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Iran to establish permanent IRGC military base in Indian Ocean by March 2021

I will post the thraeds which he made against Islam and wanted to prove God is an imaginary thing by man and doesn't exist ... also I'll find his stupid anti Islamic posts.

Supporting ISIS and insulting Iraqis:



Here he admits he questioned Islam and God and was an atheist:

View attachment 644191


@Pan-Islamic-Pakistan your buddy was a pan ISIS and after ISIS got defeated in Syria & Iraq he became an agnostic/atheist and a Iranian hater.

I went through it and frankly I don't see it. Maybe I don't have holy vision to rip open peoples' hearts and minds like you do, brother.

I deeply respect @Falcon29 brother for his knowledge of Islam and his moderate, rational views. Unlike some ethnic supremacists, he follows a very calm Islamic mindset which is similar to Pakistanis.

You should try to engage him and listen to what he has to say, I have grown up around Arabs for a large portion of my life and their views are pretty much summarized by what he is saying.

Now stop with the Daesh slander against all Sunni members of this forum who may disagree with you.

Even I have an Agnostic guy following me around declaring I support Daesh, auzubillah.

You guys are too much, moderate your approach and come discuss topics and debate them in a friendly or atleast courteous manner.

The Saudis had set aside money a few years ago to rebuild Yemen after they had hoped the war ended in their favor. The war didn’t go as planned and has reached a stalemate, as was to be expected based simply on the demographics of Yemen.

The Saudis should reach out to an arbitrator like Oman, which is neutral and has a vested interest in its two bordering states to negotiate a permanent solution, and for Yemen to stay united and not become a haven for non-state actors.

They are all Arabs, so Oman as a negotiator may carry the most weight in finding terms that will make a deal binding.

The Saudis have a large Shia population and could be made to accept a Yemen where Shia influence must be allowed its space to have its say, but also where Iranian influence and presence is completely ended by all Yemeni groups and/or factions.

The Houthi Yemenis would want reparations for the damage caused by the Saudis and a permanent economic solution. The Saudis need assurances that Yemen can never be a vector for Iran backed elements attacking Saudi ever again. Similar to the US no invasion promise to Cuba for a no soviet offensive weapons in Cuba after the 1962 Cuban missile crisis.

A binding peace agreement, a “free port” (unrestricted) at Al Hudaydah for humanitarian supplies, a power sharing agreement, and a roadmap to a stable and sustainable Yemeni economy with Saudi investment in Modern Fishing techniques (and keeping foreign fishing fleets out of Yemeni waters), an Undersea rail tunnel (or more realistically a Roll on/Roll off facility) between Djibouti and Yemen, forking one way to Saudi and a second line to Oman and across the sea to Pakistan and on to China for Transit trade fees. Investment into modern agriculture to boost exports of Yemeni coffee, and other unique products. also an investment to help Yemeni workers make textiles, as competitively as possible, for the European Markets. Finally the Saudis could just employ Yemenis over other foreign workers in their projects.

A Stable Peace needs one that will respect each other’s core interests. If they can do that, then a gradual demilitarization could occur.

I don't trust Oman at all brother. They are snakes. They have been funding BLA,etc. terrorism for the longest time against Pakistan.

I still think it may not be too late to enter Yemen to bring peace. Pakistan is frankly the only neutral country who can do it. However I doubt US and Israel would allow it, as Israel is starting its annexation of Arab lands.

I feel for the people of Yemen. KSA bombing, UAE South Yemen nonsense has been especially malicious.

Main person at fault is al Hadi, who didn't want to revise the treaty with Houthis, which Yemen has done yearly.
Brother, who was?

Don't listen to this guy, I don't hide anything about myself. It's true I was agnostic for about 6 months before I returned to Islam. I did not support ISIS as I would have banned for that. I got banned in past like everyone else for bad language/troll wars. I'm not gonna lie, it was funny reading my posts as a teenager. I was a bad mouthed kid who was also angry and anger got better of me. I did not support ISIS like this guy claims but I pinned responsibility of ISIS's arising on dictators of region and I wanted regimes in region to be toppled.

