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Iran Expels All Who Worked on Omar!

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Ḥashshāshīn;3407241 said:
Well then, same can be said about you. A fire-worshipper.
hey.Zoroastrian do not worship fire but the God the great.plz do not pass they same way this racist is passing.

you are not a Zoroastrian at all.because you have no respect for Zoroastrian belief also.
main Zoroastrian slogan
"nice thought,nice speaking,nice doing"
you are a shame for prophet Zarathustra.
pan persians like myself are the only ones i see defending iran on this website
people like myself, persian god king, abii, shahin vatani
what do you do apart from cower in a corner?
iran is turning away from islam each and every day
even on this islamic website, most iranian members are non muslim
go to iranian only forums and you will see 99% are non muslim
shame on you for selling out your ancesters.

I have never seen the members you mentioned insulting Islam or its followers.You claim to be a Zoroastrian,I know many of them,they don't insult other religions,they don't curse them,they are very polite people with good wills.Don't ruin Zoroastrians name please,you don't belong to them.
where the hell are mods???????????
sleeeeping this ******* sun of ***** is insutling Islam and they are not taking care of him
I don't care what you say, Zoroastrian have respect for all people except these subhuman who are insulting Persian culture and you pathetic cowards defend them!
you are a shame to Iran, no true Iranian will defend this terrorists religion called Islam.
you guys are downgrading yourself by coming to some P-aki site.
I am here to tell you this message.
Long live Islam.Long live Persia
you are just a pagan who has no respect for God. as i said you are not even a Zoroastrian at all.
and i have to remind you that when you pan persians were escaping to LA those hezbollahi went to defence lanes and they defended the Persia not you .

where are mods???????
Thread closed as apparently cleaning didn't work either.
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