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Indian PM Singh 'refuses holidays'

I know how he works.....

Leave the prime minister job to me(and he does it well as far as developement is considered) and Let kapil Sibal handle the party...

But i will listen to Sonia whatever she tells me, because she is my boss.
He should have sticked with Finance Ministry and leave PM post to someone else.
MMS = Karna
Bad side = bad name
At the end U cant justify certain things stating that U did not do, the job warrents that it is his duty to look after other ministers.
Hell that s why he s called PRIMEminister. sadly everyone knows he cant help himself.
Come on guys these people have taken oath to protect the national interest and protect from foriegn and DOMESTIC.
Dr. Manmohan Singh you have been an inspiration to me my whole life. I wish you the best for the following year and the years to come. God Bless you. I wish you endless happiness and love.


Take him to Lanka if and only if you take Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Baba! :P
Pakistanis like him for his rational & clear mindset, hence Indians dislike him, saying he's 'too soft towards Pakistan'. Indians always prefer jingoism towards Pakistan.
Pakistanis like him for his rational & clear mindset, hence Indians dislike him, saying he's 'too soft towards Pakistan'. Indians always prefer jingoism towards Pakistan.

The whole universe does not revolve around Pakistan, genius.

Indians have their own reasons for not liking MMS. Pakistan does not figure in them.
That is because whether he's there or not, it doesn't really make any difference. Usually it is Madam G who takes the command. :rofl:
That is because whether he's there or not, it doesn't really make any difference. Usually it is Madam G who takes the command. :rofl:

Yaar i think thats a bit unfair we should learn to appreciate our leaders if they do something good or are dedicated. Its easy to hit them with corrupt all the time and paint all with the same brush. Sometimes power has its own limitations hense opposition leaders can afford more lattitude to say what they can do
Yaar i think thats a bit unfair we should learn to appreciate our leaders if they do something good or are dedicated. Its easy to hit them with corrupt all the time and paint all with the same brush. Sometimes power has its own limitations hense opposition leaders can afford more lattitude to say what they can do

Appreciating those who refuse to counter injustice knowing that injustice is existent is pure cowardice. And we Bhutias despise both cowardice and injustice. Sorry no can do. I don't care whether his bank balance has 0 black money or 100% of it; as long as he's the PM, refuses to deal with this matter seriously, refuses to be strong and decisive about his country, refuses to acknowledge and act for his countrymen, this man is as guilty as the party that he has joined.

He is as much a party in crime as much as Sonia G, Rahul G and the rest of colonial slave Congressiyas are.
Pakistanis like him for his rational & clear mindset, hence Indians dislike him, saying he's 'too soft towards Pakistan'. Indians always prefer jingoism towards Pakistan.

get a life dude...our life revolves around 2g,3g,commonwealth scams...we don't have time to worry about other small things..
Appreciating those who refuse to counter injustice knowing that injustice is existent is pure cowardice. And we Bhutias despise both cowardice and injustice. Sorry no can do. I don't care whether his bank balance has 0 black money or 100% of it; as long as he's the PM, refuses to deal with this matter seriously, refuses to be strong and decisive about his country, refuses to acknowledge and act for his countrymen, this man is as guilty as the party that he has joined.

He is as much a party in crime as much as Sonia G, Rahul G and the rest of colonial slave Congressiyas are.

First I was talking about the thread that is him not taking holidays. ie if someone is dedicated to his people that is a good thing. Now let me tell you something about the constraints of power. I remember that when i was at Uni in UK I supported and stood with a group of students for election on a very radical platform. We even had a couple of Trotskyists amongst us. The Uni was a sizable size over 20000 students in the city. Nowhere near a country population. The Uni authorities were very worried that if our factions got elected they would have sit ins and direct action all the time against authorities. I got elected there were about 9 of us out of 13 executive officers. It lasted only a year for me but one thing that I learned was that power leads to constraints initself. You have to take a lot more into consideration than would expect when you dont have the power.
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