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Iran to host multilateral conference on Afghanistan on October 27

No u r wrong, Afghanistan is majority pashtun and they are a distinct group. You have no right to find excuses of race and sect and interfere.

Pakistan in this conference should make it clear to the poodle Tajikistan, that interfering in Afghanistan can have really harsh consequences. We should also let iran know that they will not be allpwed to ise excuses of race and sect to interfere.

Iran's a neighbor to Afghanistan and is therefore directly affected by developments there.

"I"SIS, a terrorist grouplet extremely hostile to Iran above all, is deploying inside Afghanistan and has just murdered a couple hundred Shia Muslims in suicide attacks on mosques and a girls' school in recent months.

Iran is the biggest exporter to Afghanistan and without the cheap Iranian fuel it receives including on credit, the Taleban government would face greater difficulties.

4 million Afghans including several million refugees are residing in Iran.

Would these not be legitimate reasons for Iran to be concerned about Afghanistan and therefore to get involved in talks with Afghan and neighboring authorities when needed? Or would you qualify the above points as mere excuses? Also, I'd call this regular foreign policy rather than interference.

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Only one message, which can be verified by any one above OF-4 in GHQ: "Stop your nonsense, or else"

We are the only neighbor that is on friendly terms with them, yet they back stab at every opportunity.

EDIT: Just remembered, the mini FM came to take his terrorists

Some residents of Iran are also engaging in terrorist attacks against their own country. How does this imply collusion by Iranian authorities? Also, how many BLA members are in fact residents of Pakistan? That doesn't mean Islamabad is supporting them.

Iran has had PKK militants with Turkish citizenship joining the Iranian branch of the organization (called PJAK) and taking part in attacks against Iranian border guards. Do we have to conclude that the Turkish government is the one which sent them over?

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Tagging mods after you have seen me doing it? Be original. Only one who is on fire and jumping up and down is you, everyone else is calm. Bring some real arguments, some worthy points. And most importantly, be respectful.

True. Look how this thread degenerated...: an Iranian user posts a legitimate piece of news about an upcoming diplomatic meeting in which both Iran and Pakistan are going to partake, no provocation is posted against Pakistan. Unfortunately this does not seem to be to the liking of user Blacklight, who then proceeds to targeting Iran and blaming Iranian users for parroting an official line (whereas the opening article was just a simple factual piece, devoid of political commentary), which he believes they should not be permitted to do, in other words he seems to advocate censorship of Iranians.

Tends to show how some seem upset at the mere presence of Iranian users... Oh well, if these gentlemen derive satisfaction from misleading themselves by finding hostility where there is none and by being angry for nothing, then there's only so much one will be able to do about it.
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This is the funny part, they blow up tactical level targets and gloat here to no end.
Strategic level assets e.g. Nuclear Scientists, Intel heads get taken out, and they beat the crap out of their keyboards and call it a day!

All talk and no substance.
Exactly! They've had their backs handed over to them in a platter, regularly. Instead of focusing on their interior issues, they are abetting India destabilise Pakistan. I'm not sure why are our leaders so benevolent. Are these Persians so high and mighty that they forget if Pakistan stashes them with the likes of India, then its another theatre of war opening up for them?

Or maybe they have a very good measure of how stupid our leaders are that they try us over and over again.
Exactly! They've had their backs handed over to them in a platter, regularly. Instead of focusing on their interior issues, they are abetting India destabilise Pakistan. I'm not sure why are our leaders so benevolent. Are these Persians so high and mighty that they forget if Pakistan stashes them with the likes of India, then its another theatre of war opening up for them?

Or maybe they have a very good measure of how stupid our leaders are that they try us over and over again.
Unlike Pakistan, Iran is engaged in a brutal intelligence war against the whole West. Despite that it has managed to stand its ground. Losing assets are expected in a war.. pretty normal. Pakistan is lucky it is only facing a third world nation like India. In fact, i am sure Pakistan will not even survive 1 month of the type of sanctions and sabotage targeting Iran. It would fall apart as fast as how the US marines and choppers penetrated into the heart of Pakistan.
Iran to host multilateral conference on Afghanistan on October 27
FMs of Iran, China, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Russia to hold talks in Tehran.

