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Iran Blasts Pakistan's Lack of Cooperation in Releasing Hostages


Sep 18, 2008
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TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian Intelligence Minister Gholam Hossein Mohseni Ejeie said that Pakistani officials had not cooperated with Iran in releasing 15 Iranian border guards who were taken hostage by the Jundullah terrorist group.

Speaking to reporters in Tehran on Monday, Mohseni Ejeie said that Iran did every thing to obtain their release.

Jundullah terrorists abducted 16 Iranian police officers at a checkpoint in the southeastern city of Saravan in Iran's Sistan-Baluchestan Province in June. The hostages were reportedly taken to Pakistan where they faced execution in early December.

Officials from Iran's foreign and intelligence ministries met with senior Pakistani police authorities on Monday to discuss the ways to return to Iran the bodies of the killed officers.

The terrorist group released one of the hostages later but killed the other 15.

Iranian security forces have arrested some elements of the terrorist group.

"The Iranian intelligence and police forces have arrested some terrorists who were behind the killings of 16 Iranian police members," Kazem Jalali, a senior lawmaker told reporters on Monday.

The captured terrorists are to be brought to the justice in near future and their open hearing will be broadcast for the Iranian nation, he added.

A number of the insurgents have been killed in a recent clashes with Iran's security forces, Jalali said.

According to the information and documents obtained by Pakistani government, some elements inside Pakistan are supporting Jundullah group, the Iranian MP noted.

Also, the Arabic Nahrainnet website cited informed sources in Pakistan's Peshawar on Monday who claimed that Saudi Arabian intelligence agencies have significantly increased their support for the terrorist group.

Jundullah operates in Iran's Sistan-Baluchestan Province and Pakistan's Baluchistan. The group has carried out numerous attacks against Iranian civilians and security officials.

Fars News Agency :: Iran Blasts Pakistan's Lack of Cooperation in Releasing Hostages
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