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Iran rejects allegations of its agencies’ links to Uzair Baloch

Only an idiot would insult his mother. Ayisha the faithful mother is our prophet's honor. I condemn any insults to her
In case of Sahaba we are silent on it and will be silent becoz of you Sunni brothers. Allah will judge it not us. Let's leave it to almighty.
Anyway i don't like division, let's put those differences behind and liberate Muslim world from USA and it's lap dog Israhell. This is my own desire to see that happen.
We've no problem to jointly work with Muslims who honor their past. If differences between Saudi Arabia and Iran are solved then all Muslim countries can be liberated from USA and Israel. Until and unless, those differences aren't worked out, nothing will change.
All Sahabas were companion of Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) and extremely loyal to him. If any of the Sahabas were not loyal, Allah would have identified them for our beloved prophet (P.B.U.H). Jews implanted a few fake Muslims in our lines. Those fake Muslims talked about who is superior and who is inferior. Whereas, Islam clearly says, no one is superior except forbearance. If any Sahaba was weak, Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H would have identified him. I won't believe on any statement given by any religious scholar that a specific Sahaba was not loyal. Its incorrect, that scholar wants division and we got to be aware of that.
We've no problem to jointly work with Muslims who honor their past. If differences between Saudi Arabia and Iran are solved then all Muslim countries can be liberated from USA and Israel. Until and unless, those differences aren't worked out, nothing will change.
All Sahabas were companion of Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) and extremely loyal to him. If any of the Sahabas were not loyal, Allah would have identified them for our beloved prophet (P.B.U.H). Jews implanted a few fake Muslims in our lines. Those fake Muslims talked about who is superior and who is inferior. Whereas, Islam clearly says, no one is superior except forbearance. If any Sahaba was weak, Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H would have identified him. I won't believe on any statement given by any religious scholar that a specific Sahaba was not loyal. Its incorrect, that scholar wants division and we got to be aware of that.

What are you on about, every country works for their own interests. Only Pakistanis think there is some grand ummah design where they will be magically part of and everything will be fine forever. :lol::lol:

Iran have a track record of terrorism in other countries. Pakistan should forgive them because they were sold a lie by India and led astray. Lets hope they have learned their lesson and mended their ways.
What are you on about, every country works for their own interests. Only Pakistanis think there is some grand ummah design where they will be magically part of and everything will be fine forever. :lol::lol:

Iran have a track record of terrorism in other countries. Pakistan should forgive them because they were sold a lie by India and led astray. Lets hope they have learned their lesson and mended their ways.
On a government level, I know its almost impossible for Pakistan and Iran to collaborate. Iran's government could be very mean. Consider the example of nuclear technology that was exchanged between Pakistan and Iran. When US pressurized Iran, they said Pakistan transferred them the nuclear technology. This in itself is the biggest example of how sincere Iran's government is with Pakistan. At times, I feel like they're sold out Israel's agents.
However, if I meet an Iranian who doesn't abuse Sahabas and our mother Hazrat Ayesha, who doesn't think negative of Pakistan then yes, I can hope we get more of such people. That way, Iran might be able to liberate itself from corrupt leaders and religious scholars who tell fairy tales to them.
On a government level, I know its almost impossible for Pakistan and Iran to collaborate. Iran's government could be very mean. Consider the example of nuclear technology that was exchanged between Pakistan and Iran. When US pressurized Iran, they said Pakistan transferred them the nuclear technology. This in itself is the biggest example of how sincere Iran's government is with Pakistan. At times, I feel like they're sold out Israel's agents.
However, if I meet an Iranian who doesn't abuse Sahabas and our mother Hazrat Ayesha, who doesn't think negative of Pakistan then yes, I can hope we get more of such people. That way, Iran might be able to liberate itself from corrupt leaders and religious scholars who tell fairy tales to them.

I agree with you. They have shown zero appreciation for what Benazir did for them. In fact they responded with collaborating with India and spreading terrorism in Pakistan.