Iran's official position is that it wants an inclusive government and stability in Afghanistan [File: Atta Kenare/AFP]
By Maziar Motamedi
Published On 18 Oct 2021
Tehran, Iran – Tehran will host a meeting of Afghanistan’s neighbours plus Russia next week, the country’s foreign ministry has confirmed, with the October 27 event witnessing the presence of all six foreign ministers.
During a press conference on Monday, Iran’s foreign ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh announced that in addition to Iran and Russia, the meeting will be attended by China, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan, who all have land borders with Afghanistan.
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According to Khatibzadeh, the meeting will continue discussions that the countries had during a virtual meeting held in early September.
“The six countries will be focused on how they can help form an inclusive government in Afghanistan with the presence of all ethnic groups, and how they can help shape a future of peace and security in Afghanistan,” said Khatibzadeh.
Since the Taliban took control of Kabul in mid-August, there has been a debate in Iran on whether the group has changed its ways since it was in power more than 20 years ago.
But Iran’s official position is that it wants an inclusive government and stability in its eastern neighbouring state, something Tehran considers vital for its national security.
The calls have continued after the Taliban formed an administration that does not include ethnic and religious groups or women.

Iran has also harshly condemned the Taliban’s armed assault against resistance fighters in the Panjshir valley, and a series of explosions claimed by the Islamic State in Khorasan Province, ISKP (ISIS-K) armed group that have rocked Afghanistan in recent weeks.
Khatibzadeh said Iran has maintained contact with all parties in Afghanistan, including the Taliban.
“What is clear is that Taliban has a direct responsibility in maintaining peace and stability, and to preserve the health of all Afghan groups including the Hazaras and Shias,” he said.
Earlier this year, Tehran hosted intra-Afghan talks that included the Taliban before the armed group took control of Afghanistan.

Iran has, however, refused to participate in any talks hosted or participated by the United States, which it says was a main cause of instability and violence in the country.

You forgot the superpowa?
Wahabis are in no way happy about regional coop, hence talking about 'or else' threatening Pakistan's internal security, in fact, literally talking about blowing themselves among innocent Pakistani women and children.
This is very possible if Pak-Iran relations were to normalise and there is trade b/w the countries. They will manifest as ISIS or whatever, but they will definitely threaten Pakistani state because their hate for Iran and its sect has no bounds.
What the hell is a Irano Turkic nation?

Pakistan is a Persian-Turkic nation.
Bro please ease up, you’re highly respected here.
Also india isn’t coming so that’s great.

Russia and Iran will take care of Indian interests just like US was taking care of Indian interests during Doha talks. India does not need to participate directly.
Russia and Iran will take care of Indian interests just like US was taking care of Indian interests during Doha talks. India does not need to participate directly.
Yes, we are quiet aware of your side kicks, thank you for the confirmation.
True we are and yes it's a major cause for concern. But the other day one of these terrorists was gunned down in Iran, I guess that's movement on these things?
I think the Baluchistan insurgency has a very long history, but right now its leadership first moves from Afghanistan to UAE and from UAE to Switzerland / Sweden / UK , now operating with full immunity. It seems UAE is much scared if Gawadar turned into a mega industrial and commercial hub.

MPs told Russia, India and UAE involved in Baloch insurgency
Details of an in-camera parliament session in October 2008 have been published in a cable released on WikiLeaks.

Saba ImtiazDecember 03, 2010


A briefing given by the then director general of military operations, Ahmed Shuja Pasha, to parliamentarians has been characterised as being supportive of the US.

