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Pakistani PM calls for removal of blasphemous content from social media
Wed Mar 15, 2017 2:24AM
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Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif

Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has called for the immediate prosecution of those who publish blasphemous content on social media.

"The [posting of] blasphemous content on social media is an unclean attempt to play with the feelings of the Muslim Ummah [community]," said Sharif in a statement published on his Twitter account on Tuesday.

Sharif also called on for the removal of such content from social media websites and for authorities to ensure that blasphemous material is not posted in the future.

"Effective steps must be taken immediately to remove and block this material," he added.

He also called for authorities to approach international social media platforms in relation to the removal of blasphemous content from their sites.

"Love and affection of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) is the most precious asset for every Muslim," he stressed.

The Pakistani PM also called on Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan (seen below) to take action against blasphemous content and those who post such material over the internet.


Meanwhile, the country’s parliament, known as the National Assembly, has approved a resolution slamming blasphemous material published on social media and unanimously accepted that a parliamentary committee be formed to monitor such content.

The assembly also agreed that the government pursue legal action against persons who publish such material over the internet.

You can love Al-Saud family as much as you like, betray the oppressed Arabian people in peninsula that are banned from minimum civil rights by a supremacist family.

You are dividing Prophet's people in your silly comment. Get a brain kid

Oh, we need to see your proof. Don't speak of your stomach, show me your proof.

Assa far as i know Palestine is a Sunni country. Have you ever supported them in your short life?

I hate USA's mercenaries. In your country, in my own country and in Arabian peninsula.
I think your problem is not Shia or Sunni as no one has seen such a problem along the history. How come we have lived in peace after 1300 years of prophet's holy life. You are seeking for direct dollar and yes, Al-Saud family can offer it. We don't buy loyalty with direct money so please shut that hole and don't speak of division within Muslim world.
i am sunni but i totally agree with you.. and i know there will be no fight between iran and pak because of sistan baluchistan in iran and baluchistan in pakistan both wana save their territory.
you know what happened exactly?
U.S pressurized to syria that hand over the chemical weapons. although israel have chemical weapons but U.S never interfered. despite handed over the weapons by syria to UN.. syria had to face U.S war. and iran and russia had to interfere to save their own interest. just like other country do to save the interest.
let me start from beginning 9/11..

there is still not a concert proof what happened at world trade tower. all the proof were based on propaganda, most of europe Analyst and the expert of demolition of building denied the U.S report and gave the scientific reasons.. but U.S already invaded the afghanistan.. then another fake reason for iraq.. then syria.. then exploded the sectarian war.. then yemman..

basically U.S policies have been designed for long time by Powerful jews inside..

One of them Mr.Jared Kushner (son-in-law of the donald trump Modern Orthodox Jewish? take this guy seriously.. indian Ajit Doval not only visit Israel but also U.S and he has good relation with Jewish family. infect he is part of their family..

if talk about only one jew you can understand his role... Mr. Kushner’s prominence in the administration is rising. For instance, he set the ambience and agenda for Mr. Trump’s meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping — one bilateral relationship that could define the 45th presidency.Then again, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Joseph Dunford invited him to join him on a tour of Iraq. Mr. Kushner has a finger in every pie. He is involved in the White House policy on China, Mexico, West Asia and Canada. He strategises on combating the Islamic State.

He heads the newly created Office of American Innovation, which has the mandate to implement highly effective private sector practices in government. Mr. Kushner is a senior adviser to Mr. Trump. he could be a broker of peace between Israel and Arabs soon. but for now between iran and KSA by using India in the Region..

unfortunately we are fighting together ....

but there is also a solution which is muslims alliance that your Govt iran is denying to join.. forget about sectarian war and join ASAP. before it's too late..

@Saif-ud-Din Qutuz @BHarwana
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No one will accept their name in such a crime. It is for Pakistan to provide irrefutable evidences