At the time that was a controversial view and this was around when Morsi was overthrown in Egypt and Israel conducted a nasty war on Gaza in 2014. So people assumed I was defending ISIS. I never did support them and had sticky article on this section debunking them. It was removed from the sticky thread section for the ME section for awhile now though. Here it is:



When you are young you go through phases, and most younger people went through same phases but didn't post about it on forums. I was curious and reading lots of stuff about religion, politics, creation theories and so on. After age 21 did I reach a better understanding of reality and higher standard of education. I was quite dumb back then, lol.
Indonesia is not very fond of China, both had mutual wariness and Indonesia is hate communism more than you can think off. Malaysia is five power defense arrangement member, so forget it

Do you believe an Islamic government under Prabowo would be more pro-China and anti-West?

I understand that you guys have a 300 billion USD economy that you don't want to cripple with sanctions. However, eventually we are going to have to make peace with China, for those still on the fence.

I wonder if the Chinese community of Malaysia could push it towards China. If Pakistan plays a role, do you see Malaysia being more open to Chinese partnership?

Don't listen to this guy, I don't hide anything about myself. It's true I was agnostic for about 6 months before I returned to Islam. I did not support ISIS as I would have banned for that. I got banned in past like everyone else for bad language/troll wars. I'm not gonna lie, it was funny reading my posts as a teenager. I was a bad mouthed kid who was also angry and anger got better of me. I did not support ISIS like this guy claims but I pinned responsibility of ISIS's arising on dictators of region and I wanted regimes in region to be toppled.

At the time that was a controversial view and this was around when Morsi was overthrown in Egypt and Israel conducted a nasty war on Gaza in 2014. So people assumed I was defending ISIS. I never did support them and had sticky article on this section debunking them. It was removed from the sticky thread section for the ME section for awhile now though. Here it is:



When you are young you go through phases, and most younger people went through same phases but didn't post about it on forums. I was curious and reading lots of stuff about religion, politics, creation theories and so on. After age 21 did I reach a better understanding of reality and higher standard of education. I was quite dumb back then, lol.

Ofcourse my brother. Will you believe that once I was a Salafi. However I think it was a healthy transitional phase as it protected me from alot of fitnah in that time and kept me focused. Later on in life I rediscovered Sufism and Orthodox Sunni Islam. I pushed myself in knowledge on the subject and became affiliated with proper Arab sheikhs, from whom I learned proper Islamic principles from.

I think the laxity and the nonseriousness of religion of Muslims around me pushed me towards seeking Islamic puritans, and at the time Salafis were active. Since then they kind of dwindled away in the West.

I thank my parents for keeping me grounded in my faith and culture, it really helped me alot through life. Knowing great scholars like Dr. Israr Ahmad didn't hurt either.
I will post the thraeds which he made against Islam and wanted to prove God is an imaginary thing by man and doesn't exist ... also I'll find his stupid anti Islamic posts.

Supporting ISIS and insulting Iraqis:



Here he admits he questioned Islam and God and was an atheist:

View attachment 644191


@Pan-Islamic-Pakistan your buddy was a pan ISIS and after ISIS got defeated in Syria & Iraq he became an agnostic/atheist and a Iranian hater.

Do you read what you post? I was Muslim at that time and that screenshot shows no questioning of Islam or God. It was a discussion about dawah. But, you obviously do not put much effort when you try to smear and silence people.

If you are trying to say I'm a bad Muslim you can ask God if I am a good Muslim or not. I can assure you though I am not worried about you ....
Do you read what you post? I was Muslim at that time and that screenshot shows no questioning of Islam or God. It was a discussion about dawah. But, you obviously do not put much effort when you try to smear and silence people.

If you are trying to say I'm a bad Muslim you can ask God if I am a good Muslim or not. I can assure you though I am not worried about you ....

Yes, I went through that and brother is mistaken. I wish some way @mohammad45 You could make peace with @Falcon29 , so we can have fruitful discussions instead of trying to disprove the poor guy.

