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Iran offers to take over security of Pakistan border

They can't even look after their own side. Again another hindu logic on display. If you guard your border good enough then why worry about other side? Its just a line.
Post reported for trying to derail the thread.

He is not giving an logic just quoting what Iranian minister said.Apply some brain
They can't even look after their own side. Again another hindu logic on display. If you guard your border good enough then why worry about other side? Its just a line.

Stop being silly, this has nothing to do with religion.
I don't understand this proposition. Iran doesn't need anyone's permission to put men on their side of the border. :unsure:
NO thanks we know Afghanistan withdrawal is on the offing so thanks we cant give you room here to harm Pakistan
The logic is very simple , are you being naive ?

Its an attempt to shake GOP from its complacency and inability to do what its supposed to do i.e. look after its side of the border and control those who live & operate from the Pak side of the IB.

..and if Pak as alleged by them and as shown by the kidnapping is incapable of doing this, the Iranians are willing do handle both sides of the Pak Iran border.

There's nothing being naive in it.

Don't bring unorthodox innovations. Will you allow Pakistan or China to take over the security of your side of border? The answer is big no - Pakistan has a lot of fronts to tackle, being neighbor if you're not satisfied just enhance security on your side and be safe, there's no point offering this sorta BS.
There's nothing being naive in it.

Don't bring unorthodox innovations. Will you allow Pakistan or China to take over the security of your side of border? The answer is big no - Pakistan has a lot of fronts to tackle, being neighbor if you're not satisfied just enhance security on your side and be safe, there's no point offering this sorta BS.

Press TV is Iranian FOX News.

the more avoided the more better it is
Reminds me of a kargyz tradition where kargyz men kidnap women and marry them by force.
if going by pakistan's incapability of securing the border..what india did in LOC..iran shoul also do that....they are non state actors acc to pak gov..and ..pakistan don't have any control on them...even they can pressure pakistan to infiltrate into other's country...
but really where is the border secure..india-pak not secure..pak -iran not secure..no comment on pak- afghan border..only pak-china border is secure because they gave the territory of kashmir to china...
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Does Iran know that there are two sides to the border? What exactly are they going to do with both sides of it? Will they also stop the fuel and diesel flooding the market?
Why dont they set up joint border petrol teams? btw, look at all the indians having orgasms.
this thread shows that Iranian members r much more mature thn Pakistani n Indian members:p:
Can't understand logic here - It's a common border, why don't Iran just enhance the protection on its side of border. The troops Iran is willing to deploy on Pakistani side can be deployed on Iranian side of the border, that would make Iranian side more impregnable.
But, the problem is that when they enforce their side, the terrorists run over to our side and launch attacks/raids from there. Similar to our position vis a vis Afghanistan along the Tribal belt.

For some unknown reason it seems we Pakistanis just love to antagonize our neighbors, even the ones with whom we have no disputes with. Even China has complained a lot about our inability to control our borders from where Chinese separatists receive training and safe havens.
These Iranians are crazier than I thought. Pak-Iran border is not Pakistani border it is as much an irani border as well, and this idiot is offering to safeguard it with the incompetent soldiers the kind of which were kidnapped from their side of the border.....I guess too much head beating (ma'atam) ultimately results in such mental problems.

Iran offers to take over security of Pakistan border

“The Islamic Republic of Iran believes that since Pakistan is not capable enough of securing [its] common borders with Iran, it should entrust this arduous task to Iran,” said Evaz Heidarpour who sits on the National Security and Foreign Policy Committee of Iran’s Majlis, Press TV reported on Saturday.

He said the volatile situation along the Iran-Pakistan common border could open a Pandora’s box, and added Tehran has proposed that Islamabad hand over to Iran the full responsibility of ensuring security along the border, but “Pakistan has not yet given a response in that regard.”
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