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Iran to host multilateral conference on Afghanistan on October 27

I asked you a valid question. You failed to respond to that.

We could also say that the USA humiliated Pakistan and conducted thousands of airstrikes on Pakistani civilians, thousands of suicide bombings in and areas in Pakistan that are totally out of government control. Do we have the right to call you a banana republic?

Why are you obsessed with Iran-Israel affairs? You are in South Asia mate.
None of your questions are valid, it is all empty rhetoric and baseless propaganda. Nothing you say or your govt carries any weight in the real world.
None of your questions are valid, it is all empty rhetoric and baseless propaganda. Nothing you say or your govt carries any weight in the real world.
Well, let the audience decide whether the questions are valid or not. I asked you a simple question, you skipped it and decided to resort to trolling behavior despite being warned by mods that this childish behavior is not expected from you. Be a man and face the questions.
That is a designation by the Pentagon. Are you following the Pentagon propaganda like a blind puppy? They are also saying that Pakistan supports terrorists inside Afghanistan and India. Should we believe them?

Least you could do is convince your parliamentarians to not repeat it if you don't believe it.

Who do you consider terrorists in Afghanistan?
None of your questions are valid, it is all empty rhetoric and baseless propaganda. Nothing you say or your govt carries any weight in the real world.
Actually Iranian government has influence which categorizes her as a regional power. One cannot discredit that.
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Those who carry out such attacks

The interim government in Afghanistan is fighting the same menace. You are isolating them and much worse advocating for forced regime changes and sabotage of their sovereignty.
“The six countries will be focused on how they can help form an inclusive government in Afghanistan with the presence of all ethnic groups, and how they can help shape a future of peace and security in Afghanistan,” said Khatibzadeh.
Please post sources for your claims. Thank you.
You are my source Darush.

Afghanistan cannot see another wave of foreign interference.

Integrity and sovereignty of Afghanistan is not subject to dinner parties in ancient Persian heartland.
Unlike Pakistan, Iran is engaged in a brutal intelligence war against the whole West. Despite that it has managed to stand its ground. Losing assets are expected in a war.. pretty normal. Pakistan is lucky it is only facing a third world nation like India. In fact, i am sure Pakistan will not even survive 1 month of the type of sanctions and sabotage targeting Iran. It would fall apart as fast as how the US marines and choppers penetrated into the heart of Pakistan.

Just five days ago Iran elements were stroke by Israel in Syria and the Iranian reponse was just sad basically saying we are not here to fight them lmao. Why are you than assuming lies about yourself you have been stroke 1000000 but no reply. Ethblish a red line and honestly at this point you are a pest to the muslims and sharing name with them you bring disgrace but nothing else.. Hamas came out publically saying they have to reply and than will they learn to respect. But you come here and say alot deluded stuff which none of it is true.

Because of your self-restraint patience there was almost a nuclear war and also that is why the hamas 11 days war happened. The enemy got confident due to your restraint and red lines had to be ethbalished again and also for you but here you are assuming something that is entirely not real
Well, let the audience decide whether the questions are valid or not. I asked you a simple question, you skipped it and decided to resort to trolling behavior despite being warned by mods that this childish behavior is not expected from you. Be a man and face the questions.
Sensible, rational people already know, who you and your elk are.
Just five days ago Iran elements were stroke by Israel in Syria and the Iranian reponse was just sad basically saying we are not here to fight them lmao. Why are you than assuming lies about yourself you have been stroke 1000000 but no reply. Ethblish a red line and honestly at this point you are a pest to the muslims and sharing name with them you bring disgrace but nothing else.. Hamas came out publically saying they have to reply and than will they learn to respect. But you come here and say alot deluded stuff which none of it is true.

Because of your self-restraint patience there was almost a nuclear war and also that is why the hamas 11 days war happened. The enemy got confident due to your restraint and red lines had to be ethbalished again and also for you but here you are assuming something that is entirely not real

They can only talk big, and make empty threats. When push comes to shove, they tuck their tails between their legs and run.