As Muslims, we should be lenient with each other.
Ofcourse my brother. Will you believe that once I was a Salafi. However I think it was a healthy transitional phase as it protected me from alot of fitnah in that time and kept me focused. Later on in life I rediscovered Sufism and Orthodox Sunni Islam. I pushed myself in knowledge on the subject and became affiliated with proper Arab sheikhs, from whom I learned proper Islamic principles from.

I think the laxity and the nonseriousness of religion of Muslims around me pushed me towards seeking Islamic puritans, and at the time Salafis were active. Since then they kind of dwindled away in the West.

I thank my parents for keeping me grounded in my faith and culture, it really helped me alot through life. Knowing great scholars like Dr. Israr Ahmad didn't hurt either.

Yes brother I went through similar phase, I never was Salafi but I was confused/perplexed about Muslims around me and I felt like no one was obeying God fearfully. I did not bother anyone about it and just stuck to myself and tried to read more and learn more. I was trying to explain to myself why are people like this and I would read ahadeeth to try getting some explanations from the Prophet. I was also about political situation in Muslim world and would read and discuss more with Muslims. Eventually I got in a fit of anger and felt like neither Muslims in my life nor Muslims overseas care at all about Islam and that I am putting my soul and personal life into something that it seems like my whole fellow Muslim community doesn't value. That's when I became agnostic out of anger towards Muslims. I eventually came back for various reasons but one was a Pakistani brother on this forum who talked to me over phone and helped push me back to Islam. I appreciated that a lot and hope God gives him credit/good deeds for that. He was a good older brother in Islam to me that gave me good and timely advice.
Yes brother I went through similar phase, I never was Salafi but I was confused/perplexed about Muslims around me and I felt like no one was obeying God fearfully. I did not bother anyone about it and just stuck to myself and tried to read more and learn more. I was trying to explain to myself why are people like this and I would read ahadeeth to try getting some explanations from the Prophet. I was also about political situation in Muslim world and would read and discuss more with Muslims. Eventually I got in a fit of anger and felt like neither Muslims in my life nor Muslims overseas care at all about Islam and that I am putting my soul and personal life into something that it seems like my whole fellow Muslim community doesn't value. That's when I became agnostic out of anger towards Muslims. I eventually came back for various reasons but one was a Pakistani brother on this forum who talked to me over phone and helped push me back to Islam. I appreciated that a lot and hope God gives him credit/good deeds for that. He was a good older brother in Islam to me that gave me good and timely advice.

Ma sha Allah, I am glad to hear one of our brothers was able to help you.

When I was younger, I felt the same way as you described. Namely Muslims were not following Islam as they should, there was a disconnect with their words and actions. Basically you were expected to pray namaz 5 times,fast, and go for jummah, that is all. Focus only on studies and job only. Don't keep beard and don't dive deeper into religion. Atleast in our upper class Pakistani community, this was the norm.

So in high school, I had a crisis of mindset and I began to question everything. I started asking difficult questions to everyone around me. As I was dissatisfied, I kept seeking more knowledgeable scholars to find answers. Eventually I had a private epiphany with Allah swt alone. My faith came to me very quickly and I became convinced early on about Islam and its veracity.

When Allah swt shows you some of alim ul ghaib, you really do not have any choice but to believe. Allah swt confronts you with Haqq, and there is no place to run.

Alhamdulilah, so many years down the line, my family also became more religious and many people around me also (some also became murtad, etc.) I kept getting validity for my mindset that Islam is absolute truth and the Islamic mindset is absolute truth.
Ma sha Allah, I am glad to hear one of our brothers was able to help you.

When I was younger, I felt the same way as you described. Namely Muslims were not following Islam as they should, there was a disconnect with their words and actions. Basically you were expected to pray namaz 5 times,fast, and go for jummah, that is all. Focus only on studies and job only. Don't keep beard and don't dive deeper into religion. Atleast in our upper class Pakistani community, this was the norm.

So in high school, I had a crisis of mindset and I began to question everything. I started asking difficult questions to everyone around me. As I was dissatisfied, I kept seeking more knowledgeable scholars to find answers. Eventually I had a private epiphany with Allah swt alone. My faith came to me very quickly and I became convinced early on about Islam and its veracity.