Don't worry Pakistan have the measure of them and that's the main thing, there are important battles to fight, one of them being becoming economically strong. No more time to pick fights and war unfortunately as much as I would like vengeance.
Remember, many jews who converted later on to become a Muslim after demise of our beloved prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) were not genuine Muslims. Their mission was to divide Muslims. It was them who said, How Hazrat Abu Bakar can be the caliph? Hazrat Ali is the righteous to be the caliph and is superior since he is from Banu Hashim. This is how they convinced naive Muslims to think the same way and hence they grew in number. Though, Hazrat Ali never have had any problems with the first three caliphs.
All battles fought between Muslims were result of those fake Muslims. Be it Battle of Jamal, Safeen and even Karbala. In the battle of Karbala, the fake people tricked Hazrat Imam Hussain. They called him to help them topple the rule of Yazid. Whereas, on the other hand, they told Yazid that Imam Hussain is coming to topple his regime. Those fake Muslims played double cross on Imam Hussain as well as Yazid to make sure Karbala Catastrophe was guaranteed.
I don't expect this to stop until all Muslims open their eyes. Why to abuse Sahabas who we can't even imagine to compare ourselves with? How can we accept that our beloved Prophet P.B.U.H wasn't aware of their intentions or what they'll do after his demise.
Shia say Imam has knowledge of unforeseen, how is it possible that Prophet P.B.U.H didn't know after his demise a few Sahabas will change? It is impossible, that's why stop being manipulated by corrupt religious scholars. Feel proud of your past and Sahabas.

I agree with you. They have shown zero appreciation for what Benazir did for them. In fact they responded with collaborating with India and spreading terrorism in Pakistan.

Don't worry Pakistan have the measure of them and that's the main thing, there are important battles to fight, one of them being becoming economically strong. No more time to pick fights and war unfortunately as much as I would like vengeance.
If Iran won't change its stance then they'll meet the fate of other countries which are temporarily used by US. With CPEC, its guaranteed that any hostility against Pakistan will be dealt with severe consequences by China. If multiple countries will intervene to stop China help Pakistan, Russia will jump in specially if US intervenes. Hence, it would be a global conflict that will result in nothing but destruction. Its not 1971 anymore. A lot has changed since then.
Chabahar's dream hasn't come to pass, with that, I can say for Russia and many other countries Pakistan is more important than Iran. Rest you can understand well.
We lived peacefully for 1300 years, when you dipshit?? Have you forgotten Battle of Jamal and Safeen? If anything I said is wrong, prove it. Don't talk crap for when I start talking that way, you'll regret. You abuse Sahaba, and mother of believers. You commit Muta'h and talk about Muslim Ummah and peace? Iran is a crocodile. Stop shedding crocodile tears.

In Afghanistan, the Indian consulates are facilitated by Indian Shia muslim. They promote terror attack in Pakistan. Shame on all of them. Then, when I speak truth, people say sectarian approach is incorrect. I won't behave like a pigeon that closes its eye on sight of a cat. We got to open our eyes. All countries want their benefits. I believe in only 2 things.
1) Pakistan must stand forever.
2) To protect Khana Kabah.
The day Pakistan is weak and can't defend Kabah, Iran will invade Saudi Arabia. Mark my words.

Those who accuse us being sectarian actually themselves belong to same sectarian sect which is the root cause of the mess across muslim world

Iran is already close to invade Saudi Arabia using its proxies God forbid if regime falls in Saudi Arabia then be ready to watch Zajeer Zani around Khana Kabah during Hajj

Oh and by the way some of my comments (having no abusive words) against Iran has been deleted by some sacred mod who will definitely claim he is not a Shhhhhhhhh............ :)
Those who accuse us being sectarian actually themselves belong to same sectarian sect which is the root cause of the mess across muslim world

Iran is already close to invade Saudi Arabia using its proxies God forbid if regime falls in Saudi Arabia then be ready to watch Zajeer Zani around Khana Kabah during Hajj

Oh and by the way some of my comments (having no abusive words) against Iran has been deleted by some sacred mod who will definitely claim he is not a Shhhhhhhhh............ :)

Noman bhai...aap se hint leni thi business k hawaley se? kaise approach karun apko?
Those who accuse us being sectarian actually themselves belong to same sectarian sect which is the root cause of the mess across muslim world

Iran is already close to invade Saudi Arabia using its proxies God forbid if regime falls in Saudi Arabia then be ready to watch Zajeer Zani around Khana Kabah during Hajj

Oh and by the way some of my comments (having no abusive words) against Iran has been deleted by some sacred mod who will definitely claim he is not a Shhhhhhhhh............ :)
All true believers be it Pakistanis or from elsewhere will go defend Khana Kaba. Iran can keep on dreaming about it. At least I can lay my life for that purpose.
Noman bhai...aap se hint leni thi business k hawaley se? kaise approach karun apko?

