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Iran to host multilateral conference on Afghanistan on October 27

It's sad to see Pakistanis and Iranians fighting against each other on this forum. I dont care who or which member started this fight. This exactly what the imperialists want. Dont ask which "imperialists". You know exactly what countries I am talking about. The want muslims to kill each other like fools. That is their goal.

Look at the state of the middle east. Iraq destroyed destroyed by US invasion in 2003. Syria destroyed by USA. Libya destroyed. Muslims need to unite and come together. Iran and Pakistan have for the most part a had good relations. Lets keep it that way. Iran was the first country to recognize Pakistan. Iran supported Pakistan in the 1965 war. Pakistan supported Iran in the Iran-Iraq war. Iran was one of three countries to congratulate Pakistan when we did the nuclear test in 1998.

The day Pakistanis and Iranians start killing each other their will be celebrations in Washington DC and Tel Aviv perhaps in some European capitals.
Unlike Iran Pakistan actually holds the capability to wipe Israel out of existence
Foolish statement. It is true that Pakistan does hold that capability. But what do you think the Israelis would do back? They have over 80 nukes. Israel would also wipe Pakistan out of existence in a second strike. You can say the same for Iran if they get nukes. It is called MAD my friend. Google it.
West and Israel see Iran as a joke a country that can easily be beaten.
Simply not true. Stop making such ignorant comments brother. In what way is Iran a joke and can easily be beaten? If that was true Israel would have declared an all our war against Iran a very long time ago. Has Israel done it? No... It's like a Iranian saying India see Pakistan as a joke a country that can easily be beaten. But everybody here knows that is not true.
loool no my a… isn’t burning cuz Alhumdulliah Pakistan doesn’t get b*tched by Israel like Iran does. Our nuclear scientist don’t get assassinated by them. Our nuclear facilities don’t get “mysterious” fires. And alhumdulliah the Sunnis in the Middle East are resisting Iranian illegal occupation through their proxies. They might not be winning but they choose to be shaheed to die with their honour rather to bow down to Iranians.
If I was Iranian I would be burning because how do you managed to get b*tched by Israel and usa so many times yet you can’t do shit about it? If I was Iran my a… would be burning because I’m too p**sy to fight Israel and usa so I instead use hezboshaytan (hezbollah) to kill innocent Sunnis.
All the anti Israel anti usa talk from Iran just to becomes India’s little b*tch!

I thank Allah for making me a Pakistani because my country doesn’t get b*tched by the world liek iran does!
The end result matter.
Lebanon is being punished by Israel and the US for allowing Hezbollah to participate in the government, how is that the fault of Iran? Why is Israel allowed to kill and humiliate Palestinians and Lebanese? Are they not humans? Oh wait, i forgot you even forgot about your own land, Kashmir. Nevermind about other muslims.

You are just repeating the same things over and over again. Look my earlier replies, you will find the answer.
You are the same country that was ready to strike us back in Feb 2019 with India, but chickened out. At the same time your export of terrorism is undisputed, hence you have no moral ground to talk about Kashmir.

But you have to deflect, and talk big, but it doesn't matter, since none of you so called "iranians" on this thread, even bother living there.

You are definitely not a decent Pakistani so stop worrying about these things.

I'm glad the blood of my brothers and son is more important to me than your eschewed definition of "decent".

It's only false flggers who cant bear Iran being called our for its back stabbing.
Foolish statement. It is true that Pakistan does hold that capability. But what do you think the Israelis would do back? They have over 80 nukes. Israel would also wipe Pakistan out of existence in a second strike. You can say the same for Iran if they get nukes. It is called MAD my friend. Google it.
Ah no 80 is what they claim. Its estimated they have up to 400 nukes...
Don't know what has wahabis done to you? Why are you so obsessed with them? Some personal issue?
Wahabis gave birth to ISIS, Qaeda and other extrmists. They hate Shias to the core.
They believe if you beahead 5 Shias while shouting allahu akbar then you will go to paradise with a one way ticket. ISIS beheaded a 6 month old infant in Syria because of being a Shia, they attacked Shia women in Syria and Iraq trying to enslave them.
Their number 1 enemy defined in their bible of beliefs is Shia Muslims.
They are a negligible minority compared to millions of Sunnis out there.
They destroyed Masjid Un nabi Neighborhood and tried to remove Islamic heritage everything related to prophet and his Ahle Bayt.
Both Shias and Sunnis have every reason to hate these creatures.
Wahabis are a tool in the hands of Saud family.
They are collaborating actions with Israel and if you go through their quotes then you would see most of them whining "we stand with Israel in the face of Iran" "Iran is an Israeli friend" "Iran helps USA" "Iran attacked Pakistan" "Iran hates Sunnis" etc etc.

They are bunch of Wonderful animals whose house of belief is based upon lies and distortions.
The latest news is that if u use the word "inclusive govt" infront of taliban then you should also have an inclusive govt in ur own country or get ready to be taunted by taliban on ur face. Iran and Tajikistan learned it the hard way 😂. An iranian delegate asked to include hazara shia in govt and taliban asked them how many sunnis have they included in the govt?
The latest news is that if u use the word "inclusive govt" infront of taliban then you should also have an inclusive govt in ur own country or get ready to be taunted by taliban on ur face. Iran and Tajikistan learned it the hard way 😂. An iranian delegate asked to include hazara shia in govt and taliban asked them how many sunnis have they included in the govt?
And you are the Taliban spokesman?
The latest news is that if u use the word "inclusive govt" infront of taliban then you should also have an inclusive govt in ur own country or get ready to be taunted by taliban on ur face. Iran and Tajikistan learned it the hard way 😂. An iranian delegate asked to include hazara shia in govt and taliban asked them how many sunnis have they included in the govt?

Funny thing is that the same Taleban representative in the same TV appearance and right after his remarks on Iran, pointed at Pakistan as well, declaring that they won't allow Pakistan to interfere in Afghan affairs. Also I don't remember Iranian delegates specifically asking to include Hazara Shias in the cabinet.
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Funny thing is that the same Taleban representative in the same TV appearance and right after his remarks on Iran, pointed at Pakistan as well, declaring that they won't allow Pakistan to interfere in Afghan affairs. Also I don't remember Iranian delegates specifically asking to include Hazara Shias in the cabinet.

A general afghan refers to Pakistanis as "Lentil Soup" eating Indic. Some delusional Pakistani members think that the ethnonationalist warlords called "Talibans" think of Pakistanis as different. I would be amused to see the reaction of same members when they get to know the thoughts of a Bozkurtlar Turkish or Azeri about Pakistanis in general.

This Hazara thing was a Twitter chat and nothing more. This is not the Iranian style of bargaining that we would rely upon a few Hazara ministers for Iranian national interests in our backyard Afghanistan LOL. Our way is diplomatic and economic hegemony and then comes proxies from within you ... The way we have Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Lebanon.
And you are the Taliban spokesman?

It's called LARPING. Some of these fellows love to Larp as Middle Eastern/Central Asian stakeholders or offshoots but then the same Afghans and Taliban call them Indic and enemies (just a few days ago) and then all hell breaks loose.
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