most of their investments to dollar or other currencies anywhere else on this planet, same problem would have happened to the local currency. Rial started losing its value long before sanctions were in effect.

Fourthly, most of the Iranian foreign reserves were transferred to Iran or "friendly" nations before sanctions start.

As for the piracy, a tiny winy Hong kong does more piracy in USD terms/volume than Iran - what about it!

Yeah... right! Man... I'm sorry, but you don't a clue about Iran. How can you even compare Iran with Hong Kong? Hong Kong is a member of WTO! (I hope you know what that mean) companies will pay heavy price if they go against the law (Hong Kong has its own piracy law). Software piracy remains an issue for the home users (cheaper licence), but in Iran, companies are not inspected for their software licences unlike other countries (enterprise licence is much more expensive). Anyways even on user basis Hong Kong is not comparable to Iran (with its population), I would go as far as to say, you won't be able to find original software in Iran, even if you're willing to pay for it!

Iran software industry is based on pirated software. There are more than 128 Iranian game companies, they use game engines such as UDK, CryEngine, Unity3D but don't pay a dime to the developer.

100% of software in Iran are pirated. What about it?! Is that really hard to understand that any software pirated is potentially a lost revenue for the developer?
Yeah... right! Man... I'm sorry, but you don't a clue about Iran. How can you even compare Iran with Hong Kong? Hong Kong is a member of WTO! (I hope you know what means) companies will pay heavy price if they go against the law. Software piracy remains an issue for the home users (cheaper licence), but in Iran, companies are not inspected for their software licences unlike other countries (enterprise licence is much more expensive). Anyways even on user to user basis Hong Kong is not comparable to Iran (with its population), I would go as far as to say, you won't be able to find original software in Iran, even if you're willing to pay for it!

Iran software industry is based on pirated software. There are more than 128 Iranian game companies, they use game engines such as UDK, CryEngine, Unity3D but don't pay a dime to the developer.

100% of software in Iran are pirated. What about it?! Is that really hard to understand that any software pirated is potentially a lost revenue for the developer?

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/irania...ifa-if-attacked-khamenei-7.html#ixzz2OFDv40pG


"According to a BSA/IDC studies, the highest piracy rate comes from Armenia, with piracy rate of 93%. China and India are at No. 17 and No. 41 respectively, with 82% and 69% of recorded Software Piracy rates"

Iran is nowhere!
Stop bragging to your own disadvantage please.

"According to a BSA/IDC studies, the highest piracy rate comes from Armenia, with piracy rate of 93%. China and India are at No. 17 and No. 41 respectively, with 82% and 69% of recorded Software Piracy rates"

Iran is nowhere!
Stop bragging to your own disadvantage please.

BSa studies !? :coffee:
Ya not the same.... ypu took 10 years almost to finish off a war with Iraq , that's even because your depot ran out of weapons and the same country's military was out down within a month by USA and you're saying to attack USA and Israel forces.... what a joke PhotoShop Guy

it take 8 year for the world to recognize Iraq as aggressor , If they recognized the aggressor in one week , the war would have lasted for just one week
So the plan is kill 700,000 people aproximatley 150,000 of those children in response to a possible strike on a military facility?

Israel have no means to attack those military facilities but Nukes ,Even the best non nuclear US toys can't do anything to those facilities . so Israel attack can't be anything but a nuclear ones and then they can't cry if anything bad happens to them .
Do not you think this is a little bit hypocritical while Israel killed thousand of innocent people including children and women in Palestine?
Over 96% of killed Palestinians are male. Some females are killed only due to human shield tactics used by Palestinian terrorists.

You and your zionist buddies will be the first one to protest if Iran destroys illegal israeli WMD in dimona fascility.
I can assure you: if Iran attacks nuclear site in Dimona we will not attack its civilians back. Although it will never happen since Iran does not have and capability to do so.

well , a simple scud-b that Iraq used to fire at us could do far more damage
As I said, we experienced Scuds in 1991. They did very minor damage.

Israel have no means to attack those military facilities but Nukes ,Even the best non nuclear US toys can't do anything to those facilities .
You personally inspected them? :lol:
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