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BD-India maritime boundary verdict on July 2

India-Bangladesh maritime boundary verdict on July 2 -

India-Bangladesh maritime boundary verdict on July 2
Senior Correspondent, bdnews24.com

Published: 2014-06-23 13:14:02.0 BdST Updated: 2014-06-23 13:25:29.0 BdST

  • Bay_of_Bengal_map.jpg
The judgement on the maritime boundary delimitation case between Bangladesh and India will be delivered on July 2 at the Hague , a senior Bangladesh Navy official has told bdnews24.com.
The hearings ended in Dec last year when both sides argued their case before the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) at the Netherlands capital.

The argument focussed on issues including the location of the land boundary terminus, the delimitation of the territorial sea, the exclusive economic zone, and the continental shelf within and beyond 200 nautical miles.

Bangladesh earlier won an arbitration case against Myanmar over the maritime boundary in the Bay of Bengal in 2012 at International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) in Hamburg.

Bangladesh went in for arbitration over the delimitation of the maritime boundary under the United Nations Convention on Law of Sea (UNCLOS) on Oct 8, 2009.

Foreign Minister Abul Hassan Mahmood Ali, former foreign minister Dipu Moni, Foreign Secretary M Shahidul Haque and Secretary for Maritime Affairs Mohammad Khurshed Alam spoke in last hearing in Dec, the foreign ministry earlier said.

Attorney General Goolam Vahanvati led the Indian side.

Lawrence Martin, Professor Philippe Sands, Professor Payam Akhavan, Paul Reichler, Professor Alan Boyle, and Professor James Crawford argued for Bangladesh, according to the foreign ministry.

R K P Shankardass, Professor Alain Pellet, Professor Michael Reisman, and Sir Michael Wood KCMG argued on behalf of India.

Judge Rüdiger Wolfrum from Germany is the President of the Arbitration tribunal while Judge Jean-Pierre Cot from France, Judge Thomas A Mensah from Ghana and Dr Pemmaraju Sreenivasa were the other members.

I think it is an excellent sign that a disagreement between India and Bangladesh is being dealt with in a civilized manner, in a court of law and not through brute strength. India has the naval strength to do what China has done against Vietnam or Philippines - I am not suggesting for a moment that it would be the right thing to do - just indicating the possibility. I hope that should convince Bangladeshi friends about our intent.

As for trolling on this forum, I guess that's what people do online in any case - from both sides - no need to take it seriously.
It doesn't matter who wins! at the end of the day BOB belongs to us :bounce:
I think it is an excellent sign that a disagreement between India and Bangladesh is being dealt with in a civilized manner,

Yes, we took civilized step of signing land boundary agreement with india in 1975 and ratified it. But uncivilized India on other other hand using "civilized" mask passed 40 years and still don't want to fulfill its commitment under the treaty. Essentially india is telling it will only flex muscle and chest thumping.
Yes, we took civilized step of signing land boundary agreement with india in 1975 and ratified it. But uncivilized India on other other hand using "civilized" mask passed 40 years and still don't want to fulfill its commitment under the treaty. Essentially india is telling it will only flex muscle and chest thumping.

Are you actually that stupid or you are just trying to be annoying?

Please look at the size and capabilities of Indian navy and compare it to BD navy. Do you really think there would be a dispute if we wanted to settle it by force. I am not sure why India would agree to take a matter to court and not settle it by force if we were so evil. Maybe I missed something there. Or perhaps its time to pull your head out of the dark place where the sun don't shine.
Are you actually that stupid or you are just trying to be annoying?

Please look at the size and capabilities of Indian navy and compare it to BD navy. Do you really think there would be a dispute if we wanted to settle it by force. I am not sure why India would agree to take a matter to court and not settle it by force if we were so evil. Maybe I missed something there. Or perhaps its time to pull your head out of the dark place where the sun don't shine.

Its customary indian trait to label people who points out to indian deception and lie. India using gun power already encroached Bangladesh maritime territory around south Talpatti island and EEZ areas. So indians pretending to be some kind of civilized nation is preposterous. And even more disgusting fact is india used its installed Awami regime to disown Bangladesh rightful claim on territories in the international court. india backed Awami regime backed away from Bangladesh south western most point in the filing. Which means large areas of Bangladesh Maritime border, which india claimed using muscle power already been surrendered. Its not time and age india can keep its intrusion away from public eye, so indians can dupe people as "civilized".

You indians other than talking pure trash could not explain why india did not live up to its obligation for 40 years after signing international treaty. That very much sums up indian intention to use gun power in many shades and continue to deceive.
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Regardless of the verdict, if anything of value, like gas/oil is found in the BAngladeshi part of the sea, India should pull a south china sea on Bangladesh, we are not Myanmar. :angel:
:D joke of the year
Why? Can BD put any resistance apart from this............................. :D

we are winning this 2th July :D ,just see :lol:

I hope you know that the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal are considered part of the Indian Ocean. Just like how Bangladesh is now considered a part of India.:enjoy:
that means Pakistan is also India according to the Arab sea theory :lol: . Is there any plan for China sea too and take China as a state of India ?
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