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"Innocent" Ishrat Jahan

Bhai mere a party cannot be a corrupted or anti nationalist, rather its the leaders who make them this and in this case, it been lead by a Parivaar, a family called Nehru family. The highest command Sonia Gandhi and his imature son Rahul Gandhi, who is a part time politician.

When the head is rotten.. it affects the whole body. That's the state of Congress today. Whole party represents the philosophy of it's leadership.. The name 'Congress' itself is synonymous with anti-India & terrorism. They have worked with ISI in the past to create havoc in West Bengal when they couldn't find any other way to defeat Jyoti Basu! Remember Purulia arms drop? Remember smuggling Walter Anderson out of the country?
you dont have to be an expert or a bhakt,next time before we shoot a terrorist do we have to check or ask for a certificate that the terrorists have finished their training.

We can debate if she was a terrorist or not,but beleving that she is not a terrorist because she dint have time to fully become a terrorist.
The moment one decides to pickup arms ,the person is a terrorist
Had IB done this legally then they would have never reached Zeeshan Johar, nor amjad Ali Rana and Javed sheikh.
This one was a genuine national-security operation. But most of IB's operations violate arms act, explosives act, 302, 304,364, 120B. One reason this case will keep Modi on tenter hooks for long. @Abingdonboy
It is the ambiguous policies of India which frustrates me. We haven't learnt lessons from our past. We have yet to come up with a functional counter-terrorism legal framework, that can be administered well and that which can not be abused.
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The are so many clues that says Ishrat Jahan is LeT operative: Headley's testimony, the first affidivate that was latter changed and then Mani's and Pillai's interview to channels.
Before giving turncoat Hypocrite to some one you must think about yourself Yo deserve that tittle better than any one We all know what was your political orientation before may 2013 ,and whom you support now my dear AAptard comrade ...

Bhakt inconsistency. Didn't you yourself declare that AAP and Congress are one and the same? A helluva allegation for someone who jumped from CPI to BJP :D

ishrat jahan is just one case there were at least three more the only problem they were never repeorted as there were many direct and indirect linbks to the congress and the so called "smuggler lobby" of gujrat which was asking for blood ever since modi came to power and they lost all there buisness

they had first organised the ghodra carnage just two- three days after modi took power as the main areas modi came to power were so called "secular vote bank areas" and gujrat riots followed and why none of the probe comissions by sitting and retired HC/SC judges count nail modi cause all the ends lead the probe to some congressi politician and smuggler lobby and UPA & UPA2 governements dellibaretelli erased there mentions and that weakenned the case ishrat jawan case came to lime light as this case dint had any direct links to any congressi politician as it was done with help of smuggler lobby , dawood gang and there backers in pindi and karachi but then david headley/dawood gillani spilled the beens (brother of daniel gillani pakistani diplomat posted in biejing & DEA/CIA double agent) and that too on US nod as USA wanted to build strong partnership with modi government as modi himself was too strong for them to ignore and by then congress had become too week to be of any use

rest you guys can speculate yourself .... but but but this is not the last case to be brought out three to four like these are already in pipeline and will be made public in next six months or year as now BJP has come into payback mode :D

bakki lagge raho :coffee:
Bhakt inconsistency. Didn't you yourself declare that AAP and Congress are one and the same? A helluva allegation for someone who jumped from CPI to BJP :D

Where ? i never claimed such things ,Me changing political party is due to factionalism,anti Hindu stand and Minority appeasement of them not due to they loose an election or two ,And I jumped to a party which is yet to get one MLA seat in my state

topic is about your sister Ishrat ,whom you defended with tooth and nails two years back so please dont derail it ...It was a good plot by your previous party Judge monitoring the case was Congress CM Virbhadra singh's daughter Abhilasha kumari (she changed the SIT chief) ,SIT chief Satish verma who was saved by your Teesta in Zakia jafri case ,And entire Investigation agencies in your side ,But failed miserably
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My question to all those defending Ishrat Jahan:

What was she doing with 3 men not related to her?

  • No conservative family would allow a girl to roam around with 3 men not related to her.

  • Atleast two senior officials (one Home Secy, another Joint Secy) associated with erstwhile Ministry of Home Affairs have testified that there was a change in affidavit, which was overseen by former Home Minister PC Chidambaram.
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