According to the WikiLeaks cable, a draft of a presentation shared with the US by National Security Adviser Mahmud Ali Durrani stated that Pakistan had not allowed the US to conduct cross-border operations. Parliamentarians were also told that India and Russia were involved in the insurgency in Balochistan. Pasha said India has established nine training camps along the Afghan border, where they are training members of the Baloch Liberation Army. He also claimed “India and the UAE (reportedly due to opposition to construction of the Gwadar port) were funding and arming the Baloch. Pasha also claimed that the Russian government was directly involved in funding/training/supporting the insurgency.”

Former president Pervez Musharraf had also raised the point with US officials in September 2007. According to a memo, he had asked the US to intervene on “the ‘deliberate’ attempt of Kabul and New Delhi to destabilise Balochistan.”

Musharraf told officials that Pakistan had proof that India and Afghanistan were “involved in efforts to provide weapons, training and funding for Baloch extremists through Brahamdagh Bugti and Baloch Marri, two Baloch nationalists, who were living in Kabul.”

“We have letters instructing who to give what weapons [and] to whom,” he said.

A source who had attended the in-camera session told the US, “Pasha’s briefing consisted mainly of videos and photos of Taliban and other terrorist organisation’s activities that demonstrated the militants were both inhumane and un-Islamic.” According to the source, “At several points, female parliamentarians asked the army to stop showing disturbing footage, including a gory beheading.”

However, the memo notes, Pasha did not mention the threat from Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan leader Baitullah Mehsud, who was killed in a drone strike in August 2009.

In a meeting with US Senators Joe Biden (now US vice president) and Lindsey Graham, Kayani said: “He was painfully aware that the army had to retake South Waziristan since 90 per cent of the suicide bombers came from Baitullah Mehsud.” “He has to be cut down to size,” he said.

Pasha briefed members on what he termed “United States government drone incursions and missile strikes.” The source told the embassy that Pasha praised the US for its support through these methods and showed statistics to parliamentarians that demonstrated the vast majority of those killed in these attacks were either foreign or Taliban fighters.

However, politicians believed that the briefing had not provided any new information. Details of a dinner which was attended by several political leaders in attendance noted that “Pasha, unsurprisingly, defended Pakistan’s sovereignty against US incursions.”

However, they “did not share details from the briefing about foreign fighters killed in the alleged US drone attacks.”

Leaked documents show support from Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani for drone strikes, and that the Pakistan Army asked for US special operations elements to be deployed with the Frontier Corps.

Federally Administered Tribal Areas (Fata) parliamentarians Shaukatullah and Munir Khan Orakzai and Muttahida Qaumi Movement leader Farooq Sattar said at the dinner that they had pointed out during the question-and-answer session in parliament that “not all terrorists were tribals and that the government needed to address growing extremism in Punjab.”

Other details about the Inter-Services Intelligence have also emerged in the leaked documents.

According to an October 2009 memo, ISI director general Pasha had told the US ambassador that he had “followed up on threat information that an attack would be launched against India
between September-November. He had been in direct touch with the Israelis on possible threats against Israeli targets in India.” Pakistan does not recognise Israel as a country.

Published in The Express Tribune, December 3rd, 2010.
I think the Baluchistan insurgency has a very long history, but right now its leadership first moves from Afghanistan to UAE and from UAE to Switzerland / Sweden / UK , now operating with full immunity. It seems UAE is much scared if Gawadar turned into a mega industrial and commercial hub.

MPs told Russia, India and UAE involved in Baloch insurgency
Details of an in-camera parliament session in October 2008 have been published in a cable released on WikiLeaks.

Saba ImtiazDecember 03, 2010


A briefing given by the then director general of military operations, Ahmed Shuja Pasha, to parliamentarians has been characterised as being supportive of the US.

According to the WikiLeaks cable, a draft of a presentation shared with the US by National Security Adviser Mahmud Ali Durrani stated that Pakistan had not allowed the US to conduct cross-border operations. Parliamentarians were also told that India and Russia were involved in the insurgency in Balochistan. Pasha said India has established nine training camps along the Afghan border, where they are training members of the Baloch Liberation Army. He also claimed “India and the UAE (reportedly due to opposition to construction of the Gwadar port) were funding and arming the Baloch. Pasha also claimed that the Russian government was directly involved in funding/training/supporting the insurgency.”

