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Iran to establish permanent IRGC military base in Indian Ocean by March 2021

Iran is choosing to confront Saudi Arabia and go on offensive because of racial and cultural hatred. This would be a step further and would not be tolerated by Saudis in my opinion. As of now we don't know anything about Iranian plan nor has it materalized. There is no point in talking like you are leader of Iran.

If Iranian navy enters Yemeni coast let us know.
I ignore the first part of your blah, blah, blah. But I never claimed to be an Iranian leader. Saudi Arabia has never attacked an Iranian asset directly, even when it had the opportunity to do so. I am sure the Saudis, even MBS, understand the consequences of such an adventure quite well; particularly after the Abqaiq attack.

And nobody said that our military base will be in the Yemeni coast. If anything, I think it will be somewhere close to the Sea of Oman than Yemen.
We were talking about Yemeni coast. Seems like you forgot. So our discussion ends here.

Otherwise Iran need to end cultural and racial war and efforts for destruction of Saudi Arabia and Islam. Iranian gov't is striving to destroy Saudi Arabia in order to send Sunni Muslims into shambles and break morale of Sunni Muslims which Iranian Persian nationalists view as Muslims responsible for war with ancient Persia. On the ground and on this forum they will be screaming Persian slogans and death to Israel while killing Saudi Muslims and while Israel and US will be spared from even one bullet.
It seems that you have comprehension issues, because the post you had quoted, and I quoted you after that, did not suggest the Yemeni coast. It mentioned the Indian Ocean and the Arabian Sea as potential candidates. So, I suppose that you have already lost the argument and you're just trying to find a way to escape. Good way to end the discussion for me.

And the rest of your worthless repetitive rhetoric that you spew on every thread regardless of the title, coming from a person whose ideal world looks like an ISIS empire, is too cheap to merit a response. Period.
@Falcon29 Thanks brother, it is always good to have the Arab perspective on these issues.

We have too few Arab members left. I wish we had more.

Better to ignore trolls, it is futile talking with these people.
@Falcon29 Thanks brother, it is always good to have the Arab perspective on these issues.

We have too few Arab members left. I wish we had more.

Better to ignore trolls, it is futile talking with these people.

Thanks to you too brother, I too wish we had more to represent their respective nations since it would be helpful and beneficial to the rest of us in this forum. They need to be more participate and active on such forums.

You do same , for some God knows reason they keep calling us ISIS as a smear even though they don't know us but don't let that sway you from saying what needs to be said. Everyone would love for peace and cooperation between Asians Muslims , Iran and Arabs. Requires change from both Iranian regime and Arab regime and we should keep encouraging for it.
Thanks to you too brother, I too wish we had more to represent their respective nations since it would be helpful and beneficial to the rest of us in this forum. They need to be more participate and active on such forums.

You are always welcome here brother. This is a Pakistani forum, not Iranian one. We don't cripple free speech here for political differences.

As you see, I am quite open with my political views and grievances. Some do not like it if we openly air our views here. You are as much welcome as our Iranian guests to do so.

You do same , for some God knows reason they keep calling us ISIS as a smear even though they don't know us but don't let that sway you from saying what needs to be said.

I have started reporting them every time they do so. It is disingenuous due to the fact that all Muslims consider Daesh outside the folds of Islam.

Kind of like how Westerners call Muslims terrorist, Iranians Mullahs, etc.

Attacking the poster with labels is convenient, then you do not have to refute his points. Also others will join in based on fallacies.
@Falcon29 Thanks brother, it is always good to have the Arab perspective on these issues.

We have too few Arab members left. I wish we had more.

Better to ignore trolls, it is futile talking with these people.
For your information he was an atheist for two years.

He mocked Ibrahamic prophets and said they wrote religious books when they were workless in caves.
Brother, who was?
This guy @Falcon29 aka @Hazzy997 was a religious person (between 16 - 18) but he became atheist and mocked Ibrahamic prophets for two years and he got permanently banned for two times because he supported ISIS in 2014 - 2015 and he became an atheist after his Islamic caliph failed.
This guy @Falcon29 aka @Hazzy997 was religious but then he became atheist and mocked Ibrahamic prophets for two years and he got permanently banned.

Well people go through phases all the time. When I first came to the forum, I had a completely different perspective on geopolitics and I was very much pro-Iranian geopolitics, but overtime with your government's Indian support, proxies in Pakistan, and Afghan meddling, I became less so.

However I am not against Iran as a country, just I don't agree with your foreign policy. I have the same opinion of KSA too. I was a fan of both Khomeini and King Faisal in their time. These days I admire Erdogan's leadership most outside Pakistan. In our country, I am an avid fan of Imran Khan.

I wish Iranian brothers could be a bit moderate and reasonable, even when talking to people of different perspectives. We are not your enemies, even if we disagree with your actions in Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan.

