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Iran turns into superpower

And why is it that so many egos are bouncing off of each other? Aren't we all Muslims here? Is it necessary that you debase yourself to the level of evil?

Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan or any other Muslim country, is MUSLIM first. If anyone thinks otherwise, he or she is an idiot, devoid of actual intellect.
And why is it that so many egos are bouncing off of each other? Aren't we all Muslims here? Is it necessary that you debase yourself to the level of evil?

Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan or any other Muslim country, is MUSLIM first. If anyone thinks otherwise, he or she is an idiot, devoid of actual intellect.

Because you have Pakistanis here making fun of Iranian suffering due to the Harshest sanctions on Iran for standing up for Muslims in Palestine and elsewhere against Israeli occupation and U.S imperialism!
Because you have Pakistanis here making fun of Iranian suffering due to the Harshest sanctions on Iran for standing up for Muslims in Palestine and elsewhere against Israeli occupation and U.S imperialism!

Iranians are not suffering. In fact they are doing well. Despite the sanctions, the living standard in Iran is VERY high. Iran is progressing a lot in every field and could even match Turkey in the next few years. Please ignore the trolls. Most Pakistanis are favourable to Iran. We also have large numbers of Persianised Nomadic tribes in Pakistan too.
There are several fanctions of Muslim Brotherhood. The Egyptian one is the one which took over Egypt and was deposed by the coup, they are unacceptable to US-Israel.

Levantine Muslim Brotherhood, like the Syrian one, were kicked out of their countries and forced to find refuge in KSA where they adopted Wahhabism. Since then, they have been functioning as an arm of US-Israel, they are responsible for the bloodbath in Syria, as they usurped the revolution, and also have high positions in Arab regimes in the Levant like PA, etc.

In the US, Muslim Brotherhood is trying to further the causes of Gay rights among Muslims and usurp political power among Muslims (hence push heavily for voting,) and tarnishing the reputation of rival scholars like Nouman Ali Khan. They are represented by Omar Suleman, Linda Sarsour, ISNA, MAS, and CAIR. Jamat e Islami USA (ICNA) is also their ally.

I dont have much deep knowledge on MB but I know in different regions they have different policies and alliances. But the ideology is always the same.

The Egyptian MB government was also backed by USa, Saudia and through pressure Hosni Mubarak resigned, but it all went downfall for them when they (MB) started to be friendly towards Turkey and Iran and also I listened to the speech of Morsi regarding Syrian war, he was calling for holy war against Bashar al Assad and encouraging Egyptians to join. This was red line for the Egyptian army because they knew the same rebellion can cross the border to Egypt, especially the war in Sinai already taking place. So I do believe MB became too aggressive when they came in to power and this was their downfall.

Surprised to learn about the gay rights etc. MB and Jamat e islami since their birth always talked about Islam and Ummah and they are going against the fundamental beliefs of Islam.

This is one big issue I have with the islamic political parties, they always use islam as a weapon for politics but also are the first one to betray. I cannot believe these people can be so naive that they dont know all these rebellions will lead to the destruction of the Muslim nations.

Because you have Pakistanis here making fun of Iranian suffering due to the Harshest sanctions on Iran for standing up for Muslims in Palestine and elsewhere against Israeli occupation and U.S imperialism!

All Pakistanis are with our Iranian brothers and sisters. I think Iran is a brave nation who is trying to stand up on it's own 2 feet. Iran just needs to improve its defence so that any attack on Iran can be responded with full force

You have one friendly neighbor, Pakistan, and you want to burn that bridge too?

Pakistan economy is not strong enough to go against US and KSA pressure. It is our unfortunate reality, but we don't rub Iran's economic woes in its face either.

Pakistan is a humble and respectful nation which supported Iran in the worst of times, we helped Iran in the Iran-Iraq war, lest you forget. We refused to support the sectarian war in Yemen. Much to my dismay, so far we have done nothing against radical Shia terrorist Zanibiyoun and Fatimayoun in Syria.

We supported rival groups in Afghanistan, we supported Islamic Pukhtoons, while you supported secular Tajiks, but in the end, Pukhtoons won that war. Even so, Pakistan has kept Taliban from pursuing an anti-Iranian agenda, even while you fund and support their enemies, even gave US in 2001 maps of their bases and command centers.

Actually, Pakistan is the kind of friend and ally you don't deserve, but are blessed to have. So far Iran has not done anything like Pakistan has done for Iran, in fact you invited Indian terrorists to Chahbahar.

Pakistan has always stood up for the Muslims. If we didn't have power to make a difference then none can blame us for that but all the world knows Pakistan will stand up for the ummah. In Afghanistan we supported the Taliban and we were blamed for it but now the same nations are supporting Taliban or having meetings with them and it's fine. We always stood up against any invading powers in Afghanistan. Be in Soviets or USA. Any power that invades Iran, the whole world knows Pakistan will always side with Iran.
Any power that invades Iran, the whole world knows Pakistan will always side with Iran.

Ameen, we will not even think twice. Iranians should know this and be at ease.

I dont have much deep knowledge on MB but I know in different regions they have different policies and alliances. But the ideology is always the same.