When Allah swt shows you some of alim ul ghaib, you really do not have any choice but to believe. Allah swt confronts you with Haqq, and there is no place to run.

Alhamdulilah, so many years down the line, my family also became more religious and many people around me also (some also became murtad, etc.) I kept getting validity for my mindset that Islam is absolute truth and the Islamic mindset is absolute truth.

Mashallah, alhamdillah this is the case and may Allah(swt) keep increasing your faith and ours as well. It is true Islam is true and real, and God is real, and people will see it when good Muslims take back rule of Muslim nations from bad Muslims. They will see how it improves society and how obeying and remembering God is a beautiful thing.
Mashallah, alhamdillah this is the case and may Allah(swt) keep increasing your faith and ours as well. It is true Islam is true and real, and God is real, and people will see it when good Muslims take back rule of Muslim nations from bad Muslims. They will see how it improves society and how obeying and remembering God is a beautiful thing.

In sha Allah brother. If you want to talk about these things more. Feel free to tag me in the Whatever subforum or Arab coffee shop. We can discuss more there.

I don't want to derail this thread anymore.
I went through it and frankly I don't see it. Maybe I don't have holy vision to rip open peoples' hearts and minds like you do, brother.

I deeply respect @Falcon29 brother for his knowledge of Islam and his moderate, rational views. Unlike some ethnic supremacists, he follows a very calm Islamic mindset which is similar to Pakistanis.

You should try to engage him and listen to what he has to say, I have grown up around Arabs for a large portion of my life and their views are pretty much summarized by what he is saying.

Now stop with the Daesh slander against all Sunni members of this forum who may disagree with you.

Even I have an Agnostic guy following me around declaring I support Daesh, auzubillah.

You guys are too much, moderate your approach and come discuss topics and debate them in a friendly or atleast courteous manner.

I don't trust Oman at all brother. They are snakes. They have been funding BLA,etc. terrorism for the longest time against Pakistan.

I still think it may not be too late to enter Yemen to bring peace. Pakistan is frankly the only neutral country who can do it. However I doubt US and Israel would allow it, as Israel is starting its annexation of Arab lands.

I feel for the people of Yemen. KSA bombing, UAE South Yemen nonsense has been especially malicious.

Main person at fault is al Hadi, who didn't want to revise the treaty with Houthis, which Yemen has done yearly.
I can't find his anti Islamic posts between thousands of rant posts.

But anyway I'm happy that I proved he was a Pan ISIS and he somehow questioned Islam and God in past.

If I find his anti Islamic posts and threads I'll post to prove your buddy was an Islam hater atheist.

Do you read what you post? I was Muslim at that time and that screenshot shows no questioning of Islam or God. It was a discussion about dawah. But, you obviously do not put much effort when you try to smear and silence people.

If you are trying to say I'm a bad Muslim you can ask God if I am a good Muslim or not. I can assure you though I am not worried about you ....
My screenshots and links will prove that you were an atheist in past.
استقبال کاربران از ساخت ابرجزیره مصنوعی توسط سپاه در خلیج فارس+ تصاویر
پروژه ساخت ابرجزیره مصنوعی ۵۰۰ هزار هکتاری توسط سپاه در خلیج فارس با استقبال کاربران فضای مجازی همراه شد.

به گزارش خبرنگار حوزه اخبار داغ گروه فضای مجازی باشگاه خبرنگاران جوان، در هفته دولت سازمان منطقه آزاد کیش و قرارگاه سازندگی خاتم‌الانبیاء ( ص) در زمینه لایروبی حوضچه شرقی بندر تجاری کیش و احداث جزیره مصنوعی ۵۰۰ هزار مترمربعی در خلیج فارس تفاهم نامه همکاری امضا کرده بودند که با افزایش خاک سرزمینی کشورمان از آن در زمینه‌های تفریحی و مسکونی بهره برداری کنند.

گفتنی است؛ کشور‌های محدودی به دانش ساخت جزیره مصنوعی، دست یافته‌اند. کشور‌های چین، ژاپن و هنگ کنگ با ایجاد جزایر مصنوعی به ساخت سواحل دست زده‌اند تا از این طریق وسعت سرزمینی خود را افزایش داده باشند.