I hate to say this, but Pakistan joining the Saudi alliance might have things to do with Iran's behavior with anti Pakistan elements
i am sunni but i totally agree with you.. and i know there will be no fight between iran and pak because of sistan baluchistan in iran and baluchistan in pakistan both wana save their territory.
you know what happened exactly?
U.S pressurized to syria that hand over the chemical weapons. although israel have chemical weapons but U.S never interfered. despite handed over the weapons by syria to UN.. syria had to face U.S war. and iran and russia had to interfere to save their own interest. just like other country do to save the interest.
let me start from beginning 9/11..
Believe me bro, Shia & Sunni labels are outside of Iran. Before joining this website, i was however aware of our tiny differences , but based on Iranian educational system, i had no idea about a conflict between Muslim branches.
I knew that 9/11 was a false flag operation and a good excuse to wage a war on Muslim world. Let's agree that Taliban or other group was responsible for 9/11 attack. My question is, why did USA punish a whole country becoz of one group or one person?!!! Isn't it fishy?
IO had many debates with my own countrymen on this issue, i believe that USA had one goal of waging war and that was surrounding Iran. We all know that USA has created and supported Taliban against Soviets presence in Afghanistan and i wish Ahmad Shah Masood was alive and told us what happened to Afghanistan. He was indeed a symbol of Che Guevara in Muslim world. Unfortunately we lost him and truth was buried with him.
basically U.S policies have been designed for long time by Powerful jews inside..
This is also my opinion. Muslims are suffering from internal division and those whom you mentioned are the only beneficial of our divide.
One of them Mr.Jared Kushner (son-in-law of the donald trump Modern Orthodox Jewish? take this guy seriously.. indian Ajit Doval not only visit Israel but also U.S and he has good relation with Jewish family. infect he is part of their family..

if talk about only one jew you can understand his role... Mr. Kushner’s prominence in the administration is rising. For instance, he set the ambience and agenda for Mr. Trump’s meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping — one bilateral relationship that could define the 45th presidency.Then again, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Joseph Dunford invited him to join him on a tour of Iraq. Mr. Kushner has a finger in every pie. He is involved in the White House policy on China, Mexico, West Asia and Canada. He strategises on combating the Islamic State.

He heads the newly created Office of American Innovation, which has the mandate to implement highly effective private sector practices in government. Mr. Kushner is a senior adviser to Mr. Trump. he could be a broker of peace between Israel and Arabs soon. but for now between iran and KSA by using India in the Region..
Thanks for the info, interesting. That school boy in White house cannot drink water without Jared's permission.
but there is also a solution which is muslims alliance that your Govt iran is denying to join.. forget about sectarian war and join ASAP. before it's too late..
I swear to Allah almighty it's my own desire to see Muslim countries untied against their enemies. But what i see from that coalition is : 1) Let's attack Yemen becoz of one group , Houthis, while Houthis are a cover for massacring Yemeni people. 2) Let's stand up against Majoosi Shai Iran and it's sectarian war in Syria while you know that we are supporting Syrian people from Israeli-US invasion. If we step down, Muslim world will lose Golan heights to Israel and that will be the beginning of Israeli invasion on Syria.
That was the result of that coalition, of course IMHO.
But in their pOV this coalition is fighting ISIS and other terrorists. If it is true then why they don't help Syrian elected government?

No one will accept their name in such a crime. It is for Pakistan to provide irrefutable evidences

I hate to say this, but Pakistan joining the Saudi alliance might have things to do with Iran's behavior with anti Pakistan elements
Have you heard something about Jeysh-ul-Zolm?
That guy Yadhav was linked to them. I am still waiting for your official proof on this issue. Uzair Baloch or Yadhav, both need your proof.
What you said is ridiculous, never gonna happen. Iran is your wall against Israel, think about that
Pakistani PM calls for removal of blasphemous content from social media
Wed Mar 15, 2017 2:24AM
  1. Home
  2. Asia-Pacific
  3. Pakistan

Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif

Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has called for the immediate prosecution of those who publish blasphemous content on social media.

"The [posting of] blasphemous content on social media is an unclean attempt to play with the feelings of the Muslim Ummah [community]," said Sharif in a statement published on his Twitter account on Tuesday.

Sharif also called on for the removal of such content from social media websites and for authorities to ensure that blasphemous material is not posted in the future.

"Effective steps must be taken immediately to remove and block this material," he added.

He also called for authorities to approach international social media platforms in relation to the removal of blasphemous content from their sites.

"Love and affection of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) is the most precious asset for every Muslim," he stressed.

The Pakistani PM also called on Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan (seen below) to take action against blasphemous content and those who post such material over the internet.


Meanwhile, the country’s parliament, known as the National Assembly, has approved a resolution slamming blasphemous material published on social media and unanimously accepted that a parliamentary committee be formed to monitor such content.

The assembly also agreed that the government pursue legal action against persons who publish such material over the internet.

You can love Al-Saud family as much as you like, betray the oppressed Arabian people in peninsula that are banned from minimum civil rights by a supremacist family.

