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Iran offers to take over security of Pakistan border

Official: IRGC to crush abductors of border guards

Official: IRGC to crush abductors of border guards

Tehran, March 30, IRNA – A senior official of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps underlined that IRGC is planning to give crushing response to the abductors of the Iranian border guards by taking over the control of Saravan border in Sistan and Baluchestan province.


ˈThis part of border has been handed over to IRGC and in the first phase we will try to prevent repetition of what happened in the case of abduction of five border guards near the common border with Pakistan,ˈ IRGC Public Relation Director Brigadier General Ramazan Sharif said on Saturday.

He underlined that due to the sensitivity of the issue and special case of Saravan border checkpoint, the Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) commissioned IRGCˈs Quds Headquarters to directly provide security for 300 kilometers of Saravan border region.

ˈSince about 10 days ago the IRGCˈs Quds Brigades has been commissioned to control 300 kilometers of the Saravan border region after 14 border guards were martyred and five others were also abducted near border with Pakistan,ˈ Brigadier General Sharif said.
Shut up sissy.

Why not?? If Pakistan can allow American/NATO drones to kill its own people and build military bases on its soil then why not allow Iran to police its borders which it itself cannot guard or has failed to guard for various reasons.
Irani mullahs are stupid. Why do you ask permission to guard your own border? Build the fence, mine the border and get over it.

Just like we did it and we put a bullet in forehead of any terrorist trying to sneak in India .
Can't understand logic here - It's a common border, why don't Iran just enhance the protection on its side of border. The troops Iran is willing to deploy on Pakistani side can be deployed on Iranian side of the border, that would make Iranian side more impregnable.

Its cost factor.

Joint protection reduces overall cost to one party. They go by shifts/area. If confidence is there, no point in patrolling same post by both parties, just divide the border between each other. Profit for all.
Iran is loosing its mind day by day ... stating silly comments . What needs to be done is Iran needs to tighten its security more on its side and so does Pakistan on its side and have both sides work together on common grounds rather then issuing such silly and dumb comments which help nether side but only destroy a friendship period.
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