در پی انتشار این خبر در رسانه ها کاربران فضای مجازی با انتشار پست های خود در شبکه‌های اجتماعی هشتگ‌های #دوباره_سپاه و #جهاد_توسعه_خاک را داغ کردند و سکوت رسانه‌های ضدانقلاب و سلبریتی‌های خود فروخته را در واکنش به ساخت این ابرجزیره مصنوعی توسط سپاه پاسداران را نتیجه عدم خودباوری و داشتن روحیه خود تحقیری غرب پرستان دانستند.

در ادامه نمونه هایی از پست های کاربران فضای مجازی را مشاهده می‌کنید:


















I went through it and frankly I don't see it. Maybe I don't have holy vision to rip open peoples' hearts and minds like you do, brother.

I deeply respect @Falcon29 brother for his knowledge of Islam and his moderate, rational views. Unlike some ethnic supremacists, he follows a very calm Islamic mindset which is similar to Pakistanis.

You should try to engage him and listen to what he has to say, I have grown up around Arabs for a large portion of my life and their views are pretty much summarized by what he is saying.

Now stop with the Daesh slander against all Sunni members of this forum who may disagree with you.

Even I have an Agnostic guy following me around declaring I support Daesh, auzubillah.

You guys are too much, moderate your approach and come discuss topics and debate them in a friendly or atleast courteous manner.

I don't trust Oman at all brother. They are snakes. They have been funding BLA,etc. terrorism for the longest time against Pakistan.

I still think it may not be too late to enter Yemen to bring peace. Pakistan is frankly the only neutral country who can do it. However I doubt US and Israel would allow it, as Israel is starting its annexation of Arab lands.

I feel for the people of Yemen. KSA bombing, UAE South Yemen nonsense has been especially malicious.

Main person at fault is al Hadi, who didn't want to revise the treaty with Houthis, which Yemen has done yearly.

Pakistan can definitely offer its services as a mediator, but it will be up to both parties to see if they will accept.
With a peace so fragile, Yemen needs a system where an alternative body (perhaps parliament, or shura of tribal chiefs, etc.) to the president has a say in over issues so vital as national unity, if a permanent treaty can not be made.
Iran would be looking for direct confrontation if it were to try to realizing such a plan.
But Iran has been looking for this, the only problem is when US gets involved on Saudis side, but Iran finally got its miraculous chance, through Yemen. Iran is not afraid of Saudi military and US knows it, thats why US and Pakistani troops stay in Saudi permanently- not a truly independent country despite all the western support and weapons.
With Iran's preference for proxy warfare and plausible deniability I don't see it going for direct confrontation.
True. why achieve what you can achieve the slow, unseen way with something visible and not efficient in achieving your goals?
I can't find his anti Islamic posts between thousands of rant posts.

But anyway I'm happy that I proved he was a Pan ISIS and he somehow questioned Islam and God in past.

If I find his anti Islamic posts and threads I'll post to prove your buddy was an Islam hater atheist.

My screenshots and links will prove that you were an atheist in past.

You are not a bright person, I openly said I was agnostic, its nothing that needs to be 'proved' as if I tried to hide it.

If you are trying to saying I am a bad Muslim you are in for a big humiliation. If you are a man open a thread and tell people I'm a bad Muslim and keep it up forever. I unlike you, am not coward that will delete my posts. You will see how this play out for you as it will play out in real life too not just on this forum.

But Iran has been looking for this, the only problem is when US gets involved on Saudis side, but Iran finally got its miraculous chance, through Yemen. Iran is not afraid of Saudi military and US knows it, thats why US and Pakistani troops stay in Saudi permanently- not a truly independent country despite all the western support and weapons.

True. why achieve what you can achieve the slow, unseen way with something visible and not efficient in achieving your goals?

Good that you show Iranian regime is a cancer with ethno-fascist hatred towards Saudi Arabia. Also towards black people like yourself. Shows people that Iranian regime can't be trusted. Not by Turks , Arabs nor Pakistanis. Pakistanis on this forum realize that now.
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