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Iranian drones and speedboats swarm two US warships near Persian Gulf


Dec 14, 2008
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United Kingdom

Iranian drones and speedboats swarm two US warships near Persian Gulf​



2 of 10 Photos in Gallery The speedboats were manned with armed soldiers from Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and came within inches of the ships, while drones also taunted the ships and managed to snap pictures right above them. Chopped up footage taken from several of the drones and speedboats showed Iranian soldiers speaking in a mix of English and Farsi, while a U.S. soldier can be heard through garbled radio responding to the swarm of vessels, though it is unclear exactly what was said. Iranian media outlets claimed that the confrontation forced helicopters to land back on the Americans ships.
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2 of 10 Photos in Gallery©Provided by Daily Mail

Iranian drones and speedboats swarm two US warships near Persian Gulf​

The speedboats were manned with armed soldiers from Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and came within inches of the ships, while drones also taunted the ships and managed to snap pictures right above them. Chopped up footage taken from several of the drones and speedboats showed Iranian soldiers speaking in a mix of English and Farsi, while a U.S. soldier can be heard through garbled radio responding to the swarm of vessels, though it is unclear exactly what was said. Iranian media outlets claimed that the confrontation forced helicopters to land back on the Americans ships.

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