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'Indian ships enter Bangladesh waters'

As far I know both ship and land based systems inducted just this year.
The Yingji-82 or YJ-82 is a Chinese anti-ship missile first unveiled in 1989 by the China Haiying Electro-Mechanical Technology Academy (CHETA), also known as the Third Academy. Due to the Yingji-82 missile's small radar reflectivity, low attack flight path (only five to seven meters above the sea surface) and strong anti-jamming capability of its guidance equipment, target ships have a very small chance of intercepting the missile. The single shot hit probability of the Yingji-82 is estimated to be as high as 98%. The Yingji-82 can be launched from airplanes, surface ships, submarines and land-based vehicles, and has been considered – along with the U.S. Harpoon missile – as among the best anti-ship missiles of its generation. Its export name is the C-802.

Bangladesh Navy successfully test fires long range missile

Unb, Ctg

Bangladesh Navy yesterday successfully test fired C-802 missile in the Bay of Bengal, following an upgrade to the missile system with the assistance of a Chinese technical team, officials said.

“BNS Osman could attain this glorious level of achievement after two months of laborious attendance by the Chinese technical team and ship staff,” said an ISPR release.

This is the first instance BNS Osman, commissioned on May 4, 1989 as the only missile frigate, fired long-range ship-to-ship C-802 missile, which is capable of destroying any target within 120 kilometers.

Chief of the Naval Staff Vice-Admiral Sarwar Jahan Nizam expressed his heartiest thanks to the government of China as well as all Chinese delegation members on behalf of the Bangladesh government.

Principal Staff Officer Lt Gen Masududdin Chowdhury said the upgradation programme is “part of the government policy”.

Commodore Commanding of BN Flotilla Commodore HR Bhuiyan, Commodore Superintendent Dockyard Commodore Jasim Uddin Bhuiyan, and Chinese Defense Attache senior Colonel Ju Dewu, among others, were present.

:The Daily Star: Internet Edition


Delhi’s reaction lacks diplomatic demeanour

The incursion of Indian vessels into Bangladesh’s territorial waters, that too escorted by Indian naval ships, is a matter of grave concern for the people of this country, that could strain bilateral ties if Delhi and Dhaka don’t immediately ease resultant tensions through talks.

New Age reported on Saturday that an Indian vessel and two ships of the Indian Navy had entered Bangladesh’s waters on Thursday, reportedly to carry out hydro-carbon exploration, and had refused to retreat into Indian territory despite Dhaka’s protests. This aggressive posturing by Delhi is unfortunate given that Bangladesh and India have a number of contentious issues which are being negotiated for years now, in vain, often despite Dhaka’s best intentions. This aggressive violation of territorial waters in the Bay of Bengal looks likely to join that list of unresolved issues.

When Dhaka summoned the Indian High Commissioner on Saturday and lodged an official protest, the high commissioner suggested that Dhaka send a delegation to Delhi to discuss the issue, and that the vessels will remain in the area of ‘overlapping claims’ till their work is done. In so doing, Delhi is behaving like a regional hegemon whose unilateral actions run counter to the interests of regional peace and stability.

On the very outset it is important to point out that Delhi’s claim that the waters have overlapping claims, even if true, would still suggest that such hydro-carbon exploration would have to happen through mutual consent and not unilateral action. In risking a violation of the country’s territorial waters, Delhi has only imperilled the future of ongoing talks about the claims on these waters. But more importantly, in Bangladesh’s view, this is a violation of the country’s sovereign territory that Delhi is refusing to suspend despite diplomatic efforts. It is unfortunate that Delhi is not sensitive to the timing of this escalating tension either, with just a few days to go till the national elections. If Delhi is indeed sincere in its message that the issue must be resolved through talks, its overtures clearly lack the necessary diplomatic demeanour.

Similar tensions had built up with Yangon last month, when Burmese naval warships had escorted South Korean survey vessels into Bangladeshi waters for hydro-carbon exploration, but diplomatic parleys by Dhaka at the time led to their retreat into their own territory. We expect that Delhi too will allow good sense to prevail and decide to pull back its vessels in the interest of regional peace and stability.

The Bay of Bengal is suddenly in the focus of regional attention because of the possibility of vast amounts of mineral resources including oil and gas that it might yield. It is desirable that Bangladesh, Myanmar and India, all respect United Nations guidelines and bilateral treaties and relations to settle the territorial claims on these resources.

Meanwhile, it is significant that both incidents of violation of territorial waters have occurred at a time when Bangladesh is in its weakest position, governed by an unelected and unrepresentative regime for two years, which also brings home the critical point that there is no alternative to elected governments in protecting a country’s sovereignty.

India is acting like this as it is threatening to fuse a war with Pakistan on the other side. The war-hawks in the Indian authority need to learn from history that they can't win on all fronts.

I hope Bangladesh or Bangladeshi waters don't have any oil or minerals otherwise Bangladesh will be a red flag for Western war-hawks.

However, it seems as if there is minerals and oil there since both countries, India and Myanmar, have attempted to search there. Bangladesh needs to expand her military 3x to cope with two hostile countries. And form a strong military alliance with Pakistan.
India is acting like this as it is threatening to fuse a war with Pakistan on the other side. The war-hawks in the Indian authority need to learn from history that they can't win on all fronts.

I hope Bangladesh or Bangladeshi waters don't have any oil or minerals otherwise Bangladesh will be a red flag for Western war-hawks.

However, it seems as if there is minerals and oil there since both countries, India and Myanmar, have attempted to search there. Bangladesh needs to expand her military 3x to cope with two hostile countries. And form a strong military alliance with Pakistan.

"My information which is the correct information, is that it was not as a such and incursion, but a mere technical incursion."
Its time for us to play a bigger game now with the help of Bangladesh. If BD can allow us to operate from Bay of Bengal, also heavy weapons must be spread in north east India, East Punjab, Kashmir and Gujarat. Let’s free the oppressed people in India from this Hindu fanatic state.

We love you our bangladeshi brothers... we are still one against the hindus...

Fear not... we are with you :X
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