You are dividing Prophet's people in your silly comment. Get a brain kid

Oh, we need to see your proof. Don't speak of your stomach, show me your proof.

Assa far as i know Palestine is a Sunni country. Have you ever supported them in your short life?

I hate USA's mercenaries. In your country, in my own country and in Arabian peninsula.
I think your problem is not Shia or Sunni as no one has seen such a problem along the history. How come we have lived in peace after 1300 years of prophet's holy life. You are seeking for direct dollar and yes, Al-Saud family can offer it. We don't buy loyalty with direct money so please shut that hole and don't speak of division within Muslim world.
We lived peacefully for 1300 years, when you dipshit?? Have you forgotten Battle of Jamal and Safeen? If anything I said is wrong, prove it. Don't talk crap for when I start talking that way, you'll regret. You abuse Sahaba, and mother of believers. You commit Muta'h and talk about Muslim Ummah and peace? Iran is a crocodile. Stop shedding crocodile tears.

Very true actually in the name of Muslims India only facilitate shias, Shias in India receive same VIP treatment as Sikhs receives in Pakistan
No wonder why Iranian lobby in Pakistan always support Indian narrative
In Afghanistan, the Indian consulates are facilitated by Indian Shia muslim. They promote terror attack in Pakistan. Shame on all of them. Then, when I speak truth, people say sectarian approach is incorrect. I won't behave like a pigeon that closes its eye on sight of a cat. We got to open our eyes. All countries want their benefits. I believe in only 2 things.
1) Pakistan must stand forever.
2) To protect Khana Kabah.
The day Pakistan is weak and can't defend Kabah, Iran will invade Saudi Arabia. Mark my words.
Jamal and Safeen
Well well. Religious shit.
Seffin was against Banu umayyad. They were not Sunnis,
Jamal, indeed a fitna in Muslim world. The people who started that conflict against Sunni caliph and Shia Imam Ali (AS), were responsible for Muslim blood.
In the end of that war, mother Ayisha was treated like a queen and she was sent to her home , prophet's house , with ezzat and jalal, as if there was no Jamal war between Muslims. Jamal was a Fitna and fortunately ended with Kheyr.

You commit Muta'h
We didn't, prophet did and we complied. Someone else changed that law.
Muta'h is the same marriage in Islam with special laws. Not everyone can do it.
Iran is a crocodile
You act like a Fitna. Imagine, you are like the ones who can wage a war between Muslims. With warmongers like you, no need to Jews huh.
Well well. Religious shit.
Seffin was against Banu umayyad. They were not Sunnis,
Jamal, indeed a fitna in Muslim world. The people who started that conflict against Sunni caliph and Shia Imam Ali (AS), were responsible for Muslim blood.
In the end of that war, mother Ayisha was treated like a queen and she was sent to her home , prophet's house , with ezzat and jalal, as if there was no Jamal war between Muslims. Jamal was a Fitna and fortunately ended with Kheyr.

We didn't, prophet did and we complied. Someone else changed that law.
Muta'h is the same marriage in Islam with special laws. Not everyone can do it.

You act like a Fitna. Imagine, you are like the ones who can wage a war between Muslims. With warmongers like you, no need to Jews huh.
Jamal and Safeen was initiated by munafiqs who claimed to be supporters of Hazrat Ali. Those battles between muslims were plotted by Shias (party to Hazrat Ali, whereas, from within heart they were not loyal with Hazrat Ali). You're a fitna. You guys have always been a fitna. Now whine and tell moderator to block and ban me.

This guy who claims to be a Muslim and loves concept of Ummah says "Religious Shit" when I quoted him history from Sahaba's time. What a shame.
Please edit your post.
A request.
I appreciate your concern bro. However, I won't edit it. If I said anything wrong, moderators should prove it. If they can't and want to be biased then they can go ahead and ban me. I'm fine with that. All muslims should know the reality of crocodiles.
Dividing and religious division is indeed shit.
Don't act like an idiot when you cannot respond
Everyone is watching and they know who is being a stupid. You have no manners how to discuss things. The way you said religious shit, you should be ashamed of yourself. You've no reply for my responses. You're done and dusted.

