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Iran rejects allegations of its agencies’ links to Uzair Baloch

Answer him. Even i am interested to know what past humiliation you would be talking about. :D
Some MODs can get hurt ..... :lol:
Exactly. And that is why another Pakistan is on the way following the repeat history of minority intolerance under the name of beef laws. :D

I totally agree with this point, although I am vegetarian and even cant see beef (i feel vomiting, how people eat it?) but I totally disagree with what all this nonsence happing in name of "GAO MATA"
People should have freedom to do what they like ..... Infact I see hypocrisy as these old and sick cows are sold by Hindus to butchers and then beat these buctches, why they are killing them :lol:
These hypocrites make hue and cry when Pakistani Shias get killed in terrorist activities in Pakistan, these smart arses need to come clean as to how this Indian terrorist kulbashan was using Iranian territory to launch attack on Pakistani Hazara Shias in Quetta. This is in the official charge sheet released by Pakistan. The rabbit hole goes much deeper.

There is no bloody media making stories here. These are the statement from Pakistan and it's state institutions.
does any one thinks that iran will accept any links .. iran plus raw= terrorism against pakistan
does any one thinks that iran will accept any links .. iran plus raw= terrorism against pakistan
Iran will never accept its link with RAW to liberate Baluchistan. When India gave consent to invest in Iran's Chabahar project, Iran agreed to help RAW destabilize Pakistan. Iran can never let any country be stable if its not Shia majority or a Shia government.

those who forget their past are doomed to repeat it .....
It wont be repeated now. However, I see division of India in at least 3 parts down the line.
This is remains of Iran and India collaboration on terrorism in Baluchistan. Iran may not be as active partner as India but they were a partner.

They realised later that the Chahabar dream was all a lie by India so they could get cheap tariffs and political favors :lol: They sold you a lie Iranians, played to your ego :lol: At least now you have realised how much Indians are pathological liars.
do you really think....IRan a shia country fighting sunnis all over the world......russia....which NEVER forgets...and has a score to settle with pakistan.....and china..which is dancing to US tunes now... [ under russian control] WIll give a rats *** about pakistan ????

Watch how the trap unfolds :)
As usual, Pakistan blaming everyone for its own failure as you could not provide enough evidence to prove Iranian involvement in this episode. Think it for a moment, that If Iran is really interested to have trouble in Pakistan, they can do much more harm to your country due to proximity of Shia people between both countries. Why would Iran engage a small time city gangster to do some spy work when they can engage in more efficient people to do dirty work. Blaming India makes sense, that we are any way recognized rivals...But your Iran story is not really adding up with credibility .
As usual, Pakistan blaming everyone for its own failure as you could not provide enough evidence to prove Iranian involvement in this episode. Think it for a moment, that If Iran is really interested to have trouble in Pakistan, they can do much more harm to your country due to proximity of Shia people between both countries. Why would Iran engage a small time city gangster to do some spy work when they can engage in more efficient people to do dirty work. Blaming India makes sense, that we are any way recognized rivals...But your Iran story is not really adding up with credibility .
Well there is lot more things that meets the eye. Remember pakistan has joined the so called islamic coalition. Now they need to create a reason for it.
As usual, Pakistan blaming everyone for its own failure as you could not provide enough evidence to prove Iranian involvement in this episode. Think it for a moment, that If Iran is really interested to have trouble in Pakistan, they can do much more harm to your country due to proximity of Shia people between both countries. Why would Iran engage a small time city gangster to do some spy work when they can engage in more efficient people to do dirty work. Blaming India makes sense, that we are any way recognized rivals...But your Iran story is not really adding up with credibility .
Pakistan is a Sunni majority country so Shia's inside Pakistan can't do any big harms. If Shias numbered the same as that of Bengalis in Pakistan then Baluchistan would have been liberated by now.
Yadav the Indian RAW agent had used Iran to get in to Pakistan. We've gotten many RAW agents, all using Iran as a platform. We don't need to give you proof. We know who our enemies are.

do you really think....IRan a shia country fighting sunnis all over the world......russia....which NEVER forgets...and has a score to settle with pakistan.....and china..which is dancing to US tunes now... [ under russian control] WIll give a rats *** about pakistan ????