Former president Pervez Musharraf had also raised the point with US officials in September 2007. According to a memo, he had asked the US to intervene on “the ‘deliberate’ attempt of Kabul and New Delhi to destabilise Balochistan.”

Musharraf told officials that Pakistan had proof that India and Afghanistan were “involved in efforts to provide weapons, training and funding for Baloch extremists through Brahamdagh Bugti and Baloch Marri, two Baloch nationalists, who were living in Kabul.”

“We have letters instructing who to give what weapons [and] to whom,” he said.

A source who had attended the in-camera session told the US, “Pasha’s briefing consisted mainly of videos and photos of Taliban and other terrorist organisation’s activities that demonstrated the militants were both inhumane and un-Islamic.” According to the source, “At several points, female parliamentarians asked the army to stop showing disturbing footage, including a gory beheading.”

However, the memo notes, Pasha did not mention the threat from Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan leader Baitullah Mehsud, who was killed in a drone strike in August 2009.

In a meeting with US Senators Joe Biden (now US vice president) and Lindsey Graham, Kayani said: “He was painfully aware that the army had to retake South Waziristan since 90 per cent of the suicide bombers came from Baitullah Mehsud.” “He has to be cut down to size,” he said.

Pasha briefed members on what he termed “United States government drone incursions and missile strikes.” The source told the embassy that Pasha praised the US for its support through these methods and showed statistics to parliamentarians that demonstrated the vast majority of those killed in these attacks were either foreign or Taliban fighters.

However, politicians believed that the briefing had not provided any new information. Details of a dinner which was attended by several political leaders in attendance noted that “Pasha, unsurprisingly, defended Pakistan’s sovereignty against US incursions.”

However, they “did not share details from the briefing about foreign fighters killed in the alleged US drone attacks.”

Leaked documents show support from Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani for drone strikes, and that the Pakistan Army asked for US special operations elements to be deployed with the Frontier Corps.

Federally Administered Tribal Areas (Fata) parliamentarians Shaukatullah and Munir Khan Orakzai and Muttahida Qaumi Movement leader Farooq Sattar said at the dinner that they had pointed out during the question-and-answer session in parliament that “not all terrorists were tribals and that the government needed to address growing extremism in Punjab.”

Other details about the Inter-Services Intelligence have also emerged in the leaked documents.

According to an October 2009 memo, ISI director general Pasha had told the US ambassador that he had “followed up on threat information that an attack would be launched against India
between September-November. He had been in direct touch with the Israelis on possible threats against Israeli targets in India.” Pakistan does not recognise Israel as a country.

Published in The Express Tribune, December 3rd, 2010.
Where Pasha ended up after retirement tells us how authentic this fluff piece is, but you keep regurgitating nonsense.
Pakistan is a Persian-Turkic nation.

Russia and Iran will take care of Indian interests just like US was taking care of Indian interests during Doha talks. India does not need to participate directly.
Where Pasha ended up after retirement tells us how authentic this fluff piece is, but you keep regurgitating nonsense.
It's the ISI Chief of Pakistan Army giving a presentation to National Assembly members. Not me. What he does after retirement, this is his personal life. We are not here to judge people.
It's the ISI Chief of Pakistan Army giving a presentation to National Assembly members. Not me. What he does after retirement, this is his personal life. We are not here to judge people.
You are just twisting in the wind as usual, trying to defend Iran despite what it is doing in Baluchistan TODAY.

Kulbhushan, Baba ladla, Uzair Baloch, remember them? Remember who were their supporters and facilitators? Or that is something selective amnesia prevents you from remembering?

Everyday we are loosing brothers and sons, yet here we have people like you, busy defending and deflecting! Shame on you!
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