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Iran to host multilateral conference on Afghanistan on October 27

A general afghan refers to Pakistanis as "Lentil Soup" eating Indic. Some delusional Pakistani members think that the ethnonationalist warlords called "Talibans" think of Pakistanis as different. I would be amused to see the reaction of same members when they get to know the thoughts of a Bozkurtlar Turkish or Azeri about Pakistanis in general
Pakistanis have a thicker skin when it comes to outlandish or fringe postulations. They are academically tolerated.
This Hazara thing was a Twitter chat and nothing more. This is not the Iranian style of bargaining that we would rely upon a few Hazara ministers for Iranian national interests in our backyard Afghanistan LOL. Our way is diplomatic and economic hegemony and then comes proxies from within you ... The way we have Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Lebanon.

What has remained of Iraq, Syria, Lebanon or Yemen?

Destroying your neighbours won't make your Persian gardens look any better than they are. For all the mental gymnastics about genetics and civilisation, learning from history is not your best attributes as a nation or a nation state.
Pakistanis have a thicker skin when it comes to outlandish or fringe postulations. They are academically tolerated.

What about mainstream postulations? Does one of the two main governing parties in Pakistan aim for "regime change" from within à la Gorbachev, as is the case in Iran?

What has remained of Iraq, Syria, Lebanon or Yemen?

Destroying your neighbours won't make your Persian gardens look any better than they are. For all the mental gymnastics about genetics and civilisation, learning from history is not your best attributes as a nation or a nation state.

We can obfuscate zionist and American crimes (supported by their regional allies), and blame them all on Iran instead... But facts suggest otherwise: Iran did not initiate any of the named conflicts.

Lebanon: when the Islamic Revolution took place in Iran, Lebanon had already been at war for around 4 years.

Yemen: has been quasi constantly at war on and off for the past 60 years. Iran's an absolute newcomer on the Yemeni scene.

Syria: war triggered by NATO and zionist support for armed insurgents, had started before Iran stepped in to assist a loyal ally upon request from the latter.

Iraq: seriously now? Thorough destruction of Iraq in 1991 by US bombings, then from 1991-2003 by US-initiated sanctions, and then again in 2003 by the US military, aided by PGCC Arab kingdoms from where the Americans launched their illegal invasion... Followed by the manufacturing of "I"S / "I"SIS by western and zionist intelligence services to trigger civil strife and tear apart Iraq's social fabric. None of which was committed by Iran.
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Wahabis gave birth to ISIS, Qaeda and other extrmists. They hate Shias to the core.
They believe if you beahead 5 Shias while shouting allahu akbar then you will go to paradise with a one way ticket. ISIS beheaded a 6 month old infant in Syria because of being a Shia, they attacked Shia women in Syria and Iraq trying to enslave them.
Their number 1 enemy defined in their bible of beliefs is Shia Muslims.
They are a negligible minority compared to millions of Sunnis out there.
They destroyed Masjid Un nabi Neighborhood and tried to remove Islamic heritage everything related to prophet and his Ahle Bayt.
Both Shias and Sunnis have every reason to hate these creatures.
Wahabis are a tool in the hands of Saud family.
They are collaborating actions with Israel and if you go through their quotes then you would see most of them whining "we stand with Israel in the face of Iran" "Iran is an Israeli friend" "Iran helps USA" "Iran attacked Pakistan" "Iran hates Sunnis" etc etc.

They are bunch of Wonderful animals whose house of belief is based upon lies and distortions.
That's a whole bunch of hogwash in this post. There's a lot of hate on both sides, let's not get into that...
That's a whole bunch of hogwash in this post. There's a lot of hate on both sides, let's not get into that...
May i Ask, when did a Shia behead a Wahabi while shouting allahu akbar? What makes you claim there is hate on this side! What did make us hate them? Wahabis killed our people, we never did it to them.

This inevitable fight was started by them, we shall continue it to the end. A Shia might be Peaceful in nature but when someone starts something like that we will respond the way they deserve.
Pakistanis have a thicker skin when it comes to outlandish or fringe postulations. They are academically tolerated.

What has remained of Iraq, Syria, Lebanon or Yemen?

Destroying your neighbours won't make your Persian gardens look any better than they are. For all the mental gymnastics about genetics and civilisation, learning from history is not your best attributes as a nation or a nation state.
I've seen just how "thick" Pakistani skin is when you are called a Pakistani minus the "stani" part! LOL
Imagine an Iranian getting all worked up and bothered if someone were to call us "Irani" :omghaha:
That is exactly my point in regard to Pakistanis "thick skin"!!!
You read the thing... It's an anti immigrant slur in UK and Canada as they were among the earliest mass Brown immigrants to these countries
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If you are stupid enough to think that the state of affairs in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen are strictly Iran's fault, then your Parents are probably brother and sister!!!