Sorry for the late reply bro, missed the notification, please allow me to access you profile I guess we can have a discussion there ,it will be my pleasure, regards

All true believers be it Pakistanis or from elsewhere will go defend Khana Kaba. Iran can keep on dreaming about it. At least I can lay my life for that purpose.

What if there is a regime change with pro Iranian elements do you think they will let us go to defend Khana Kaba? :lock:
Sorry for the late reply bro, missed the notification, please allow me to access you profile I guess we can have a discussion there ,it will be my pleasure, regards
What if there is a regime change with pro Iranian elements do you think they will let us go to defend Khana Kaba? :lock:
Regime change has nothing to do with defending Khana Kaba. Our lives are for this religion and at least I'll use it to defend Khana Kaba, no matter what.
Regime change has nothing to do with defending Khana Kaba. Our lives are for this religion and at least I'll use it to defend Khana Kaba, no matter what.

OK then try to visualize this news as headline
"سعودی عرب میں جاری سورش عوام اور ال سعود کا اپس کا معاملہ ہے پاکستانی عوام اسے مذہبی معاملہ مت سمجھیں"
وزیر اعظم

"سعودی عرب میں جاری عوامی انقلاب اور سورش کے پیش نظر سعودی عرب جانے والی تمام پراوزیں غیر معینہ مدت کے لئے بند کر جارہی ہیں"
وزیر داخلہ
Now if you still try to go to saudi arabia then you are breaking the law you will be tagged as terrorist or pro Saudi regime element or something else
I am just looking at worst case scenario how many do you think will be able to escape?
OK then try to visualize this news as headline
"سعودی عرب میں جاری سورش عوام اور ال سعود کا اپس کا معاملہ ہے پاکستانی عوام اسے مذہبی معاملہ مت سمجھیں"
وزیر اعظم

"سعودی عرب میں جاری عوامی انقلاب اور سورش کے پیش نظر سعودی عرب جانے والی تمام پراوزیں غیر معینہ مدت کے لئے بند کر جارہی ہیں"
وزیر داخلہ
Now if you still try to go to saudi arabia then you are breaking the law you will be tagged as terrorist or pro Saudi regime element or something else
I am just looking at worst case scenario how many do you think will be able to escape?
The one who fears death will stay. Rest all will go. I highly doubt its just uprising against Al-e-Saud. Its sponsored by US and Iran will take advantage of such a situation. I don't think Pak Army will let anything like that happen. Right now, at least Al-e-Saud has been somewhat pro Pakistan. Who knows what would be the stance of new regime. Its a big risk and we got to make use of our lives. Its not only about Al-e-Saud. Its about Khana Kaba.
The one who fears death will stay. Rest all will go. I highly doubt its just uprising against Al-e-Saud. Its sponsored by US and Iran will take advantage of such a situation. I don't think Pak Army will let anything like that happen. Right now, at least Al-e-Saud has been somewhat pro Pakistan. Who knows what would be the stance of new regime. Its a big risk and we got to make use of our lives. Its not only about Al-e-Saud. Its about Khana Kaba.

I agree with every word you said but I wish things don't escalate to that point and lets hope Islamic alliance achieve its target (other than just chanting bhai bhara with Iran (thanks to bhaichara addict Pakistani officials) )
I agree with every word you said but I wish things don't escalate to that point and lets hope Islamic alliance achieve its target (other than just chanting bhai bhara with Iran (thanks to bhaichara addict Pakistani officials) )
I ain't expecting anything out of that Islamic Alliance. It's only a topi drama. Phony acts to pressurize Iran. They've been playing a great role in toppling all Sunni governments and forming Shia-ites governments. We've examples of Iraq and now Syria. They want Bashar at any cost, the reason is simple, he is Shia. Majority of Syrians are Sunni but...
I ain't expecting anything out of that Islamic Alliance. It's only a topi drama. Phony acts to pressurize Iran. They've been playing a great role in toppling all Sunni governments and forming Shia-ites governments. We've examples of Iraq and now Syria. They want Bashar at any cost, the reason is simple, he is Shia. Majority of Syrians are Sunni but...

Lets hope it doesn't prove to be a topi drama but of course there are no guarantees , not to mention Afghan Government also belong to same group , Sometimes I feel our acts like hijras who try to terrorize people with Baduas and clapping we are acting similarly when it comes to matters related to Iran, :pissed:

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