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Iran to host multilateral conference on Afghanistan on October 27

Unlike Pakistan, Iran is engaged in a brutal intelligence war against the whole West. Despite that it has managed to stand its ground. Losing assets are expected in a war.. pretty normal. Pakistan is lucky it is only facing a third world nation like India. In fact, i am sure Pakistan will not even survive 1 month of the type of sanctions and sabotage targeting Iran. It would fall apart as fast as how the US marines and choppers penetrated into the heart of Pakistan.
Im not sure how much of our history you know of. But we went through a similar period when our nuclear program was in its development phase. Ever heard of the Pressler Amendment? If not then, did you hear about the Afghan War post 9/11? Pakistan had collapsed, it was disintegrating. The bloodshed, oh the bloodshed was overwhelming. Even as a kid when I didn't understand what was happening, I cried and I saw my mom cry every time there was a blast. So please take your crap somewhere else. I can't shed a single tear for you Iranians. You played your part in this blood bath that went on for a better part of a decade and still continues. But guess what, we are alive and kicking and Allah Willing, we shall continue to do so, no thanks to you. May I remind you that the plan to dismember Pakistan included Iran taking up Balochistan as one of its provinces even as NWFP was to be absorbed into Afghanistan and Sindh/Punjab into India? We fought a war on 4 borders, and then some.
While Iran supports bla blf we continue to make enemies with anti Iran rebels who did no harm to Pakistan. We should let jundullah and jaish ul adl operate freely against Iran. We should make anti Iranian baloch from irans occupied Balochistan province pro pak. We can have a strategic cooperation with these groups since these groups are Islamists and the anti pak baloch grousp are etho nationalists so they’ll help us in our fight.
Iran is cancer to the word.
Iran massacres Sunnis in Syria
Iran massacres Sunnis in Iraq
Iran massacres Sunnis in Lebanon
Iran massacres Sunnis in Yemen
Iran uses Houthi proxies to send ballistic missiles in direction of madinah
Iran massacres Sunnis in Balochistan
Iran massacres Kurds
Iran betrayed Kashmir in OIC in 1994
Iran supports terrorists in Pakistan
Iran supports terrorists in Afghanistan

Iran is israel of the east!
I smell some ones a... is burning
Insulted Other Member/Nationality
add the following to the list:


Pakistan power cut plunges country into darkness
Electricity is gradually being restored after a huge outage triggered by a power station fault.
So Pakistani power outage is to be blamed on Iran? Get a life retard!

Could it be a wake-up call for Pakistan that battle-hardened militants trained by Iranian Revolutionary Guards and Quds force might be returning to Pakistan as Iran’s pawns? - Anadolu Agency
Now all of a sudden the zaynabiyyoun turned into a threat to Pakistan with no record against Pakistani civilians but the Saudi supported Wahabis that blow themselves in Bazaars and gatherings of Pakistanis were not a threat to Pakistanis?

The zaynabiyyoun volunteers who participated in eliminating ISIS in Syraq, have had no harm to Pakistan, on the contrary, their sincere help to regional resistance forces stopped ISIS in Syria making a safe zone for regional countries including Pakistan itself.
Otherwise, we all had to live under ISIS as of now.

Pakistan sentences Indian spy Kulbhushan Jadhav to death
Jadhav, a former Indian naval officer, was sentenced for spying, sabotage in Karachi and Balochistan: ISPR
According to Pakistani officials Yadhav was arrested inside Pakistan. Based upon multiple resources UAE and KSA are the main backing forces of insurgency inside Pakistan. They have been recruitting Pakistanis to fight their war in Afghanistan causing Pakistani economy bleed to death. Point is, a safe and prosperous Pakistan is not in interest of USA and KSA since they can't buy Pakistani lives easily. On the other hand, Iran has always pushed Pakistan to stabilize its borders and its economy through a pipeline etc.

Personnel of the Sindh Counter-Terrorism Department on Wednesday announced the arrest of a terrorist whose name has been included in the Red Book of notified terrorists.Deputy Inspector General of...
Now this is an other joke, Iran is arming the Saud's Wahabi elements.