In the end of the day, we are neighbors and have to share our region. I wish one day we could put away these axes.

This guy @Falcon29 aka @Hazzy997 was a religious person (between 16 - 18) but he became atheist and mocked Ibrahamic prophets for two years and he got permanently banned for two times because he supported ISIS in 2014 - 2015 and he became an atheist after his Islamic caliph failed.

He can probably answer you better, but I went back and read some posts. He said that some Sunnis and Arabs did not see Daesh as a threat at the time, and saw Iran as the bigger threat. That is true. At the time, no one knew what they actually were capable of.
Well people go through phases all the time. When I first came to the forum, I had a completely different perspective on geopolitics and I was very much pro-Iranian geopolitics, but overtime with your government's Indian support, proxies in Pakistan, and Afghan meddling, I became less so.

However I am not against Iran as a country, just I don't agree with your foreign policy. I have the same opinion of KSA too. I was a fan of both Khomeini and King Faisal in their time. These days I admire Erdogan's leadership most outside Pakistan. In our country, I am an avid fan of Imran Khan.

I wish Iranian brothers could be a bit moderate and reasonable, even when talking to people of different perspectives. We are not your enemies, even if we disagree with your actions in Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan.

In the end of the day, we are neighbors and have to share our region. I wish one day we could put away these axes.

He can probably answer you better, but I went back and read some posts. He said that some Sunnis and Arabs did not see Daesh as a threat at the time, and saw Iran as the bigger threat. That is true. At the time, no one knew what they actually were capable of.
I will post the thraeds which he made against Islam and wanted to prove God is an imaginary thing by man and doesn't exist ... also I'll find his stupid anti Islamic posts.

Supporting ISIS and insulting Iraqis:



Here he admits he questioned Islam and God and was an atheist:



@Pan-Islamic-Pakistan your buddy was a pan ISIS and after ISIS got defeated in Syria & Iraq he became an agnostic/atheist and a Iranian hater.
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Current Maldives government is under Indian control, hence easy for US to manipulate too. I hope Maldives can switch back towards China and Pakistan.

We can start putting US Indo-Pacific doctrine into defensive mode.

Indonesia and Malaysia are other potential allies whom we can move away from US.

US presence in the region is a problem for Turkey, Iran, and Pakistan. Being three strongest Muslim nations, all of us are on the hit list.

Hope one day the three of us can unite our foreign policy to kick imperialists out of our region. In sha Allah.

I hope Yemen can be demilitarized. This will only lead to more problems. Poor people of Yemen have suffered enough. I blame KSA and UAE the most for this.

The Saudis had set aside money a few years ago to rebuild Yemen after they had hoped the war ended in their favor. The war didn’t go as planned and has reached a stalemate, as was to be expected based simply on the demographics of Yemen.

The Saudis should reach out to an arbitrator like Oman, which is neutral and has a vested interest in its two bordering states to negotiate a permanent solution, and for Yemen to stay united and not become a haven for non-state actors.

They are all Arabs, so Oman as a negotiator may carry the most weight in finding terms that will make a deal binding.

The Saudis have a large Shia population and could be made to accept a Yemen where Shia influence must be allowed its space to have its say, but also where Iranian influence and presence is completely ended by all Yemeni groups and/or factions.

The Houthi Yemenis would want reparations for the damage caused by the Saudis and a permanent economic solution. The Saudis need assurances that Yemen can never be a vector for Iran backed elements attacking Saudi ever again. Similar to the US no invasion promise to Cuba for a no soviet offensive weapons in Cuba after the 1962 Cuban missile crisis.

A binding peace agreement, a “free port” (unrestricted) at Al Hudaydah for humanitarian supplies, a power sharing agreement, and a roadmap to a stable and sustainable Yemeni economy with Saudi investment in Modern Fishing techniques (and keeping foreign fishing fleets out of Yemeni waters), an Undersea rail tunnel (or more realistically a Roll on/Roll off facility) between Djibouti and Yemen, forking one way to Saudi and a second line to Oman and across the sea to Pakistan and on to China for Transit trade fees. Investment into modern agriculture to boost exports of Yemeni coffee, and other unique products. also an investment to help Yemeni workers make textiles, as competitively as possible, for the European Markets. Finally the Saudis could just employ Yemenis over other foreign workers in their projects.

A Stable Peace needs one that will respect each other’s core interests. If they can do that, then a gradual demilitarization could occur.
Current Maldives government is under Indian control, hence easy for US to manipulate too. I hope Maldives can switch back towards China and Pakistan.

We can start putting US Indo-Pacific doctrine into defensive mode.

Indonesia and Malaysia are other potential allies whom we can move away from US.

US presence in the region is a problem for Turkey, Iran, and Pakistan. Being three strongest Muslim nations, all of us are on the hit list.