It is not. Egyptian MB has largely been replaced by Levantine (mostly Syrian, Palestinian) MB in the US. Masjid and organization have had their leaderships replaced by coups and organized smear campaigns across the US.

Egyptian MB has many pious Muslims, although their ideology is still focused on achieving political power rather than grassroots change.

Levantine MB are arms of the CIA, they pushed Syria into the disaster it is in. They function also as puppets of KSA and are Wahabbis.

The Egyptian MB government was also backed by USa, Saudia and through pressure Hosni Mubarak resigned, but it all went downfall for them when they (MB) started to be friendly towards Turkey and Iran and also I listened to the speech of Morsi regarding Syrian war, he was calling for holy war against Bashar al Assad and encouraging Egyptians to join. This was red line for the Egyptian army because they knew the same rebellion can cross the border to Egypt, especially the war in Sinai already taking place. So I do believe MB became too aggressive when they came in to power and this was their downfall.

Another coup was a plan all along, they wanted to bring out MB and oppress them into silence again. They attacked their masjid, abused their women, and released prisoners to attack them, all hoping for the inevitable reprisals which gave them justification to smear them in front of all Egyptians.

Sisi is worse than Mubarak ever was.

Surprised to learn about the gay rights etc. MB and Jamat e islami since their birth always talked about Islam and Ummah and they are going against the fundamental beliefs of Islam.

This is one big issue I have with the islamic political parties, they always use islam as a weapon for politics but also are the first one to betray. I cannot believe these people can be so naive that they dont know all these rebellions will lead to the destruction of the Muslim nations.

Dr. Israr Ahmad opposed Maulana Maududi when he did this because he felt that Pakistan needs grassroots reform before Islam can be implemented on the society. Without pious believers working on their nafs like Makkah stage of Seerah, you cannot build Madinah.

His words were prophetic, he said these Islamic parties will fight in politics until they abandon their Islamic origins and become just political parties who use the name of Islam.

All Pakistanis are with our Iranian brothers and sisters. I think Iran is a brave nation who is trying to stand up on it's own 2 feet. Iran just needs to improve its defence so that any attack on Iran can be responded with full force

None of us should mock Iranians for their economic woes, as we most definitely are next on the hit list. Turkey, Iran, and Pakistan are facing the exact same situation. We need to sit together and find solutions.
Because you have Pakistanis here making fun of Iranian suffering due to the Harshest sanctions on Iran for standing up for Muslims in Palestine and elsewhere against Israeli occupation and U.S imperialism!

Ignore the buffoons who claim to be a Pakistani and Muslim, but in reality are a bunch of knuckleheads who fell on their heads when they were infants.

Iran, like Pakistan, is a Muslim country. I, as a Muslim first and then as a Pakistani, pray for the well-being of Iran, Pakistan and the rest of the Islamic World. And believe me brother, in the end, it is those who are faithful to Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah and stand firm with the Sunnah of Nabi Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam, will prevail. Those who are "superficially" Muslim, will fail miserably and will have no glory in the heavens.
superpower cant even protect one of his generals... and Irans reaction so far only bal bla
superpower cant even protect one of his generals... and Irans reaction so far only bal bla

Soleimani was lightly defended because there was an understanding that the US wouldn't start openly assassinating high-ranking generals in the open. The US has no broken this rule, now all cards are on the table.
America, a Super Power, with thousands of nuclear weapons, with a dozen super-carriers, with the most power Air Force in the world and the most technologically advance army in the world. And yet, American Military has been in Afghanistan for the last 18 years and made zero progress.
Shut up you nazi. Guys like you killed tens of millions of civilians during World War II, so you better stay silent.

Please, "Nazi" has nothing to do with what happen in Irak. The USA is the aggressor. Germany is forced to let US-Troops stay in their country. Same shit as it is in Irak. But what is it with Poland? Are you forced to let US-Troops in so that they can do their shit worldwide?
Please, "Nazi" has nothing to do with what happen in Irak.

Georg is supporting US terrorism.

The USA is the aggressor.

That's right.

Germany is forced to let US-Troops stay in their country. Same shit as it is in Irak. But what is it with Poland? Are you forced to let US-Troops in so that they can do their shit worldwide?

IMO US should be kicked out of Europe.

General Soleimani helped defeat Daesh. Trump by assasinating General Soleimani showed his true face. Face of Hitler.

Now supporting US Empire means being a nazi.
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Shut up you nazi. Guys like you killed tens of millions of civilians during World War II, so you better stay silent.

As if your nation did any better only few years befor ww2 as they attacked russia in 1920...

Something new that there are no US troops in Polska

America, a Super Power, with thousands of nuclear weapons, with a dozen super-carriers, with the most power Air Force in the world and the most technologically advance army in the world. And yet, American Military has been in Afghanistan for the last 18 years and made zero progress.

zerro progress? No Taliban in power, Osama bin Laden killed, they are still there
As if your nation did any better only few years befor ww2 as they attacked russia in 1920...

Hitlers Germany wanted to kill all Slavs, like the English killed natives in North America and Australia. Don't compare this to border war between Poland and Bolsheviks.
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