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Iran Prepared to go to War with UAE over Persian Gulf Islands

King Solomon

Jun 6, 2011
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Iran Prepared to go to War with UAE over Persian Gulf Islands​

Iran Prepared to go to War with UAE over Persian Gulf Islands - International Business Times


Iran has warned its sovereignty over a trio of islands in the Persian Gulf is "non-negotiable".

Tensions between Iran and the Gulf states over control of Abu Musa Island have recently escalated.

Iranian foreign ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast said on 18 April that Iran's sovereignty over the three Persian Gulf islands of Abu Musa and the Tunb islands is not negotiable, the Tehran Times reported.

There are competing claims on the islands by the UAE and Iran.

The spokesman's comments came after the six-nation Gulf Cooperation Council, made up of the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait and Qatar, issued a statement warning Iran that any perceived aggression against the UAE would be considered an attack on the bloc as a whole.

The message criticised Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's recent visit to Abu Musa Island, which it described as a "provocative act and a flagrant violation", according to the Gulf Times newspaper.

The foreign ministry spokesman said it regarded the statement as "blatant interference in the Islamic Republic of Iran's internal affairs".

His comments were backed by Gen Ahmad-Reza Pourdastan, Iran's ground forces commander, who said that Iran's military would be ready for action if diplomatic efforts fail to resolve the dispute over control of the islands.

"We do not allow any country to carry out an invasion," AP news agency quoted Pourdastan as saying. "If these disturbances are not solved through diplomacy, the military forces are ready to show the power of Iran to the offender. Iran will strongly defend its right."

The strategic islands are located near important shipping lanes in the Strait of Hormuz, through which about one-fifth of the world's oil supply passes.

Iran took control of the islands in 1971 after British forces left the region.

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Lets wait for these pussies to make a move.

But the mouse is fearing the cat, so much that the mouse is so tensed that it is saying it will bell the cat.

Iranians and their agents in PDF are opening threads and threads on the same news, shows who is more towards starting the war.

And again this is what UAE is replying and saying it will take military action for the islands:

UAE never talked about taking any military action, These iranian officials are so tensed that they themselves don't knwo what they are saying.

UAE has been insisting since 40+ years for a peacefull and diplomatic solution, during all that period a peaceful and diplomatic solution could not be found but still UAE hopes for a diplomatic and peaceful solution between the two neighbours but on the contrary Iranians are saying that if diplomacy fails they will take military action.


They belonged to Sharjah and Ras al Khaimah prior to the formation of United Arab Emirates, since they are part of UAE now, the islandss belong to UAE, since UAE is part of Arabian Gulf Cooperation Coucil the Isalnds are part of all the memebr states of the Arabian Gulf Cooperation Council, since Arabian Gulf Cooperation Council is memebr of the Arab League, the islands are part of all the Arab countries.

This is what UAE still insists on

""With all my love, I appeal again to Iran to listen to reason to end this dispute, because it will not only affect the two countries and its people, but also threaten international peace and security — repercussions which cannot be contained by the UAE or Iran,""

"Regretfully, Shaikh Abdullah added, a neighbourly Islamic country with a time-honoured civilisation and traditions couldn't listen to reason"

""The UAE has been committed to the two countries' agreement and has removed the issue from all resolutions and statements issued by the GCC and the Arab League. The issue was touched upon only in the UAE's statements before the UN general Assembly. But despite the positive gestures, we were taken aback by the Iranian provocation.""


All these threads on the same subject and same news, Mods can you please do something to stop the spam threads?
Iran writes UN on three PG islands after UAE claims

Tehran has categorically rejected claims made by the United Arab Emirates regarding the three Iranian islands of Abu Musa, Greater Tunb and Lesser Tunb, saying they are “an inseparable part of Iran’s territory.”

In a letter to the United Nations Security Council, the permanent Iranian mission to the UN said President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s April 11 visit to the Iranian island of Abu Musa, which the UAE described as a violation of its territorial sovereignty, was in line with “Iran’s sovereign rights and the principles of its territorial integrity.”

“Iran has always believed that constructive talks with UAE officials would lead to the expansion of ties in different fields and help both sides clear misunderstandings that may have been caused following the implementation of the document signed in 1971,” said the letter.

The Greater Tunb, Lesser Tunb and Abu Musa have historically been part of Iran, the proof of which can be found in and corroborated by countless historical, legal and geographical documents in Iran and other parts of the world. However, the UAE has repeatedly laid claims on the islands.

In the letter, the Iranian mission also reiterated that the only historically correct name, officially recognized by the United Nations, for the body of water between Iran and Saudi Arabia is the “Persian Gulf.”

PressTV - Iran writes UN on three PG islands after UAE claims

UNSC will decline UAE demands, again. What I also liked, how Iran reminded whats the correct historical name - Persian Gulf :)
i dont have confidence in rag tag military of iran


you dont have any thing to do other than going personal.Spare it for your brother,sister or father mother ;)

Hey ! Be Careful indian

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