Watch how the trap unfolds :)
This indeed is a fact that Iran supports Shias all over the world. Look whats happening in Yemen, Syria, Bahrain and Oman etc. When you've little knowledge on a matter you don't need to judge. India has muslims who are shias so its understandable why Iran supports India :)

Well there is lot more things that meets the eye. Remember pakistan has joined the so called islamic coalition. Now they need to create a reason for it.
We've joined the coalition but remember Iran is not part of that. Though Pakistan wants Iran to be part of it. The problem is very simple. Iran hate Saudi Arabia. They had always hated Arabs out of jealousy. They want holly places of Saudi Arabia under their control. Pakistan supports Saudi Arabia because they've holly places hence Iran hate us for loving Saudi Arabia. Its as simple as that.
Rejections are always there once the assets are caught. Iran & India are on one page to destabilize Pakistan, where Iran is trying to spread sectarian violence in Pakistan against Sunnis, India on the other hand is using Iran soil to spread terrorism in Balochistan province & arresting of Jadav is prove of it.
Pakistan is a Sunni majority
India has muslims who are shias so its understandable why Iran supports India :)


Very true actually in the name of Muslims India only facilitate shias, Shias in India receive same VIP treatment as Sikhs receives in Pakistan
No wonder why Iranian lobby in Pakistan always support Indian narrative

Thats the problem these so called seniors dont care about national intrests at all.

Bro they are bit helpless too We know that main driving force in Pakistan is army and military mindset is to keep fighting fronts as low as possible They are not very concerned with social dominance and long term effects of this Social dominance of a minority and neither they are responsible for it It is the job of our civil intellectuals, religious scholars and politicians but unfortunatly all of them are either dumb or afraid of Iranian lobby or just love being buttered by beautiful words or females :cheesy: So in short time is on Iranian side ...

Things will change if by some miracle we see regime change in Iran or Islamic military alliance get some strength
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Pakistan is a Sunni majority country so Shia's inside Pakistan can't do any big harms. If Shias numbered the same as that of Bengalis in Pakistan then Baluchistan would have been liberated by now.
Yadav the Indian RAW agent had used Iran to get in to Pakistan. We've gotten many RAW agents, all using Iran as a platform. We don't need to give you proof. We know who our enemies are.

This indeed is a fact that Iran supports Shias all over the world. Look whats happening in Yemen, Syria, Bahrain and Oman etc. When you've little knowledge on a matter you don't need to judge. India has muslims who are shias so its understandable why Iran supports India :)

We've joined the coalition but remember Iran is not part of that. Though Pakistan wants Iran to be part of it. The problem is very simple. Iran hate Saudi Arabia. They had always hated Arabs out of jealousy. They want holly places of Saudi Arabia under their control. Pakistan supports Saudi Arabia because they've holly places hence Iran hate us for loving Saudi Arabia. Its as simple as that.
Pakistani PM calls for removal of blasphemous content from social media
Wed Mar 15, 2017 2:24AM
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Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif

Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has called for the immediate prosecution of those who publish blasphemous content on social media.

"The [posting of] blasphemous content on social media is an unclean attempt to play with the feelings of the Muslim Ummah [community]," said Sharif in a statement published on his Twitter account on Tuesday.

Sharif also called on for the removal of such content from social media websites and for authorities to ensure that blasphemous material is not posted in the future.

"Effective steps must be taken immediately to remove and block this material," he added.

He also called for authorities to approach international social media platforms in relation to the removal of blasphemous content from their sites.

"Love and affection of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) is the most precious asset for every Muslim," he stressed.

The Pakistani PM also called on Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan (seen below) to take action against blasphemous content and those who post such material over the internet.


Meanwhile, the country’s parliament, known as the National Assembly, has approved a resolution slamming blasphemous material published on social media and unanimously accepted that a parliamentary committee be formed to monitor such content.

The assembly also agreed that the government pursue legal action against persons who publish such material over the internet.

You can love Al-Saud family as much as you like, betray the oppressed Arabian people in peninsula that are banned from minimum civil rights by a supremacist family.
Shia's inside Pakistan can't do any big harms
Pakistan is a Sunni majority country so Shia's inside Pakistan can't do any big harms. If Shias numbered the same as that of Bengalis in Pakistan then Baluchistan would have been liberated by now.
You are dividing Prophet's people in your silly comment. Get a brain kid
We don't need to give you proof.
Oh, we need to see your proof. Don't speak of your stomach, show me your proof.
This indeed is a fact that Iran supports Shias
Assa far as i know Palestine is a Sunni country. Have you ever supported them in your short life?
Iran hate Saudi Arabia.
I hate USA's mercenaries. In your country, in my own country and in Arabian peninsula.
I think your problem is not Shia or Sunni as no one has seen such a problem along the history. How come we have lived in peace after 1300 years of prophet's holy life. You are seeking for direct dollar and yes, Al-Saud family can offer it. We don't buy loyalty with direct money so please shut that hole and don't speak of division within Muslim world.
Sad to see sectarianism here. It is like cancer being spread on purpose.

No country in the world has foreign policy based on religion except Pakistan and Israel.
Iran always had expansionist endeavors but largely in the other direction where it saw Pakistan as a perfect buffer to India.
Iran agrees on peace and order with strong economic relations with Pakistan. Pakistan is willing to work with both Iran and Saudi Arabia if both of them can overcome their superiority complex.
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