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Iran turns into superpower

Well if pakistan finally got off of its ar$e and hurried up and actually built its part of the ip pipeline then you could ask for lower rates and chances are that you`d actually get them......unfortunately tho it seems that pakistan just as with india requires us permission to do these things,altho it must be said that in the case of india the us does seem to be willing to be just a tad little bit more accommodating of indias interests.
Isnt vassalage great?:haha:

awww Shahrukh you make me blush.

that pipeline will not be built. not because of US. we simply don't want India to get easy gas.

we don't mind getting random earful by ghorib gas sellers
Well if pakistan finally got off of its ar$e and hurried up and actually built its part of the ip pipeline then you could ask for lower rates and chances are that you`d actually get them......unfortunately tho it seems that pakistan just as with india requires us permission to do these things,altho it must be said that in the case of india the us does seem to be willing to be just a tad little bit more accommodating of indias interests.
Isnt vassalage great?:haha:

You have one friendly neighbor, Pakistan, and you want to burn that bridge too?

Pakistan economy is not strong enough to go against US and KSA pressure. It is our unfortunate reality, but we don't rub Iran's economic woes in its face either.

Pakistan is a humble and respectful nation which supported Iran in the worst of times, we helped Iran in the Iran-Iraq war, lest you forget. We refused to support the sectarian war in Yemen. Much to my dismay, so far we have done nothing against radical Shia terrorist Zanibiyoun and Fatimayoun in Syria.

We supported rival groups in Afghanistan, we supported Islamic Pukhtoons, while you supported secular Tajiks, but in the end, Pukhtoons won that war. Even so, Pakistan has kept Taliban from pursuing an anti-Iranian agenda, even while you fund and support their enemies, even gave US in 2001 maps of their bases and command centers.

Actually, Pakistan is the kind of friend and ally you don't deserve, but are blessed to have. So far Iran has not done anything like Pakistan has done for Iran, in fact you invited Indian terrorists to Chahbahar.
@waz @Horus @Dubious yeah mods seriously listen to this man and ban him, he is talking about Taliban in an Iranian thread.

You can't find any Iranian forums, instead you come to PDF to spout nonsense against Pakistan with your imagined propaganda. Your type of racist mentality is destroying Iran and isolating Iran further.
Today the vast majority of the world's population and the vast majority of the planets wealth is in ASIA & not in Europe or America and yet Asian countries have repeatedly been fooled by the divide and conquer polices of the west.... However if one day we all wise up and say enough is enough and we join forces with economic packs and defense packs a new joint global power can be created that stand up for peace and prosperity for all Asian countries in the pack.

So the best way forward for Iran is to join forces with other Asian counters to create a military alliance that can stand against NATO and create an economic alliance that can stand against and respond to US sanctions and create a counter to the U.S. dollar
serious question kids...

whats wrong with all of you?

My nation is bigger than yours...but my penis is bigger than yours compare

We have only one and a half superpower on earth.

Thats the USA both economical and military
and half China only economical.

Russia is only a nuclear power but not a military or economic power, even if they dont like to swallow this fact.

All other nations are perhaps a regional power but nothing near a superpower.

China claims large part of chinese Sea is their territory... US Navy sails through this claimed territory like they want and China cant do any shit against it.

Most important is that the people life in peace and freedom and have a future for their kids... who cares who got the biggest stick in the valley... if USA wants they flatten Iran in a week and the people in Iran cant do anything against it.
The rest of the world just need to keep the USA in limits not that they get completely out of mind and try to influence everything to their own favor like they currently tryed with Germany and the North Stream gas pipline. The USA can adpot laws against Nord Stream like they want... It is a european thing not a US thing and luckly the politician of all partys from left to right agreee that no one cares about that US laws...
Honour killings in Pakistan are known locally as karo-kari. Pakistan has the highest number of documented and estimated honour killings per capita of any country in the world; about one-fifth of the world's honour killings are performed in Pakistan. Wikipedia
If you really are in the US, you would know wikipedia isnt a real source! I am surprised you actually think it is!

I’m not here to defend USA,
but ironically that is all you are doing :unsure:

Topic is about iran stop dragging in Pakistan! Dont tell xyz said so...since you didnt report and instead did the same, you are no different to point out xyz did so!

Speaking to IRNA, Head of Center for Contemporary Iran Studies in Russia Recep Safarov said launching joint drills between Iran, Russia, and China in the Indian Ocean indicated Iran's important role as a superpower and as providing security in the region.

So a Russian said xyz...
What security exactly?

Iran turns into what?
Russia pushing for a cheerleader :unsure:

Thats the USA both economical and military
This is questionable actually....

US just doesnt allow anyone to unite to become big enough hence it sticks out like a sore thumb but if the playing fields were leveled...this wouldnt be the fact it is trying to maintain!
This is questionable actually....

thats not questionable that is a fact... everyone not see this fact is blind or dumb or filled up with to much national pride
Iran is a nation of of great culture and heritage Iran has all the potential to be a great Nation provided it drops Islam which this seems to be doing. Iran needs resolve its issues with Israel and US . In my opinion, there is no reason for Iran and Israel to be enemies. India should work to resolve the issues between Iran and Israel . Two very good friends of India cannot be the enemies of each other
Today the vast majority of the world's population and the vast majority of the planets wealth is in ASIA & not in Europe or America and yet Asian countries have repeatedly been fooled by the divide and conquer polices of the west.... However if one day we all wise up and say enough is enough and we join forces with economic packs and defense packs a new joint global power can be created that stand up for peace and prosperity for all Asian countries in the pack.

So the best way forward for Iran is to join forces with other Asian counters to create a military alliance that can stand against NATO and create an economic alliance that can stand against and respond to US sanctions and create a counter to the U.S. dollar
Sounds nice in the ear but not practical and won't happen and you know that. The problem is that countries in Asia have too many disputes among themselves in the first place. Forget about the West , even among yourselves you guys don't get along. In fact in some cases people in the region will even rather have U/S/Western power presence/dominance than their neighbour or local rival.

Iran is a nation of of great culture and heritage Iran has all the potential to be a great Nation provided it drops Islam which this seems to be doing. Iran needs resolve its issues with Israel and US . In my opinion, there is no reason for Iran and Israel to be enemies. India should work to resolve the issues between Iran and Israel . Two very good friends of India cannot be the enemies of each other
LOL Are you serious or being sarcastic?:lol: Iran is an Islamic state and ruled as such. How can you say they should drop Islam and make peace with Israel? That's like the biggest taboo. Please if you ever visit Iran don't ever make a mistake of saying that, it will end very badly for you.
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