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Iran to host multilateral conference on Afghanistan on October 27

You are just twisting in the wind as usual, trying to defend Iran despite what it is doing in Baluchistan TODAY.

Everyday, we are loosing brothers and sons, yet here we have people like, busy defending and deflecting! Shame on you!
OMG ... lolzzzzz.
Pakistanis are decedents of Mughals who are Turks. Half of Pakistan is made of Pushtuns who are Persian. Your national song is in Persian and Your flag is replica of Turkish Flag except for the color.
b- Significant minority and as far as I know no Pashtun would call himself "Persian" like you are the first one who even mentioned it
C- Stupid thing that I don't approve of but tbf old Urdu is really influenced by farsi - doesn't make it Persian
D- No not completely true, it has inspirations from multiple sources mostly from old Muslim empires of SA

deeper answer is here
The death of our soldiers, our brothers and sons in Baluchistan is a joke to you? You are sure as distugusting and retarded as they get!
Stop it man, just stop
The regular Iranian-Pakistani bickering on this thread aside, it's a positive development that nations in the neighborhood have stopped inviting India to meetings/conferences on Afghanistan. In exchange for not facilitating Indian presence or business with Afghanistan, maybe Pakistan can offer to protect certain Iranian interests w.r.t. Afghanistan (w/e it is).
Balkanize on ethnic divides and move on. Afghanistan is not sustainable in its current form.

Exactly. Afghanistan does not have resources to run the country and will never have as a landlocked country. Throughout the history Afghan rulers have invaded India only to collect (or loot) the wealth to run Afghanistan whenever Afghanistan was Independent.
Only one message, which can be verified by any one above OF-4 in GHQ: "Stop your nonsense, or else"

While Iran supports bla blf we continue to make enemies with anti Iran rebels who did no harm to Pakistan. We should let jundullah and jaish ul adl operate freely against Iran. We should make anti Iranian baloch from irans occupied Balochistan province pro pak. We can have a strategic cooperation with these groups since these groups are Islamists and the anti pak baloch grousp are etho nationalists so they’ll help us in our fight.
Iran is cancer to the word.
Iran massacres Sunnis in Syria
Iran massacres Sunnis in Iraq
Iran massacres Sunnis in Lebanon
Iran massacres Sunnis in Yemen
Iran uses Houthi proxies to send ballistic missiles in direction of madinah
Iran massacres Sunnis in Balochistan
Iran massacres Kurds
Iran betrayed Kashmir in OIC in 1994
Iran supports terrorists in Pakistan
Iran supports terrorists in Afghanistan

Iran is israel of the east!
Whose business is it to tell the afghan Taliban how to run there country

Americans tried that rubbish for 20 years then ran away. Pakistan should keep out of these regionsl bullShIt committees telling afghans how to live and breathe.
Whose business is it to tell the afghan Taliban how to run there country

Americans tried that rubbish for 20 years then ran away. Pakistan should keep out of these regionsl bullShIt committees telling afghans how to live and breathe.
unfortunately due to TTP we will have to say something
While Iran supports bla blf we continue to make enemies with anti Iran rebels who did no harm to Pakistan. We should let jundullah and jaish ul adl operate freely against Iran. We should make anti Iranian baloch from irans occupied Balochistan province pro pak. We can have a strategic cooperation with these groups since these groups are Islamists and the anti pak baloch grousp are etho nationalists so they’ll help us in our fight.
Iran is cancer to the word.
Iran massacres Sunnis in Syria
Iran massacres Sunnis in Iraq
Iran massacres Sunnis in Lebanon
Iran massacres Sunnis in Yemen
Iran uses Houthi proxies to send ballistic missiles in direction of madinah
Iran massacres Sunnis in Balochistan
Iran massacres Kurds
Iran betrayed Kashmir in OIC in 1994
Iran supports terrorists in Pakistan
Iran supports terrorists in Afghanistan

Iran is israel of the east!

Please add the following to the list:


Pakistan power cut plunges country into darkness
Electricity is gradually being restored after a huge outage triggered by a power station fault.


ANALYSIS - Iran-backed Zainabiyoun Brigade could become Pakistan’s new national security problem
Could it be a wake-up call for Pakistan that battle-hardened militants trained by Iranian Revolutionary Guards and Quds force might be returning to Pakistan as Iran’s pawns? - Anadolu Agency


Pakistan sentences Indian spy Kulbhushan Jadhav to death
Jadhav, a former Indian naval officer, was sentenced for spying, sabotage in Karachi and Balochistan: ISPR.


The life and many deaths of Baba Ladla
Looking back at the rise and fall of a drug lord.

I was in contact with Kulbhushan,Iranian agency, Uzair tells magistrate

The nests of terrorists, tangled, untangled across Karachi, Balochistan


CTD announces arrest of terrorist, traces network financing Daesh
Personnel of the Sindh Counter-Terrorism Department on Wednesday announced the arrest of a terrorist whose name has been included in the Red Book of notified terrorists.Deputy Inspector General of...


‘Zainabiyoun militant’ held in Surjani
Abbas Jafri was allegedly involved in completing reconnaissance for militants to carry out terrorist activities in Karachi.

Pakistan blames Iran-based separatists for deadly Baluchistan attack
Please add the following to the list:


Pakistan power cut plunges country into darkness
Electricity is gradually being restored after a huge outage triggered by a power station fault.


ANALYSIS - Iran-backed Zainabiyoun Brigade could become Pakistan’s new national security problem
Could it be a wake-up call for Pakistan that battle-hardened militants trained by Iranian Revolutionary Guards and Quds force might be returning to Pakistan as Iran’s pawns? - Anadolu Agency


Pakistan sentences Indian spy Kulbhushan Jadhav to death
Jadhav, a former Indian naval officer, was sentenced for spying, sabotage in Karachi and Balochistan: ISPR.


The life and many deaths of Baba Ladla
Looking back at the rise and fall of a drug lord.

I was in contact with Kulbhushan,Iranian agency, Uzair tells magistrate

The nests of terrorists, tangled, untangled across Karachi, Balochistan


CTD announces arrest of terrorist, traces network financing Daesh
Personnel of the Sindh Counter-Terrorism Department on Wednesday announced the arrest of a terrorist whose name has been included in the Red Book of notified terrorists.Deputy Inspector General of...


‘Zainabiyoun militant’ held in Surjani
Abbas Jafri was allegedly involved in completing reconnaissance for militants to carry out terrorist activities in Karachi.

Pakistan blames Iran-based separatists for deadly Baluchistan attack

It’s time we teach them a lesson!
We should make peace with all anti Iran groups and allow them to operate in border areas if they help us in hunting down anti pak terrorists in Iran.
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