Your source is DW which is a known Wahabi supporting propaganda machine from west.

There is an other point to this, without IRGC, Iran would have suffered from militancy and insurgency in the east of the country but thankfuly we had an strong force in the country that stopped Wahabis on our borders with Pakistan.

That was why IRGC suggested Pakistani side to form a force from national volunteers that could ensure the security of Pakistani borders in the North and west. The same sons of abdul wahab in Pakistan didn't allow Pakistan to taste Safety on its borders.
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1. Tajiks are descendants of Persians, Iran has reason to care about the interests of Tajiks in Afghanistan. Iran has taken the initiative to convene all Afghanistan's neighbors for consultations, and has refused Indian participation, which shows that Iran is sincere in solving the problem.
2. Tajiks accounts for 20% of the Afghan population. Although Pashtun is the main ethnic group in Afghanistan, it is only 40% of the population. If the Taliban still insists on excluding other ethnic groups, can the Taliban really stabilize the situation in Afghanistan? If civil war breaks out again in Afghanistan, all countries around will be affected.
3. Tajiks are not only related to Iran, but also the main ethnic group of Tajikistan. Pakistan controlled Kashmir, Xinjiang of China, Uzbekistan and other places also have a large number of Tajiks, these countries may also intervene.
4. Don't worry about the relationship between Tajikistan and India, India will soon lose all its influence in Tajikistan.
So Pakistani power outage is to be blamed on Iran? Get a life ******!

Now all of a sudden the zaynabiyyoun turned into a threat to Pakistan with no record against Pakistani civilians but the Saudi supported Wahabis that blow themselves in Bazaars and gatherings of Pakistanis were not a threat to Pakistanis?

The zaynabiyyoun volunteers who participated in eliminating ISIS in Syraq, have had no harm to Pakistan, on the contrary, their sincere help to regional resistance forces stopped ISIS in Syria making a safe zone for regional countries including Pakistan itself.
Otherwise, we all had to live under ISIS as of now.

According to Pakistani officials Yadhav was arrested inside Pakistan. Based upon multiple resources UAE and KSA are the main backing forces of insurgency inside Pakistan. They have been recruitting Pakistanis to fight their war in Afghanistan causing Pakistani economy bleed to death. Point is, a safe and prosperous Pakistan is not in interest of USA and KSA since they can't buy Pakistani lives easily. On the other hand, Iran has always pushed Pakistan to stabilize its borders and its economy through a pipeline etc.

Now this is an other joke, Iran is arming the Saud's Wahabi elements.

Your source is DW which is a known Wahabi supporting propaganda machine from west.

There is an other point to this, without IRGC, Iran would have suffered from militancy and insurgency in the east of the country but thankfuly we had an strong force in the country that stopped Wahabis on our borders with Pakistan.

That was why IRGC suggested Pakistani side to form a force from national volunteers that could ensure the security of Pakistani borders in the North and west. The same sons of abdul wahab in Pakistan didn't allow Pakistan to taste Safety on its borders.
Straw man arguements dont work in the real world.
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You can post strawman arguments all day long, doesn't change the fact that you are the biggest exporter of terrorism on the planet.
That is a designation by the Pentagon. Are you following the Pentagon propaganda like a blind puppy? They are also saying that Pakistan supports terrorists inside Afghanistan and India. Should we believe them?
Your naive statements are weight less. We are tired of your meddling and you will soon enjoy what you have sowed.

Anyways this is what the world thinks of you :lol::
This is the funny part, they blow up tactical level targets and gloat here to no end.
Strategic level assets e.g. Nuclear Scientists, Intel heads get taken out, and they beat the crap out of their keyboards and call it a day!

All talk and no substance.
Your naive statements are weight less. We are tired of your meddling and you will soon enjoy what you have sowed.

Anyways this is what the world thinks of you :lol::
I asked you a valid question. You failed to respond to that.

We could also say that the USA humiliated Pakistan and conducted thousands of airstrikes on Pakistani civilians, thousands of suicide bombings in and areas in Pakistan that are totally out of government control. Do we have the right to call you a banana republic?

Why are you obsessed with Iran-Israel affairs? You are in South Asia mate.
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