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Iran to host multilateral conference on Afghanistan on October 27
FMs of Iran, China, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Russia to hold talks in Tehran.

Iran's official position is that it wants an inclusive government and stability in Afghanistan [File: Atta Kenare/AFP]
By Maziar Motamedi
Published On 18 Oct 2021
Tehran, Iran – Tehran will host a meeting of Afghanistan’s neighbours plus Russia next week, the country’s foreign ministry has confirmed, with the October 27 event witnessing the presence of all six foreign ministers.
During a press conference on Monday, Iran’s foreign ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh announced that in addition to Iran and Russia, the meeting will be attended by China, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan, who all have land borders with Afghanistan.
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According to Khatibzadeh, the meeting will continue discussions that the countries had during a virtual meeting held in early September.
“The six countries will be focused on how they can help form an inclusive government in Afghanistan with the presence of all ethnic groups, and how they can help shape a future of peace and security in Afghanistan,” said Khatibzadeh.
Since the Taliban took control of Kabul in mid-August, there has been a debate in Iran on whether the group has changed its ways since it was in power more than 20 years ago.
But Iran’s official position is that it wants an inclusive government and stability in its eastern neighbouring state, something Tehran considers vital for its national security.
The calls have continued after the Taliban formed an administration that does not include ethnic and religious groups or women.

Iran has also harshly condemned the Taliban’s armed assault against resistance fighters in the Panjshir valley, and a series of explosions claimed by the Islamic State in Khorasan Province, ISKP (ISIS-K) armed group that have rocked Afghanistan in recent weeks.
Khatibzadeh said Iran has maintained contact with all parties in Afghanistan, including the Taliban.
“What is clear is that Taliban has a direct responsibility in maintaining peace and stability, and to preserve the health of all Afghan groups including the Hazaras and Shias,” he said.
Earlier this year, Tehran hosted intra-Afghan talks that included the Taliban before the armed group took control of Afghanistan.

Iran has, however, refused to participate in any talks hosted or participated by the United States, which it says was a main cause of instability and violence in the country.

Good to see Iran is taking the stability of Afghanistan and we shall see what this brings to the capital. All of the neighbours are Afghanistan have a vested interest in the stability of Afghanistan and thankfully Iran saw common sense to no invite India!
Sensible, rational people already know, who you and your elk are.

They can only talk big, and make empty threats. When push comes to shove, they tuck their tails between their legs and run.

You need to STFU and take a break. There was no need to get so worked up by this news. Iran is hosting a conference being attended even by Pakistani FM. Whats the issue here?
You need to STFU and take a break. There was no need to get so worked up by this news. Iran is hosting a conference being attended even by Pakistani FM. Whats the issue here?
You need your head checked, and since you love supporting the same pariah that is causing upheaval in Baluchistan, and murdering our sons on a daily basis, quit being their cheerleader and move there!
You are my source Darush.

Afghanistan cannot see another wave of foreign interference.

Integrity and sovereignty of Afghanistan is not subject to dinner parties in ancient Persian heartland.

Please post a source for this claim
advocating for forced regime changes and sabotage of their sovereignty.
Just five days ago Iran elements were stroke by Israel in Syria and the Iranian reponse was just sad basically saying we are not here to fight them lmao. Why are you than assuming lies about yourself you have been stroke 1000000 but no reply. Ethblish a red line and honestly at this point you are a pest to the muslims and sharing name with them you bring disgrace but nothing else.. Hamas came out publically saying they have to reply and than will they learn to respect. But you come here and say alot deluded stuff which none of it is true.

Because of your self-restraint patience there was almost a nuclear war and also that is why the hamas 11 days war happened. The enemy got confident due to your restraint and red lines had to be ethbalished again and also for you but here you are assuming something that is entirely not real
My friend, we have gone through this a multiple times. I am sure that you know our position regarding this issue. If you forgot about it please tell so i explain it once more.
I don't think Khatibzadeh would say that out loud.
Khatibzadeh is not responsible for paranoid minds. You can turn a sentence to something of your liking. Do as you wish.
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