Why drag somebody's family into it when you are discussing geo politics? Especially when the other guy might be a senior citizen? Your account says you are 42 and yet you behave like a teenager. Pathetic.
Why drag somebody's family into it when you are discussing geo politics? Especially when the other guy might be a senior citizen? Your account says you are 42 and yet you behave like a teenager. Pathetic.
Perhaps it was a bit too harsh but only inbreeding can cause such a low IQ.

I agree with his statement.

If you are stupid enough to think all conflict in the said countries are Iran's fault then there is no hope for you.
What about mainstream postulations? Does one of the two main governing parties in Pakistan aim for "regime change" from within à la Gorbachev, as is the case in Iran?
Foreign relations are beyond Pakistan's internal political agenda. The State has long traditional goals and aspirations none of which entertain the ideology of regime changes. Iran is a prime example of Pakistan's embrace towards an outward mindset.
We can obfuscate zionist and American crimes (supported by their regional allies), and blame them all on Iran instead... But facts suggest otherwise: Iran did not initiate any of the named conflicts
That becomes a question of what constitutes as initiating a conflict. The quoted post expressed much of anyones concern about apparent aspirations of hegemony through overt and covert means.
I've seen just how "thick" Pakistani skin is when you are called a Pakistani minus the "stani" part! LOL
Imagine an Iranian getting all worked up and bothered if someone were to call us "Irani" :omghaha:
There is a difference between tolerating criticism and abuse.
If you are stupid enough to think that the state of affairs in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen are strictly Iran's fault, then your Parents are probably brother and sister!!!
Why do all these trash talking Iranians are only found on the internet? I have never met an Iranian bully my entire life spread across 3 continents till i discovered PDF Iranians.

Sometimes I feel Indians are getting complacent in their lunacy with you lot clawing up the gap steadily and with good momentum.
Perhaps it was a bit too harsh but only inbreeding can cause such a low IQ.

I agree with his statement.

If you are stupid enough to think all conflict in the said countries are Iran's fault then there is no hope for you.
You avatar is dedicated to Darius and you want to crack inbreeding jokes?
Only one message, which can be verified by any one above OF-4 in GHQ: "Stop your nonsense, or else"

We are the only neighbor that is on friendly terms with them, yet they back stab at every opportunity.

EDIT: Just remembered, the mini FM came to take his terrorists

I understand the frustration. But I feel that these Iranians are jumping like frogs on Afghanistan because finally there is Taliban Govt in A-Stan, and Iran feels surrounded from the East, from the North, and from the North-West Turkish side. Azerbaijan are against them. In fact, they tried to be smart arses with Taliban a few weeks ago, and Taliban killed several of their soldiers and captured several posts. So all this really unnerves them.

I feel it is only a matter of time when Iranians will be really, really squeezed to the limit and they will self-implode. Iranian Baluchistan BELONGS TO PAKISTAN.

I say this again and again, Pakistan only needs to spend one of its BATTLEFIELD NUKE and Iran would go into history books. Pakistan needs to MAKE SOME GOOD DEALS with the US and Israel. US and Israel would be extremely trilled if Pakistan can do their dirty work.
That becomes a question of what constitutes as initiating a conflict. The quoted post expressed much of anyones concern about apparent aspirations of hegemony through overt and covert means.

I would dare to say that chronology doesn't lie. When countries had been suffering war and chaos for years if not decades before any sign of an Iranian implication in said conflicts, I believe it's safe to conclude that these were neither initiated nor caused by Iran.

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In fact, they tried to be smart arses with Taliban a few weeks ago, and Taliban killed several of their soldiers and captured several posts. So all this really unnerves them.

Fake news. Nobody was killed on the Iranian side, nor were any Iranian border posts captured.

Iran and Afghanistan relations remain functional as always.

I feel it is only a matter of time when Iranians will be really, really squeezed to the limit and they will self-implode. Iranian Baluchistan BELONGS TO PAKISTAN.

See you in 5, 10, 20, 40 years inshallah ta'ala. Many have dreamt such dreams before. Have a look at where they are now.

I say this again and again, Pakistan only needs to spend one of its BATTLEFIELD NUKE and Iran would go into history books. Pakistan needs to MAKE SOME GOOD DEALS with the US and Israel. US and Israel would be extremely trilled if Pakistan can do their dirty work.

Thanks for being open about your thought, which are in line with what various Pakistani users here have been advocating: cooperation with the terrorist zionist regime with the explicit goal of destroying another Muslim nation.

Where are the usual shiaphobic sectarianists hiding now, with their phony, gutter-level gibberish about Iranians loving to join Isra"el" "against Sunnis and Arabs"...? It doesn't get any more pathetic.
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