All terrorists that have been captured are linked with Iran. Be it Yadav or Uzair Balouch. Iran wants to weaken Pakistan then they'll have strategic alliance with Israel and US to attach Saudi Arabia. They want to conquer Holly Kaba. They tried it in the past but failed due to Pakistan. They'll keep on trying. Whenever Saudi Arabia allow Iranians to come for pilgrimage, incidents occur, is it just a coincidence? Not really, open your eyes my brothers. Our lives if laid for Kaba won't be wasted. Don't try to look for a friend from your enemies. An enemy is an enemy, no matter what. Be prepared to strike at all time.
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i wish i could set a time for Umaat to perform the united pray at the very same time in whole muslim countries with live telecast

we are killing to each other.. and that hurts me alot and force me to cry
Very true actually in the name of Muslims India only facilitate shias, Shias in India receive same VIP treatment as Sikhs receives in Pakistan
No wonder why Iranian lobby in Pakistan always support Indian narrative

Bro they are bit helpless too We know that main driving force in Pakistan is army and military mindset is to keep fighting fronts as low as possible They are not very concerned with social dominance and long term effects of this Social dominance of a minority and neither they are responsible for it It is the job of our civil intellectuals, religious scholars and politicians but unfortunatly all of them are either dumb or afraid of Iranian lobby or just love being buttered by beautiful words or females :cheesy: So in short time is on Iranian side ...

Things will change if by some miracle we see regime change in Iran or Islamic military alliance get some strength
You have given a valid and brief point and thats what I was trying to say in short.The Leadership !religious,political whatever share the same mindset.because they are brothers in Hamaam !
Iran and Afghanistan have always been a problem for Muslims. Khwarezm empire had many battles with Mughals as well as Ottoman empire. They can never be united with Mulims. Their foundation is weak and can never accept other Muslims. They'll always fight to kill us and to enslave us. This is in their blood. They can be friends with our enemies to destroy us.
All terrorists that have been captured are linked with Iran. Be it Yadav or Uzair Balouch. Iran wants to weaken Pakistan then they'll have strategic alliance with Israel and US to attach Saudi Arabia. They want to conquer Holly Kaba. They tried it in the past but failed due to Pakistan. They'll keep on trying. Whenever Saudi Arabia allow Iranians to come for pilgrimage, incidents occur, is it just a coincidence? Not really, open your eyes my brothers. Our lives if laid for Kaba won't be wasted. Don't try to look for a friend from your enemies. An enemy is an enemy, no matter what. Be prepared to strike at all time.
hahhah, i ask you one thing mate
Give us the time to liberate Palestine and kill everyone of those invaders on Quds. After that you are free to judge us...
May Allah show you the right way brother. I am not your enemy, you have concern over Kaba and Madina it gladens me. The only conqueror of Kaba was our prophet and will be his son, our savior Imam Mahdi (AS). and i have no doubt we have one religion without division in the issue of Imam zaman, one of prophet's grandsons and our savior
I justify you Pakistanis to be bothered of our economical relations with your enemy, it is a shame for us. Governmental shitty interests have no end, but don't doubt i am also concerned. A matter of time
hahhah, i ask you one thing mate
Give us the time to liberate Palestine and kill everyone of those invaders on Quds. After that you are free to judge us...
May Allah show you the right way brother. I am not your enemy, you have concern over Kaba and Madina it gladens me. The only conqueror of Kaba was our prophet and will be his son, our savior Imam Mahdi (AS). and i have no doubt we have one religion without division in the issue of Imam zaman, one of prophet's grandsons and our savior
I justify you Pakistanis to be bothered of our economical relations with your enemy, it is a shame for us. Governmental shitty interests have no end, but don't doubt i am also concerned. A matter of time
I welcome your kind words. However, it just doesn't end here. You've to be kind towards Sahaba who played a great role in spreading Islam. You've to be kind towards our mother. My heart saddens when I hear your scholars say heinous things about Sahaba and mother Hazrat Ayesha. This all need to change as I believe anyone who says wrong about sahaba and our mother Hazrat Ayesha can't be a muslim.
How a son can say anything bad about his mother? It's impossible. If these things are sorted out then no one will be sunni and shia. All will become muslims. That's what I want.
mother Hazrat Ayesha
Only an idiot would insult his mother. Ayisha the faithful mother is our prophet's honor. I condemn any insults to her
In case of Sahaba we are silent on it and will be silent becoz of you Sunni brothers. Allah will judge it not us. Let's leave it to almighty.
Anyway i don't like division, let's put those differences behind and liberate Muslim world from USA and it's lap dog Israhell. This is my own desire to see that happen.
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