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BD-India maritime boundary verdict on July 2

I read that after the ITLOS verdict had been given on BD-Myanmar maritime boundary dispute the Awami govt withdrew BD's claim over a large part of the area under dispute (with India).
I read that after the ITLOS verdict had been given on BD-Myanmar maritime boundary dispute the Awami govt withdrew BD's claim over a large part of the area under dispute (with India).
where ?
what is 105 ? :blink:

wishful thinking :omghaha:

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i don't know.....but i think Indian side must have bribed the Bangladeshi side and the judges.....now thats done the verdict will come on indias side....
I have full faith in our STOOGE govt. in Dhaka............. Cheers to that!!! :cheers:

R.I.P Photoshop

On topic, this verdict is quite important as it will finally demarcate the total maritime boundary of Bangladesh, till now we have only got the eastern boundary demarcated. More importantly, the western side is believed to have enormous gas and oil reserve as few years back, India had discovered a gas reserve of about 30TSF in a block near the Tamil Nadu coast. However, technologically we are far behind from utilizing this vast resources and need to enhance our research on oceanography.
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Indian Navy will take care of our interests in BOB. court verdict doesn't really matters!

Dont Worry Sunny Jim ...We have put Visa Restrictions on Bangladesh Travel to India and your Economy has started to shake...
Just wait for Todays meeting of Sushma Swaraj....

By the way went on Bangaldesh Page of PDF all I saw was Bangladeshi Involved in Terror.... Hope your Nation is not Radicalized like your Birader in West..
Dont Worry Sunny Jim ...We have put Visa Restrictions on Bangladesh Travel to India and your Economy has started to shake...
Just wait for Todays meeting of Sushma Swaraj....

By the way went on Bangaldesh Page of PDF all I saw was Bangladeshi Involved in Terror.... Hope your Nation is not Radicalized like your Birader in West..
chutiya, wake up, stop dreaming LOL
have a taste of, 'independence'

Meanwhile India and Pakistan are nearly equal when it comes to ocean, despite our leadership being severly weak.
I have little knowledge about the dispute.

But India has taken a similar position as Myanmar in the Myanmar-Bangladesh dispute. Since Myanmar lost that dispute, India will also probably lose this one.

Myanmar won.
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