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Iran to host multilateral conference on Afghanistan on October 27

I echo your feelings. Iran has proven to be a straight up backstabber time after time. It has actively harboured anti-Pakistani elements and directly abetted India's efforts to sabotage peace in Pakistan. This gimmick of a Muslim Brotherhood is a facade that I for one don't buy. I grew up at a time when every alternate day I heard a hundred people getting literally blown to pieces. So spare me the bullshit of this Islamic Unity. The blood of my fellow Pakistanis is on Iranian hands just as much as it is on India.

We really need to get our heads out of our asses and counter attack EVERY SINGLE TIME any state transgresses. We can't take this bullcrap of letting bygones be bygones. We need to avenge our people. If that means assisting Israel blow the shit out of Iranian Nuclear facilities, I say do it. Iran deserves this and much much more.
This is the funny part, they blow up tactical level targets and gloat here to no end.
Strategic level assets e.g. Nuclear Scientists, Intel heads get taken out, and they beat the crap out of their keyboards and call it a day!

All talk and no substance.
The Iranian army chief just visited Pakistan agreeing to maintain Pakistan's stragetic depth plus trade in the region and stability. Iran doesn't want anything outside of Pakistan's own interests they basically align. All countries has agreed to Pakistan's stragetic goals which is connectivity and trade in the region with AFG being the center since it connects everything.
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Ease up on what? that they are a pariah whose neighbors are not safe from their terrorism? Despite them being hand in glove with India, and creating instability in Pakistan, you want to give them a free hand to regurgitate their official rhetoric? They only thing they have exported since 1979 is chaos and destruction. Name one neighbor that is on good terms with them, and is safe from their terrorism?

Our brothers and sons are dying daily in Baluchistan due to them, pls take that into consideration before you let official fanboys spout rhetoric.

I wish the dressing down given recently to thier Intel chief and IRGC chief had been published by ISPR, that would have put all them in thier place.

Well I can't be sure the above and a visit by the Iranian FM, Iranian armed forces chief mix. Why were they allowed to visit?
By Genetics (biggest factor), millennia old history, culture ... and now region, Afghanistan has always been Irano Turkic nation and it should be dealt by Irano Turkic group of countries only. Our problem, our decision.

No Indics (any type) or Chinese or Europeans should be allowed to meddle in Afgh

No u r wrong, Afghanistan is majority pashtun and they are a distinct group. You have no right to find excuses of race and sect and interfere.

Pakistan in this conference should make it clear to the poodle Tajikistan, that interfering in Afghanistan can have really harsh consequences. We should also let iran know that they will not be allpwed to ise excuses of race and sect to interfere.
It was USA that targeted Pakistani civilians, it was Arabs that backstabbed Pakistan revealing their backdoor alliance with BJP after Kashmir massacre. After the Islamic revolution of Iran, Pakistan has been hostile to us, no matter who ruled the country Butto or nawaz.

Some suggest that Pakistanis couldn't resist US pressure hence giving into their immense political pressure. They maybe right but all in all it caused Pakistan remain uable and reluctant to react American droning of Pakistani citizens who died for no reason under American bombardment.

I can't understand your obsession with Iran but it was the ground reality that i mentioned already.
After Shah, Iran had never been our friend ...let's accept it. And we don't need Iran either. Let it be that way.
Well I can't be sure the above and a visit by the Iranian FM, Iranian armed forces chief mix. Why were they allowed to visit?
Only one message, which can be verified by any one above OF-4 in GHQ: "Stop your nonsense, or else"

We are the only neighbor that is on friendly terms with them, yet they back stab at every opportunity.

EDIT: Just remembered, the mini FM came to take his terrorists

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It was USA that targeted Pakistani civilians, it was Arabs that backstabbed Pakistan revealing their backdoor alliance with BJP after Kashmir massacre. After the Islamic revolution of Iran, Pakistan has been hostile to us, no matter who ruled the country Butto or nawaz.

Some suggest that Pakistanis couldn't resist US pressure hence giving into their immense political pressure. They maybe right but all in all it caused Pakistan remain uable and reluctant to react American droning of Pakistani citizens who died for no reason under American bombardment.

I can't understand your obsession with Iran but it was the ground reality that i mentioned already.
Have you read what they wrote? They are blaming Iran for their suicide bombings and social problems that was caused by the same groups they supported (Taliban,TTP) :rofl:
Have you read what they wrote? They are blaming Iran for their suicide bombings and social problems that was caused by the same groups they supported (Taliban,TTP) :rofl:
There is a harsh reality in all this and the miseries that innocent citizens went through, if you trust USA then be prepared for the grave consequences.
There is a harsh reality in all this and the miseries that innocent citizens went through, if you trust USA then be prepared for the grave consequences.
I don't know in which world these guys live in. They supported the most backward terrorists in the world in order to control the most backward nation on the planet (Afghanistan) yet cry when those terrorists they supported turned their guns on them. And somehow Iran is to blame? Why is it Iran's fault if some retarded Afghan decides to blow himself up in a fruit market in Pakistan?
Only one message, which can be verified by any one above OF-4 in GHQ: "Stop your nonsense, or else"

We are the only neighbor that is on friendly terms with them, yet they back stab at every opportunity.

EDIT: Just remembered, the mini FM came to take his terrorists

True we are and yes it's a major cause for concern. But the other day one of these terrorists was gunned down in Iran, I guess that's movement on these things?
True we are and yes it's a major cause for concern. But the other day one of these terrorists was gunned down in Iran, I guess that's movement on these things?
They are literally threatening Pakistan and Pakistanis dear sir.

After Imran Khan who put Pakistani interest in the first place and gave vlue to Pakistani lives, a small Window was opened for friend ship and mutual cooperation in the area.

Wahabis are in no way happy about regional coop, hence talking about 'or else' threatening Pakistan's internal security, in fact, literally talking about blowing themselves among innocent Pakistani women and children.

For what we know, they have pledged their loyalty to the most evil countries out side Pakistan. The ones that would Simply hug BJP head and instead threaten their neighbors.
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