Hope one day the three of us can unite our foreign policy to kick imperialists out of our region. In sha Allah.

I hope Yemen can be demilitarized. This will only lead to more problems. Poor people of Yemen have suffered enough. I blame KSA and UAE the most for this.

Indonesia is not very fond of China, both had mutual wariness and Indonesia is hate communism more than you can think off. Malaysia is five power defense arrangement member, so forget it
The Saudis had set aside money a few years ago to rebuild Yemen after they had hoped the war ended in their favor. The war didn’t go as planned and has reached a stalemate, as was to be expected based simply on the demographics of Yemen.

The Saudis should reach out to an arbitrator like Oman, which is neutral and has a vested interest in its two bordering states to negotiate a permanent solution, and for Yemen to stay united and not become a haven for non-state actors.

They are all Arabs, so Oman as a negotiator may carry the most weight in finding terms that will make a deal binding.

The Saudis have a large Shia population and could be made to accept a Yemen where Shia influence must be allowed its space to have its say, but also where Iranian influence and presence is completely ended by all Yemeni groups and/or factions.

The Houthi Yemenis would want reparations for the damage caused by the Saudis and a permanent economic solution. The Saudis need assurances that Yemen can never be a vector for Iran backed elements attacking Saudi ever again. Similar to the US no invasion promise to Cuba for a no soviet offensive weapons in Cuba after the 1962 Cuban missile crisis.

A binding peace agreement, a “free port” (unrestricted) at Al Hudaydah for humanitarian supplies, a power sharing agreement, and a roadmap to a stable and sustainable Yemeni economy with Saudi investment in Modern Fishing techniques (and keeping foreign fishing fleets out of Yemeni waters), an Undersea rail tunnel (or more realistically a Roll on/Roll off facility) between Djibouti and Yemen, forking one way to Saudi and a second line to Oman and across the sea to Pakistan and on to China for Transit trade fees. Investment into modern agriculture to boost exports of Yemeni coffee, and other unique products. also an investment to help Yemeni workers make textiles, as competitively as possible, for the European Markets. Finally the Saudis could just employ Yemenis over other foreign workers in their projects.

A Stable Peace needs one that will respect each other’s core interests. If they can do that, then a gradual demilitarization could occur.
Dude Saudis are not on their own as @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan had assumed already. They are American and Western stooges in this Region. USA especially petrodollar and the Giant gigantic companies backed by colonial petrodollar wants a replacement in case Saudi oil is finished. Yemen has the largest and most economical oil well in the whole Middle East. This war has Zero benefits for people of Arabian peninsula.
See this

Yemen is not a country but an island floating on oil. The main reason behind destroying Iraq, Syria and Yemen was American interests in their oil fields.

Fyi, Yemenis have never attacked borders of Arabia as you guys are accusing them of acting like a mercenary of other countries. They want independence and USA doesnt want an independent Yemen floating on oil and gas. Dont forget Yemen has unique oil fields which not even Iran comes close to them.
Dude Saudis are not on their own as @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan had assumed already. They are American and Western stooges in this Region. USA especially petrodollar and the Giant gigantic companies backed by colonial petrodollar wants a replacement in case Saudi oil is finished. Yemen has the largest and most economical oil well in the whole Middle East. This war has Zero benefits for people of Arabian peninsula.
See this

Yemen is not a country but an island floating on oil. The main reason behind destroying Iraq, Syria and Yemen was American interests in their oil fields.

Fyi, Yemenis have never attacked borders of Arabia as you guys are accusing them of acting like a mercenary of other countries. They want independence and USA doesnt want an independent Yemen floating on oil and gas. Dont forget Yemen has unique oil fields which not even Iran comes close to them.

If the Yemenis do indeed have a Huge amount of untapped proven reserves, then they will need to make a deal with a major country like China to get their goods to market.

While the Yemenis do have their own interests, they may be willing to give the IRGC a base (and side with them on many issues) to secure better chances at exporting their oil and gas. The Iranians may be seeking an arrangement where they get a cut if they can get the Yemeni oil to market.
If the Yemenis do indeed have a Huge amount of untapped proven reserves, then they will need to make a deal with a major country like China to get their goods to market.

While the Yemenis do have their own interests, they may be willing to give the IRGC a base (and side with them on many issues) to secure better chances at exporting their oil and gas. The Iranians may be seeking an arrangement where they get a cut if they can get the Yemeni oil to market.
Which would be a nightmare for USA. A Chinese-Iranian ally controlling Bab-el-Mandab. They wouldnt be able to impose sanctions on Middle eastern people anymore.

Arabian peninsula and the people living there couldve good relations with us all as you nicely suggested above but dear friend, Ale Saud is an American pawn and wouldnt Allow regional cooperation.

IRGC will surely build a base in Indian Ocean to counter American measures. We need it most and its a matter of time to see it built and ooerational. Good luck
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